ERP Integrations REST Service

The ERP Integrations REST service that is available as part of Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials is used with Oracle Fusion Cloud Supply Chain Planning products to import bulk data, upload files to UCM server, and to load planning data from flat files. The REST resource name is ERP Integrations and it supports multiple POST operations.

This topic provides specific guidelines on how to use these REST operations with Oracle Supply Chain Planning products. For the Oracle Financials documentation regarding the ERP Integrations REST service, refer to the REST API for Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials book, ERP Integrations task, in Oracle Help Center.

Import Bulk Data

The ERP Integration Service importBulkData is the main REST operation that’s used to import data for Oracle Supply Chain Planning. This is a multistep operation that invokes the following subprocesses to complete the data load:
  1. Upload file content to UCM Server
  2. Loads data into Planning staging tables
  3. Launches Load Planning Data from Files scheduled process
  4. Launches the Collect Planning Data Job Set

This operation is completed in a single API call and also handles encrypted data files and decrypts them as part of upload.

Here are the specific parameters that are used in the importBulkData REST operation.

  • JobName: For Oracle Supply Chain Planning data loads, this parameter must be specified as
    JobName: /oracle/apps/ess/scm/advancedPlanning/collection/configuration/CSVController
  • Parameter List: This parameter contains a comma separated list of the parameter values. This is used by the Load Planning Data from Files scheduled process that is launched as part of this REST service operation. Here are the parameters that are used in the parameter list.


    Scheduled Process Internal Parameter Maps to the displayed parameter of this process Expected Value Parameter Details
    Parameter 1 Source System Source System Source system code of the source system for which the data is being uploaded. This code is specified during the set up of the source system
    Parameter 2 Collection Type 1 or 2 Type of collections to be launched. Valid values are:
    • 1 denotes Targeted Collection type
    • 2 denotes Net change Collection type
    Parameter 3 Data File Zip File name Name of the zip file to be uploaded.
    Parameter 4 Not displayed Not used Specify as #NULL.
    Parameter 5 Not displayed Document ID (DId) Value

    Document ID of the zip file to be uploaded to UCM.

    Optional when using importBulkData operation but mandatory when using the submitEssJobRequest operation.

    Parameter 6 Not displayed Instance ID

    Internal ID of the source system specified in Parameter 1 (instance code). This is stored internally as MSC_APPS_INSTANCES.INSTANCE_ID and can be derived using the following SQL query:

    SELECT instance_id FROM msc_apps_instances WHERE instance_code = '<instance code>'
    Parameter 7 Not displayed Apps Version Internal value of the version of the source system specified in Parameter 1 (instance code). This is stored internally as MSC_APPS_INSTANCES.APPS_VER and can be derived using the following SQL query:
    SELECT apps_ver FROM msc_apps_instances WHERE instance_code = '<instance code>'
    Parameter 8 Not displayed Not used Specify as #NULL.
    Parameter 9 Organization Group Organization Group This is optional. It is required only if the user wants to run collections for a specific organization group. The value is the name of the organization group. If not specifying, use #NULL.

Parameters File

You must include the special parameters file Supply Chain Planning ERP Integration Service Parameters that’s generated using the ScpErpIntegrationServiceParamsImportTemplate.xlsm template file when using ERP Integrations REST service with Oracle Supply Chain Planning products. This parameters file is the file that provides metadata that you need to include in the zip file along with other CSV files to load data in the ERP Integrations Flow. This file contains the following parameters:

  • Source System Code (Parameter 1 in the Parameters table)
  • Collection Type (Parameter 9 in the Parameters table)
  • Organization Group (Parameter 9 in the Parameters table)

If the input zip file does not contain ScpErpIntegrationServiceParams.csv, then the mode of collections is defaulted to Net change and the Load Planning Data from Flat Files schedule process reads the value of instance code from the respective data files.

The ScpErpIntegrationServiceParams.csv meta data file is required only when your loading data using the ERP Integration importBulkData operation and isn’t required when you submit the Load Planning Data from Flat Files process either from the Scheduled Processes page or using the submitEssJobRequest operation.

Note: Oracle Supply Chain Planning data loads using importBulkData operation don’t need any other properties files like that are required for other product areas.

Upload File to UCM

The uploadfiletoUCM operation uploads a file to the UCM server in a single step based on the document specified in the REST operation.

Here is the parameter that is used to complete the operation.

DocumentAccount: For Oracle Supply Chain Planning data loads, this parameter must be specified as


The REST response includes the DocumentId as one of the data elements.

Load Planning Data from Flat Files

The submitEssJobRequest operation is used to load planning data from flat files. It submits the collections job set with a set of parameters in a single step.

When loading data for Oracle Supply Chain Planning products, use the following parameters and respective guidelines to complete the operation.

  • JobPackageName: This parameter must be specified as
  • JobDefName: This parameter must be specified as
    JobDefName: CSVController
  • DocumentId: Use the document ID from the response of uploadFileToUCM operation.
  • ESSParameters: This parameter must include a list of values as indicated for the Parameter List parameter of importBulkData operation. For example,


The REST response includes the RqstId as one of the data elements. This data element is the process ID of the submitted scheduled process which in this case is the Load Planning Data from Files process. This process is completed only after total flow including Collect Planning Data job set is launched and completed.

For other Oracle Supply Chain Planning processes, like the Publish Data and Release Plan processes, the recommended approach is to use the respective REST services under Oracle Supply Chain Planning group and not use the submitEssJobRequest operation. For example:

  • For Publish Data – use Supply Chain Planning/Supply Chain Plans/Publish Data
  • For Release Plan – use Supply Chain Planning/Supply Chain Plans/Releases
  • For Archive Plan – use Supply Chain Planning/Supply Chain Plans/Archives
Note: loadAndImportData operation isn't recommended for use with Oracle Supply Chain Planning products because with this operation you can’t upload encrypted data files.