Update Sales Order Search Indexes

Run this scheduled process to keep your sales order data synchronized between Oracle Order Management and Oracle search systems.

When to Use

Run the ESS Job to Create Index Definition and Perform Initial Ingest to OSCS scheduled process only one time. Next, for any incremental update, set up the Update Sales Order Search Indexes scheduled process so it runs at regular intervals.

See Guidelines for Setting Up Order-to-Cash.

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Use these specifications when you run the scheduled process.

Specification Description
Job Type Scheduled.
Frequency Hourly/Minute
Time of Day Set these values:
  • Set Time Between Runs to 0 Hours, 5 Minutes.
  • Set the Start Date to the current date.
  • Leave the End Date empty.
Duration Varies, depending on how much data you have to process.
Compatibility You can run more than one instance of this process at the same time. However, to avoid conflicts, we recommend that you run only one instance at a time.

