Print Physical Inventory Missing Tag Listing Report

Use the Physical Inventory Missing Tag Listing report to identify tags that haven’t been counted.

If a tag was created by the Generate Physical Inventory Tags process, it might have an on-hand quantity. If the tag was missed when the counts were done, it creates an adjustment to inventory quantities. Use this report to verify that you have no missing tags before proceeding with adjustments. Tags may be removed from this list by entering a count or voiding them.

When to Use

Use this report when the counts for all physical inventory tags have been entered, but you then discover some tags are missing. This report lists the tags that are missing from a user-specified range of tag numbers. The report also shows what information was printed on the tag, if any, to aid in the search. Oracle Fusion Cloud Inventory Management considers tags for which you haven’t entered any counts as missing. Void tags aren’t considered to be missing. Use this report before initiating physical adjustments to verify that you’ve accounted for all tags generated by the system. Otherwise, if you haven’t entered a count for a tag and approvals aren’t required, Oracle Inventory Management adjusts your on-hand balances down to zero quantity.

Privileges Required

  • Print Physical Inventory Reports (INV_PRINT_PHYSICAL_INVENTORY_REPORTS)


Review the following before setting up this scheduled process:
Specification Description
Job Type Ad hoc job: Run this process as an ad hoc job to identify missing tags at your convenience.

Scheduled: Run this process as a scheduled process. However, it’s recommended that you schedule it before the Post Physical Inventory Adjustments process to allow you to confirm that all items have been counted.

Frequency As required to identify uncounted items.
Time of Day Any time depending on requirements. Companies often run this process before posting physical adjustments to make sure a count has been recorded for all tags generated.
Duration Runtime of this process varies based on the number of items in the physical inventory and the number of items with tags that haven’t been counted.
Compatibility There should be only one instance of the job running at any time, and there’s no current functional need to run multiple instances of this process simultaneously.


Parameter Optional or Required Description Parameter Values Special Combinations Required Notes
Organization Required The organization where the physical inventory is defined. Inventory organization None N/A
Physical Inventory Required The name of the physical inventory. Physical inventory name None N/A

Troubleshooting Information

  • When the process is submitted, you can Resubmit, Put on Hold, Cancel Process, and Release Process as provided by the Scheduled Processes work area.