Release Backlog Planning Results

Use the Release Backlog Planning Results scheduled process to easily release all demands that have changed for a Category or Organization, or to release all demands across all Oracle Backlog Management.

The process enables you to schedule the release of Oracle Backlog Management plan results immediately after the Start Backlog Planning scheduled process completes, or you can launch the release on demand.

Scheduled sales orders are collected from Oracle Fusion Cloud Order Management and planned in Oracle Backlog Management. When backlog planning completes and planning results for some orders are released, the planning results automatically replace the scheduling information on these orders in Oracle Order Management.

While planning, and because of simulation changes, the planned dates on demand may differ from the scheduled dates. With the release status set to Release, the Release Backlog Planning Results scheduled process releases these demands to Oracle Order Management. The scheduled information then updates on demands within Oracle Order Management. The collected scheduled data for demands also updates, implying that whenever the Oracle Global Order Promising engine is restarted or a supply plan is launched with a demand refresh, the updated scheduled dates are recognized.

If you're satisfied with the results of your plan run, you can release them to your enterprise's order-management system. After release, scheduled information in Oracle Order Management, Oracle Global Order Promising, and Oracle Supply Planning updates. If your enterprise uses an external order-management system, the release process generates a CSV file that you can use to feed planned information into that system.

When to Use

Run the Release Backlog Planning Results scheduled process once a day, preferably immediately following the backlog plan run. If you're satisfied with the results of your simulation plan, run this job after the simulation plan run completes. You either can release the entire backlog, or release only orders for a specific Organization, Category, Item, or Customer.

Privileges Required

  • Create Backlog Plan (MSC_CREATE_BACKLOG_PLAN_PRIV)


Review these specifications before setting up this scheduled process:

Specification Description
Job Type Scheduled or as an ad hoc job.
Frequency Once daily after a backlog plan run or after a simulation plan run, and when planner overrides are specified in the Backlog Analysis UI. Schedule a high-volume job to run at off-peak intervals.
Time of Day After work hours, to release the entire backlog. Run on demand for a specific item, category, customer, or organization.
Duration Typically, a few minutes to a few hours. Duration varies based on the parameters selected and data volumes.
Compatibility You can run more than one Release Backlog Planning Results scheduled process simultaneously.


Parameter Optional or Required Description Parameter Value Special Combinations Required Notes
Organizations Optional Releases backlog plan results for the selected ship-from organization in Backlog Management. Multi Select, to select one or more organizations.


If you don't specify any organization, your entire backlog for all organizations will be released based on other parameters values.

Category Optional Releases backlog-plan results related to all items in a category. Select a category from a drop-down list. If you don't specify a category, your entire backlog for all categories will be released based on other parameters values. NA
Item Optional Releases backlog-plan results for an item. Select an item from a drop-down list. If you don't specify an item, your entire backlog for all items will be released based on other parameters values.
Customer Optional Releases backlog-plan results for a customer. Select a customer from a drop-down list. If you don't specify a customer, your entire backlog for all customers will be released based on other parameters values.

Troubleshooting Information

  • You can view the status of the Release Backlog Planning Results process in the Scheduled Processes work area.
  • The validation errors and warning messages that prevented the Release Backlog Planning Results process from completing display in the error log.
  • Interactive warning validations are not available.
  • After you submit the scheduled process, you can perform any of these tasks in the Scheduled Processes work area:
    • Resubmit it
    • Put it on hold
    • Cancel the process
    • Release the process
  • If the process is running slowly or isn't completing:
    • Cancel or force cancel it.
    • Verify that it isn't a generic issue with all scheduled processes.
    • Verify that the selected parameters haven't changed since the last run. For example, if you selected an Organization parameter for the last run but didn't select it for the current run, the job will run for all organizations and will take more time.
    • Try reducing the Plan Horizon or Past Due Horizon values. You'll need to run the backlog plan after making these changes.
    • Contact Oracle Support and provide them with the log file and scheduled-process ID.
  • You can run this job for multiple organizations of one or more instance in one run.
  • You can run more than one Release Backlog Planning Results scheduled process in parallel. However, if the same sales order line is in the scope of the Release Backlog Planning Results scheduled processes that are running in parallel, it will be released only by the first scheduled process. The second scheduled process won't release the same sales order line.
  • If you are releasing order lines to an external source, the few steps in the release process will run in parallel. The CSV file-creation steps run serially, not in parallel.
  • When demands from external systems are released, a child Release Planning Recommendations to External Systems scheduled process is triggered. This scheduled process generates the details of the log file, in addition to the CSV file that contains the released Sales Order information.
    • In the Log and Output section of the Release Planning Recommendations to External Source Systems process, the CSV file containing the released information is available as a compressed file. You can download the compressed file and use it to update the scheduled information in external order-management systems.
    • The updated Scheduled Ship Date, Scheduled Arrival Date, Organization, and Shipping Method for external systems are contained in the CSV file, which is generated only for Order Management systems. Scheduling details for demands from Order Management update directly in Order Management and can be viewed there.
  • Only orders that are eligible for release will be released.
  • Use the Release Backlog Planning Results scheduled process to release demands. All demands having a Release status are released. They do not have to explicitly be marked for release with any UI action.
  • Ensure that planned results for all orders that have been re-planned are released together. Not doing so could result in inconsistent scheduled dates in Order Management.
  • Picked and frozen orders can’t be released.
  • You also can initiate the Release Backlog Planning Results using REST. See Create release processes in the REST API for Oracle Fusion Cloud SCM guide for more information.
  • If the job fails:
    • Review the error messages in the log file to try to find the specific parameter that caused the failure.
    • If the reason for the failure isn’t clear, review the Backlog Management diagnostic logs and contact Oracle Support for more help.
  • When Order Management rejects a sales order, it displays this message:

    Sales order was rejected by Order Management during release.

    This can happen, for example, when sales orders with an On Hold status in Order Management are released by Backlog Management.