Manage Shipment Interface

Use the Manage Shipment Interface scheduled process for interfacing detail to the source system and Oracle Fusion Cloud Inventory Management and sending an ASN.

When you choose not to defer sending inventory updates to integrated applications, the process submits automatically once the shipment is closed. You can manually submit the process at any time or schedule it for a specific time or interval when you choose to defer sending inventory updates to integrated applications. The process picks up shipment lines that are not interfaced and interfaces them to the inventory interface tables. When you choose not to defer online processing of inventory updates, the inventory interface records are automatically processed. The process adds the shipment details to an Oracle Fusion Cloud Order Management interface table and submits the Process Responses from Order Fulfillment scheduled process. The Process Responses from Order Fulfillment scheduled process updates shipment details on the fulfillment line and moves the shipped line to the next fulfillment task.

When to Use

Use this process when you want to defer the interface at the time of closing the shipment and want to interface the shipment detail to the source system and Oracle Inventory Management as a process at a specific time or interval.

Privileges Required

  • Manage Shipment Interface (WSH_MANAGE_DELIVERY_INTERFACE_PRIV)


Review the following before setting up this scheduled process:
Specification Description
Job Type Ad hoc job


Frequency As required, usually depends on how often the shipment detail needs to be interfaced to the source system and Oracle Inventory Management.
Time of Day Any time.
Duration Runtime of this process varies based on the number of shipments and shipment lines to process.
Compatibility There can be multiple instances of the process running at any time, but it's recommended to schedule the process so that only one instance of the process is running at a time for a ship-from organization.


Parameter Optional or Required Description Parameter Values Special Combinations Required Notes
Mode Required Indicates the interfaces to be executed. Single value from list of values, which contains:
  • All
  • Inventory interface
  • Shipment advice and ASN
None N/A
From Shipment Optional Starting shipment in a range of shipments. Single value from list of values, which contains the list of closed shipments. None N/A
To Shipment Optional Ending shipment in a range of shipments. Single value from list of values, which contains the list of closed shipments. None N/A
Ship-From Organization Required Warehouse or organization from which shipments are shipped and need to be interfaced. Single value from list of values, which contains the list of inventory organizations. None N/A
Number of Child Processes Optional Indicates the number of child processes that can spawn. Number None N/A
Shipments per Batch Optional The number of shipments that are interfaced in a batch. Number None N/A

Troubleshooting Information

  • You can view the status of the process in the Scheduled Processes work area.
  • Once the process is complete, it will have a log file and an output file.
  • The output file will have a summary of shipments processed by the process.
  • Error and warning messages encountered while running the process display in the log file.
  • When the process is submitted, you can Resubmit, Put on Hold, Cancel Process, and Release Process as provided by the Scheduled Processes work area.