Item Import

Use the Item Import Scheduled Process to import items and all the child item entities into Oracle Product Hub from external systems using a file.

When to Use

Use the Item Import Scheduled Process to import:
  • Items, item organization assignments, item revision, item category assignments, item operational attributes, and extensible flexfields associated with the item, item revision, and item supplier address level.
  • Import related items, manufacturer part numbers, Global Trade Item Number (GTIN) relationships, spoke system cross references, trading partner items, Stock Keeping Units (SKUs), and trading partner item relationships.

As a Product Data Steward, you can import the item and all its associated child entities in to the system.

You can schedule the process to run and provide content that has been changed since the last time the process was scheduled to run.

Privileges Required

  • Import Item (EGP_IMPORT_ITEM_PRIV)


Review the following before setting up this process:
Specification Description
Job Type As soon as possible or using schedule.
Frequency As required.
Time of Day When required. Preferably after work hours at 00:00:00 AM if there is a huge volume of item data to be imported.
Duration Based on the data volume.
Compatibility Multiple instances of this process can be run at the same time.


Parameter Optional or Required Description Parameter Values Special Combinations Required
Batch Id Required Indicates the unique identifier associated with the import batch. For Common Product Model customers, a random number can be provided. This is a dummy batch ID used for importing the data with file-based data import (FBDI). Any number None
Process All Organizations Optional Indicates whether the records are processed for all the organizations or for a specific organization. If set to Yes, then you must provide the organization name. Yes or No None
Organization Optional List of organizations Organization name None
Process Only Optional Select the transaction type. Records that have this transaction type will be selected for processing the item import.




Delete Processed Rows Optional Indicates whether the records in the interface tables will be deleted after the import process is completed. Select the appropriate rows that will be deleted from the interface tables.

All Rows

Error Rows

Completed Rows

Reprocess Errors Optional Indicates whether the updated data present in the interface table must be processed for import again. This is used when the interface data is manipulated or corrected after an error is found in the records during import. Yes or No None
Process Sequentially Optional Indicates whether the import must be processed sequentially when the process launches multiple threads for importing data. If it is set to No, it allows the process to run in parallel threads. Yes or No Yes

Troubleshooting Information

  • You can view the status of the process by selecting the row in the Scheduled Processes work area and viewing the log or process details.
  • The validation errors and warning messages that prevented the item import display in the error log.
  • If the job performance is slower than expected or not finishing, ensure that you're not importing too much content and that you've purged the existing interface records.
  • If the process fails:
    • Check the parameters you've selected.
    • Review the Item Import job file and process details.
  • The following profiles play an important role in this process:
    • EGP_ITEM_IMPORT_ITEMS_PER_THREAD – Indicates the number of items to be imported per import thread. Default value is 20. Its strongly recommended not to change this value. If you want to change this value, contact Oracle Support for help.
    • EGP_ITEM_IMPORT_NUMBER_OF_THREADS – Indicates the number of threads to be used in the import process. Default value is 12. Its strongly recommended not to change this value. If the performance issues are found even after resizing the environment and you want to change this value, contact Oracle Support for help.
    • EGP_CONVERSION_MODE – Indicates whether the aspects related to data security, change management, and audit are ignored in the import process. Default value is N. During the initial load of the item data, set this to Y. After the initial load, reset this to N. When set to Y, it helps in improving performance.

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FAQs for Item Import