Plan Orchestration Processes

Use the Plan Orchestration Processes scheduled process to calculate planning dates and jeopardy scores.

When to Use

See the Replan Your Orchestration Process subtopic in Guidelines for Setting Up Orchestration Processes.

Privileges Required

  • Plan Orchestration Processes (DOO_PLAN_ORCHESTRATION_PROCESSES_PRIV)


Use these specifications when you run the scheduled process.

Specification Description
Job Type Scheduled or as needed.

We recommend that you run this scheduled process at regular intervals. This way, you can process data without having to constantly run the process manually.

Frequency As needed.
Time of Day Any time.
Duration Varies depending on the parameters that you set when you run the scheduled process.
Compatibility You can run more than one instance of this scheduled process at the same time. However, to avoid conflicts, we recommend that you run only one instance at a time.


Use these parameters to filter the data that the scheduled process will look at.

Parameter Description
Orchestration Process Number Specify a value that uniquely identifies the orchestration process that you need to update, such as 300100541247223.

Requested Fulfillment Start Date

Requested Fulfillment End Date

Filter the data that you want to process according to the requested fulfillment dates on the order line.
Customer Select a customer, such as Computer Service and Rentals.
Item Select an item, such as AS54888.
Item Category Select an item category, such as Computers.
Process Name Select the name of an orchestration process, such as ShipOrderGenericProcess.
Process Class Select the name of an orchestration process class. For example, if you select Ship Order Class, then the scheduled process will update the plans for all orchestration processes that are in the Ship Order Class.
Replan Instances

Specify how to calculate the planning dates for each step in the orchestration process.

Select a value.

  • Past Due. If you don't enable the Replan Instantly option when you set up your orchestration process, then an instance of that process might modify a planning date but not immediately recalculate that change across all of the instance's planning dates. If you set the Replan Instances parameter to Past Due, then this scheduled process will recalculate each instance that has a modified planning date. Set this value to Past Due when you need to update planning dates but don't want to do it during busy hours to avoid performance problems. For example, you can set up this scheduled process to run at 2 AM. For details, see the Replan Your Orchestration Process subtopic in Guidelines for Setting Up Orchestration Processes
  • Deferred. An instance of an orchestration process might defer calculating all of its planning dates because it doesn't have enough data to accurately set the date. If you set the Replan Instances parameter to Deferred, and if the current date happens after the Required Fulfillment Date, then the scheduled process defers fulfillment. It adds 1 day to the Required Fulfillment Date, then recalculates all of the instance's planning dates. Set Replan Instances to Deferred when you except your orchestration process won't have enough data to accurately plan the dates. For example, when the dates from your shipping system are often delayed.
  • Past Due or Deferred. Replan any instance that has a planning date that's past due or is deferred.

For details about planning dates, see the Plan Your Dates subtopic in Guidelines for Setting Up Orchestration Processes.

Business Unit Select a business unit, such as Vision Operations.
Warehouse Select a warehouse, such as Denver Manufacturing.

All parameters are optional.

No special combinations are required.

For important details, see Guidelines for Using Scheduled Processes in Order Management.