Validate and Update Cost Accounting Periods

Use the Validate and Update Cost Accounting Periods scheduled process to perform period-end validations and close periods for multiple cost organization and cost book combinations simultaneously by using run control.

Optionally, you can open the next period through this process. Each cost organization and cost book combination triggers a different child subprocess ensuring that the process is performant and the problems, if any, are isolated to a specific subprocess. You can review one parent output file to check whether the period close was successful for all the cost organizations included in the process and take appropriate actions to resolve any errors.

When to Use

Run this process during the accounting period to identify period end validations and take actions to resolve them. At period end, run the process to run the validations and close the period.

Privileges Required

  • Review Cost Accounting Period Status (CST_REVIEW_COST_ACCOUNTING_PERIOD_STATUS)
  • Manage Cost Accounting Periods (CST_MANAGE_COST_PERIOD)


Review the following before setting up this process:
Specification Description
Job Type Ad hoc job


Frequency As required. Preferably, at least run once a week to avoid surprises at period end. Also, run the process at period end to validate and close the period.
Time of Day Any time.
Duration Runtime of this process will vary based on the volume of inventory and manufacturing transactions.
Compatibility For a periodic average cost enabled cost book, the process will be Cancelled if the Cost Processor is running.


Parameter Optional or Required Description Parameter Value Special Combinations Required Notes
Validation Run Type Required You can run the process for a cost organization or a run control. Cost Organization or Run Control N/A N/A
Run Control Required Select the run control for which this process must run. Run Control name Run Control must be selected if Validation Run Type is set to Run Control N/A
Cost Organization Required Select the cost organization for which this process must run. You can also select all cost organizations. Cost Organization name or All Cost Organization must be selected if Validation Run Type is set to Cost Organization N/A
Cost Book Type Required If you set the Cost Organization parameter to All, then this is set to Primary indicating that the primary cost book associated with the cost organizations. Primary If you set the Cost Organization parameter to All, then this is set to Primary. N/A
Cost Book Required Select the cost book for which this process must run. If Cost Organization is set to All then this parameter can't be set and the process uses the associated primary cost book by default. Cost Book name Cost Book must be selected if Validation Run Type is set to Cost Organization, except when Cost Organization is set to All. N/A
Process Type Required

Set the process type to one of these values:

  • Run Validations Only: Run the selected period end validations.
  • Close Period Pending: Run the selected period end validations and set the period status to Pending Close.
  • Close Period: Run the selected period end validations and set the period status to Close.
  • Close Period Permanently: Run the selected period end validations and set the period status to Permanently Closed.
  • The selected period close action is performed only if the selected validations are successful without any exceptions.
  • Period is set to Close only if it's in the Open or Pending Close status. Similarly, period is set to Permanently Closed only if it's in the Close status.
  • Run Validations Only
  • Close Period Pending
  • Close Period
  • Close Period Permanently
Auto Open Next Period Required Select whether to automatically open the immediate next period in the Never Opened status. This is valid only if the Process Type is set to Close Period or Close Period Permanently. The default value is No. Yes or No You can set this parameter only if the Process Type is set to Close Period or Close Period Permanently. N/A
Date to Derive Accounting Period Required The process uses this date to identify the accounting period for which the period close action is taken. Date N/A N/A
Pending Interface Required Select whether this period end validation must be performed. Yes or No N/A N/A
Pending Preprocessing Required Select whether this period end validation must be performed. Yes or No N/A N/A
Pending Cost Processing Required Select whether this period end validation must be performed. Yes or No N/A N/A
Pending Create Accounting in Final Mode Required Select whether this period end validation must be performed. Yes or No N/A N/A
Pending Revenue Recognition Events Import Required Select whether this period end validation must be performed. Yes or No N/A N/A
Completed Work Orders Not Closed Required Select whether this period end validation must be performed. Yes or No N/A N/A
Pending Accounting Overhead Rates Absorption Required Select whether this period end validation must be performed. Yes or No N/A N/A
Pending Accounting Event Creation Required Select whether this period end validation must be performed. Yes or No N/A N/A
Pending Resource Rates and Standard Costs Absorption Required Select whether this period end validation must be performed. Yes or No N/A N/A
Number of Worker Processes Required You can change the number of workers to fine tune performance. The default setting is sufficient for most situations. Number N/A N/A

Troubleshooting Information

  • You can view the status of the process in the Scheduled Processes work area.

  • Error and warning messages encountered while running the process are displayed in the process log file.

  • When the process is submitted, you can Resubmit, Put on Hold, Cancel Process, Release Process as provided by the Scheduled Processes work area.

  • In the case of a periodic average cost enabled cost book, the next period will be opened only if the prior period is permanently closed.

  • The cost organization and cost book combinations with the derived period in the Never Opened or Permanently Closed status are skipped by the process.

  • You can run this process at any time during a period with the Process Type parameter set to Run Validations and resolve issues during the period to avoid surprises at period end. After you run the process, review detailed period end validation errors and corresponding transaction details on the Review Cost Accounting Processes page by searching with the subprocess ID.

  • Submission notes in the Scheduled Processes work area are updated by the process to provide a quick view of the cost organization and cost book combination and corresponding period for which the process was run. You can view this along with the process status to identify the subprocess ID where further action is required.

  • The subprocess for a cost organization and cost book combination can end in error if there are period end validation errors and may end successfully for another cost organization and cost book combination if there are no period end validation errors or period end validations are unchecked when running the process.

  • The process status is set to:

    • Warning: At least one subprocess is in error status. User action is required to resolve the validation errors and more details can be found in the parent process log file, child process log file, and the Review Cost Accounting Processes page.

    • Error: All subprocesses end in error. User action is required to resolve validation errors.

    • Succeeded: All subprocesses end in success.