Filter Supplies and Demands Based On Conditions

You can narrow your search in the Supplies and Demands table by selecting a condition from the search filter. Conditions are a group of supply-related attributes with a specific value. A condition can have one or more attributes.

From an open plan, open the Supplies and Demands table and click the Manage Conditions button in the Search region. When you open the Manage Conditions dialog box, you can create and manage conditions. When you create conditions, you specify attributes for your conditions and provide a value to those attributes. The value could be a specific date or you can specify the number of days relative to another date for a given attribute.

The relative comparison options are available only for date-based attributes, such as Requested Ship Date or Actual Arrival Date. The values for relative comparison options are enabled when you select one of the following operators:

  • Before

  • After

  • On or before

  • On or after

For example, consider a scenario where you make the following selections for a condition:




Suggested Start Date


On or before

Relative Date

Scheduled Ship Date

Number of Days


In this case, the condition would consider the Suggested Start Date as 10 days on or before the Scheduled Ship Date. If the Scheduled Ship Date is 10-January-2020, then the condition would filter all orders whose Suggested Start Date is on or before 01-January-2020.

Use Comma-Separated Values with the In Operator

When using the In operator, you can either enter values individually for items, organizations, or order numbers or you can enter a list of comma-separated values.

If you select the item or organization attribute and the In operator, then the Insert List of Comma-Separated Values tab appears, which enables you to insert a list of comma-separated values. When you click the Insert button, then planning validates the individual entries in the list. If all values are valid, then the list of items or organizations is inserted into the condition.

If you select the order number attribute and the In operator, then you can enter a list of comma-separated values. Planning doesn't validate the order numbers that you enter.