Product Hub Publication Job

Use the Product Hub Publication Job scheduled process to start or schedule publication of items, catalogs, item classes, and trading partner items.

As an administrator, you can publish data from Oracle Product Hub.

Publication of Product Hub content is configured using the Manage Spoke Systems task in the Setup and Maintenance Work Area. An administrator can control the details that must be published for the content. Each spoke system can be used for different publication jobs.

You can use this process to:
  • Publish item, item class, catalog, and trading partner items. Any changes from the last scheduled run of the process is published in the next scheduled process.
  • Publish all records for item, item class, catalog, and trading partner items, for the initial integration setup with other systems.
  • Generate XML Schema (XSD) for the publication payload XML definition.
  • Purge publication history.

When to Use

The process can be used to set up publications that are used for integration between Oracle Product Hub and other systems. The publication can be scheduled to run and provide content that has changed since the last time the process was scheduled to run.

Privileges Required

  • Publish Catalog (EGI_PUBLISH_CATALOG_PRIV)
  • Publish Item (EGI_PUBLISH_ITEM_PRIV)


Review the following before setting up this process:
Specification Description
Job Type As soon as possible or using a schedule.
Frequency Once, Hourly/Minute, Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Yearly, or User Defined. The frequency depends on the expected amount of published content.
Time of Day Any time.
Duration Based on the integration requirements.
Compatibility The process is run for specific spoke systems. You can run multiple instances of this process at the same time.

In cases where the schedule might overlap the previous run, the processes can be configured to run sequentially.

Notification A notification can be created for a user based on one or more condition such as On Success, On Warning, or On Error.

Business events are also used to notify the Oracle Integration Cloud connectors that the content is published.


Parameter Optional or Required Description Parameter Values Special Combinations Required Notes
Spoke System Required Name of the external spoke system where you want to publish items, item classes, or catalog information. Spoke System Name None N/A
Publish Items Required Specify whether to publish content for items or not. Yes or No None N/A
Publish Item Classes Required Specify whether to publish content for item classes or not. Yes or No None N/A
Publish Catalogs Required Specify whether to publish catalog content or not. Yes or No None N/A
Publish Trading Partner Items Required Specify whether to publish content for trading partner items or not. Yes or No None N/A
Publish All Records Optional Specify whether to publish all the content for the object. Yes or No Yes Used with the Publish Items, Publish Item Classes, Publish Catalogs, and Publish Trading Partner Items parameters.
Publish from Date Required Publishes records of objects from a start date. Specify the start date. Date and Time Yes Use this parameter with the Publish to Date parameter to define a range.
Publish to Date Optional Publishes records of objects to an end date. Specify an end date. Date and Time Yes Use this parameter with the Publish from Date parameter to define a range.
Process Sequentially Required Specify whether the publication job must run in parallel or sequential. Yes or No No Prevents overlap of a scheduled publication job with the previous scheduled job for the spoke system.
Generate XSD Optional Publishes the XML schema for the publication payload and allows the integration system to understand the content format. Yes or No No N/A
Purge History Optional Removes publication history information that’s not required. All Rows, Error Rows, or Completed Rows No Remove publication history information that’s not required to prevent publication performance issues. You can't run the publication purge history operation if you have selected Yes for any of the other parameters.

Troubleshooting Information

  • You can view the status of the process by selecting the row in the Scheduled Processes work area and viewing the log or process details.
  • The validation errors and warning messages that prevented the publish are displayed in the error log.
  • When setting up a new publication job, run it once and check for errors.
  • If the job performance is slower than expected or not finishing:
    • Check the volume of content you're publishing.
    • Purge your publication history.
    • Check to see if the data has changed from one scheduled publication job time to another.
  • If the job fails:
    • Check the parameters you've selected.
    • Check the publication configuration you've selected.
    • Review the publication job log file and process details.

Related Topics

Item Publication