Export Data in Table Format

Use the Export Data in Table Format scheduled process to export data from a pivot table in a demand, demand and supply, replenishment, sales and operations, or supply plan to a file on the server of Oracle WebCenter Content.

When to Use

Use this scheduled process for these reasons:

  • You need to analyze large volumes of data offline in Microsoft Excel or other external applications.
  • You can't open the pivot table in a work area of Oracle Fusion Cloud Supply Chain Planning because of limits on the volume of data that can be displayed.
  • You want to export plan data on the basis of the configuration and format of a pivot table to either a Microsoft Excel workbook file (.xls extension) or comma-separated values (CSV) file (.csv extension):
    • The exported data retains the table layout, including the positioning of dimension levels and measures in rows and columns, column and row headings, and summaries.
    • Levels that are used as filters are converted to columns and placed in the file as the first columns.

      Note that no filtering is applied. All members in the available filter levels are included in the file.

    • Dimension hierarchies are fully expanded.
    • The measure and member filters configured for the pivot table are applied to the exported data.

      There's no indication in the file about what these filters are.

    However, the conditional formatting in the pivot table isn't reflected in the file.

The file is in the <plan name>_<table name>_<scheduled process ID> format and is compressed (.zip extension).

Using the File Import and Export page, you can access the compressed file on the server of WebCenter Content.

Privileges Required

You must have one of these privileges to use this scheduled process:

  • Maintain Planning Tables (MSC_MAINTAIN_PLANNING_TABLES_PRIV)
  • View Planning Tables (MSC_VIEW_PLANNING_TABLES_PRIV)


Specification Description
Job Type As required
Frequency As needed
Time of Day Can be run at any time of the day
Duration The duration of the scheduled process depends on the volume of data that's being exported.

A pivot table with a large volume of data could take about an hour or more to be exported.

Compatibility No limitations


Parameter Optional or Required Description Parameter Value Special Combinations Required Notes
Plan Required The plan that you want to export data from An existing demand, demand and supply, replenishment, sales and operations, or supply plan None The field displays only those plans that you're eligible to access.

Plans that are running or have ended in errors won't be displayed.

Table Name Required The pivot table that you want to use for the export A pivot table in the selected plan None Not applicable
File Type Required The format of the output file
  • Select .csv to export the table data to a CSV file.
  • Select .xls to export the table data to an Excel file.
  • Select .csv when your pivot table has less than 1,048,575 rows, 4,096 columns, and 2 million cells.
  • Select .xls when your pivot table has less than 1,048,575 rows, 256 columns, and 2 million cells.

Troubleshooting Information

  • You can view the status of the scheduled process in the Scheduled Processes work area.
  • If the scheduled process takes a long time to run, click Cancel Process, and then click Resubmit.
  • For a .csv file, if the pivot table selected for export has more than 1,048,575 rows, 4,096 columns, or 2 million cells, the scheduled process ends in an error.
  • For a .xls file, these data limits apply:
    • If the pivot table has more than 2 million cells, the scheduled process ends in an error.
    • If the pivot table has more than 256 columns, the scheduled process ends in an error.
    • If the pivot table has more than 1,048,575 rows, the scheduled process ends in an error.
    • If the pivot table has between 65,536 rows and 1,048,575 rows, the resulting file contains multiple worksheets.

      Each worksheet will have less than 65,536 rows.

      When the file is opened, a macro converts the .xls file to a Microsoft Excel XML workbook file (.xlsx extension), and all the worksheets are merged into one worksheet without replication of the column headers. You can optionally save and use the .xlsx file instead of the .xls file.

  • The errors and warnings for the scheduled process are displayed in a log file.

    No warnings are displayed for you to perform actions while the scheduled process is running.

  • If the scheduled process doesn't run successfully, review the error messages in the log file.
  • If the reason for the failure isn't clear, review the diagnostic log files, and contact Oracle Support.
  • If the size of the compressed file exceeds 1 GB, the file will be split into multiple files that each don't exceed 1 GB in size.
  • These special characters in the names of the plan and pivot table are omitted:
    • asterisk (*)
    • backslash (\)
    • brackets ([ ])
    • question mark (?)
    • quotation mark (")
    • slash (/)