Republish Forecast Data from Previous Collaboration Cycle

Use this process to republish previous cycle forecast data when a disruption in the normal planning cycle process occurs.

For example, use the process when the enterprise isn't ready to publish the next cycle’s forecast data but is obligated to publish forecasts to their suppliers on a specified day.

When to Use

Use the Republish Forecast Data from Previous Collaboration Cycle scheduled process to republish a plan’s previous cycle forecasts after a cycle expires. The process copies previous forecast data to the Oracle Supply Collaboration interface tables and automatically initiates the Supply Planning Collaboration Decomposition job with the corresponding supply-plan name if at least one forecast has been identified. This processes the data into a new planning cycle.

Privileges Required

  • Schedule Order Forecast Decomposition (VCS_SCHEDULE_ORDER_FORECAST_DECOMP_PRIV)


Review these specifications before setting up this scheduled process:

Specification Description
Job Type Submitted as an ad hoc job, if required.
Frequency As required by your business, usually when a disruption in your normal planning process occurs.
Time of Day After work hours is recommended but can be submitted any time based on your requirements.
Duration Runtime for the process varies, and depends on the number of forecast records that must be processed. In general, you should expect runtimes to be slightly more than your typical runtimes for the Supply Planning Collaboration Decomposition process.
Compatibility There should be only one instance of the process running at a time. The process is incompatible with itself and with Supply Planning Collaboration Decomposition, and prevents multiple instances of the process running simultaneously.


Parameter Optional or Required Description Parameter Value Special Combinations Required Notes
Collaboration Plan Required

The collaboration plan whose previous cycle forecasts you want to republish.

Select a collaboration plan whose previous cycle you want to republish. None N/A

Troubleshooting Information

  • You can view the status of the process in the Scheduled Processes work area. A succeeded status indicates that the process has completed successfully.

    Note that the process can complete successfully without republishing the previous cycle if the current cycle has not expired. When this is the case, a Cannot republish as current cycle has not expired. Cycle end date is publish_cycle_end_date message appears in the log file. Otherwise, a successful republish of the previous cycle displays an Identified number_of_forecasts forecasts message.

  • Validation errors and warning messages that prevented this scheduled process from completing display in the error log.
  • The process does not perform interactive warning validations.
  • After you submit the scheduled process, you can perform any of these tasks in the Scheduled Processes work area:
    • Resubmit it
    • Put it on hold
    • Release the process
    Note: This process doesn't support the Cancel option.