Import Brazil Electronic Documents

Use the Import Brazil Documents scheduled process to retrieve inbound Brazil fiscal documents from two accounts in the Oracle Content Repository and start processing them.

The documents are received from suppliers and the SEFAZ service provider. The accounts from which the messages are retrieved are:

  • scm/BrazilSEFAZSupplierMessages/import and
  • scm/BrazilSEFAZPartnerMessages/import

When to Use

You should schedule the Import Brazil Electronic Documents scheduled process to run at least once a day, to ensure that the fiscal documents received are processed. You should also run this in coordination with the frequency and timing of the downstream scheduled process: Import and Validate Electronic Fiscal Documents.

Privileges Required

  • CMK_PROCESS_BR_ELECTRONIC_INVOICES_PRIV (Process Brazil Electronic invoices),
  • CMK_GET_MESG_TRANSFORM_CONFIG_WEB_SERVICE_PRIV (Get Message Transformation Configuration).


Review these specifications before you set up the scheduled process.
Specification Description
Job Type As soon as possible or using a schedule.
Frequency This process is generally run once at the end of the business day, or can be run more often depending on your business needs.
Time of Day Anytime, but generally at the end of the business day
Duration Depending on the volume, it typically takes between 30 and 60 minutes.
Compatibility There can only be one instance of the scheduled process running at any time.

Troubleshooting Information

You can view the status of Import Brazil Electronic Documents in the Scheduled Processes work area.