Import Installed Base Assets

Use the Import Installed Base Assets scheduled process to create and update assets in bulk using file-based data import (FBDI).

Use the Import Installed Base Assets scheduled process to:

  • Create and update an asset record and its core attributes. This includes values of asset definable flexfields.
  • Create, update, and delete the asset parts list.
  • Create, update, and delete asset charges.
  • Create, update, and delete asset associations to a group.

For more details, see the File-Based Data Import for Oracle SCM guide.

When to Use

The process creates and updates assets in bulk using FBDI. Therefore, the process is run only after you have uploaded the file using the Load Interface File for Import scheduled process.

The import process includes these steps:

  1. Download and update the latest spreadsheet for your update.
  2. Transfer data to the interface tables.
  3. Run the import assets scheduled process.
  4. Verify the process output logs.

Download and Update the Spreadsheet

Download the spreadsheet template that's available in the File-Based Data Import for Oracle SCM guide. Update the spreadsheet with the import data.

The spreadsheet template organizes the asset information in the following tabs:

  • General Instructions: Contains a brief procedure to import assets using the spreadsheet.
  • Batch Information: Enables you to create a unique import batch number in which the asset records are grouped for processing.
  • Asset Details: Enables you to provide the details of the assets that you want to create or update. Use the Action column to specify whether you want to create a new asset or update an existing asset.
  • Asset Parts List: Enables you to provide the details of the asset parts list that you want to create, delete, or update. Use the Action column to specify whether you want to create a new parts list, or delete or update an existing parts list.
  • Asset Charges: Enables you to define asset charges, which provide pricing details for a flow such as billing or contract renewal.
  • Asset Groups: Enables you to assign or remove an asset from an asset group.

Transfer Data to the Interface Tables

On the General Instructions tab, click the Generate CSV File button to transfer the data into a ZIP file with one or more CSV files. Use the Load Interface File for Import scheduled process to upload the ZIP file to the server for transferring the data to the interface tables. The scheduled process is also accessible from the Tasks pane on the Maintenance Management landing page.

Run the Import Assets Scheduled Process

The next step is to run the Import Installed Base Assets scheduled process to transfer the data from interface tables to the production tables. The process will reference the import batch number defined in the uploaded spreadsheet. The scheduled process is also accessible from the Tasks pane on the Maintenance Management landing page.

Review the output logs from the import process. If any errors where encountered, they will be contained in a separate log file.

Privileges Required

  • Load File to Interface (FUN_FSCM_FILE_TO_INTERFACE_PRIV)
  • Load Interface File for Import (FUN_FSCM_LOAD_INTERFACES_PRIV)
  • Manage File Import and Export (FND_MANAGE_FILE_IMPORT_AND_EXPORT_PRIV)

Also verify that you have the following privileges for the Import Installed Base Assets scheduled process:

  • Import Enterprise Assets (CSE_IMPORT_ENTERPRISE_ASSETS_PRIV)
  • Export Asset Details (CSE_EXPORT_ASSET_DETAILS_PRIV)


Use these specifications when you run the scheduled process.

Specification Description
Job Type Run as an ad hoc job, only after importing an FBDI file for a unique import batch number.
Frequency As needed after importing the FBDI file.
Time of Day Anytime during work or after hours.
Duration Typically, less than a few minutes, depending on the volume of data being created or updated.
Compatibility There should be only one instance of the job running at any one time for a unique import batch number. There should not be any current functional need to run multiple instances of this process at the same time. A new job should only be submitted for another unique batch number after the previous one has completed, and the output logs have been reviewed.


The process will typically be run as an ad hoc job by selecting the batch number.

Parameter Optional or Required Description Parameter Value Special Combinations Required
Batch (number) Required The unique import batch number in which the meter readings records are grouped for processing in the interface tables. A list of values will display all batch numbers that are ready for import. None

Troubleshooting Information

  • Import file creation:
    • You must create the file directly from the source Excel template by following the instructions on the first tab of the file. This will create a ZIP file that is used for import.
  • File import using the Load Interface File for Import scheduled process:
    • Schedule a new ad hoc job to select and load the file into the interface tables.
    • View the status of the Load Interface File for Import job in the Scheduled Processes work area.
    • The process will spawn multiple child processes to transfer the ZIP file and load data from each of the CSV files contained in the ZIP file.
    • If any of the processes end in Warning or Error status, review their output logs. You might need to correct the data in the import file, define a new unique batch number, and start the process again by uploading the new ZIP file.
  • File processing using the Import Installed Base Asset schedule process:
    • Schedule a new ad hoc job to select and load the file into the interface tables.
    • You can view the status of the Import Installed Base Assets job in the Scheduled Processes work area.
    • The process will spawn a child process to import the data and process it from the interface tables.
    • If any of the processes end in Warning or Error status, review their output logs. You might need to correct the data in the import file, define a new unique batch number, and start the process again by uploading the new ZIP file and then processing the file,