Process Supplier Warranty Contracts: Additions and Changes

Use this process to manage your enterprise asset supplier warranty contracts on a routine basis.

This process supports:

  • Creating new warranty contracts for newly received assets from a purchase order.
  • Updating existing warranty contract status, including calculating the expiration date, for a utilization-based contract.
  • Enriching install base asset parent and root asset references.

Supplier warranty coverages may be optionally defined with an organization, item, and supplier reference. The purpose is to automatically create warranty contracts when an item that is asset-tracked and serial-controlled is purchased and received. During the receipt, an asset will be created. This process will then be used to find matching warranty coverages for the asset, for which one or more warranty contracts will be created.

Supplier warranty contracts will expire over time as they reach their end date or calculated expiration date. Once reached, they will need to have their status updated from READY to EXPIRED. Also, if a contract uses one or more utilization meters, then they will need to have the Calculated Expiration Date value updated based on the asset’s current utilization value for each meter.

In maintenance execution, supplier warranty contracts may be displayed in the work order. This includes references to contracts for the work order asset, as well as its child assets in its physical hierarchy. To render these references, the process will update the parent and root asset ID across related child assets in its physical hierarchy.

When to Use

This process should be regularly run in coordination with the purchase of new asset-tracked items and the maintaining of existing assets using maintenance work orders.

Privileges Required

  • Recalculate Supplier Warranty Contract Expiration Dates (MNT_CALCULATE_SUPPLIER_WARRANTY_EXPIRATION_DATES_PRIV)


Review the following before setting up this scheduled process:

Specification Description
Job Type Scheduled or ad hoc job.
Frequency The frequency should be aligned with your business processes for asset purchase and maintenance work order execution.
Time of Day It can be run at any time.
Duration Typically, it will take several minutes, depending on the volume of data being created or updated.
Compatibility It is recommended to run the program after purchase receipts have been processed.


There are no parameters required to submit this process.

Troubleshooting Information

  • Once submitted, you can view the status of the process in the Scheduled Processes work area. A successfully completed process, as well as any child processes, will end in Succeeded status.
  • If issues are encountered, the process or any of its subprocesses may be Warning or Error. The specific validation errors and warning messages that prevented the process from completing successfully are displayed in the error log(s).
  • Any interactive warning validations are NOT performed.
  • When the process is submitted, you can Resubmit, Put on Hold, Cancel Process, Release Process as provided by the Scheduled Processes work area.