Product Manager (Job Role)

Ensures that a product gets created, tested, and shipped on schedule and meets specifications. A member of either the marketing organization or the development organization.

Role Hierarchy

The Product Manager job role directly and indirectly inherits these roles.

  • Product Manager
    • Download data for Product Catalog Export

    • FSCM Load Interface Administration

    • Functional Setups

    • Item Inquiry

    • Item Management

    • Product Common Management
      • Guided Tasks Run Time
        • Product Management Guided Task Exploration
          • Use REST Service - Journeys

      • Guided Tasks View
        • Product Management My Guided Task Access
          • Use REST Service - Assigned Journeys

      • Product Catalog Transaction Analysis
        • Business Intelligence Authoring

    • Product Proposal Management
      • Concept Development

    • Product Search

    • Read for Product Catalog schema

    • Requirement Management

    • Supply Chain Management Folder Reporting

    • Upload and Download data for Product Catalog images

    • Upload data for Change Order Import

    • Upload data for Idea Import

    • Upload data for Product Catalog Import

    • Upload data for Product Concept Import

    • Upload data for Product Proposal Import

    • Upload data for Requirement Import


This table lists the duties assigned directly and indirectly to the Product Manager job role.

Duty Role Description

Business Intelligence Authoring

An author of Business Intelligence reports as presented in the web catalog. The role allows authoring within Business Intelligence Applications, Business Intelligence Publisher, Real Time Decisions, Enterprise Performance Management and Business Intelligence Office.

Concept Development

A person with this duty can perform concept development related duties such as managing of components within the concept. This duty does not allow for creating or deleting of a concept which is controlled by the Concept Management Duty

Download data for Product Catalog Export

Allows to download data exported from Product Catalog related data.

FSCM Load Interface Administration

Manages load interface file for import

Functional Setups

Uses the functional user overview, and assigned tasks, and task lists.

Guided Tasks Run Time

Manages of running guided tasks.

Guided Tasks View

Manages of viewing guided tasks progress and status.

Item Inquiry

Queries and views items in the enterprise.

Item Management

Creates and manages items including item attributes, item structures, packs, associations, relationships, and catalog assignments.

Product Catalog Transaction Analysis

Analyzes Product Catalog transactional information

Product Common Management

Creates and manages items including item attributes, catalogs, item structures, packs, associations, relationships, and catalog assignments common to the Product Manager and Product Data Steward.

Product Management Guided Task Exploration

Allows users to explore product management guided tasks (product management journeys).

Product Management My Guided Task Access

Allows product management users to access their own guided tasks (product management assigned journeys).

Product Proposal Management

This duty allows for managing of a product proposal. A person with this duty can perform all activities on a product proposal.

Product Search

Manages product searches.

Read for Product Catalog schema

Allows to read Product Catalog schema.

Requirement Management

This duty allows for performing all actions on a Requirement.

Supply Chain Management Folder Reporting

Grants access to the Supply Chain Management web catalog folder.

Transactional Analysis

This duty is used for various generic OTBI security and filtering purposes and is therefore required for all OTBI users.

Upload and Download data for Product Catalog images

Allows to upload and download Product Catalog images.

Upload data for Change Order Import

Allows to upload data file to import change order data

Upload data for Idea Import

Allows to upload data file to import idea related data.

Upload data for Product Catalog Import

Allows to upload data file to import Product Catalog related data.

Upload data for Product Concept Import

Allows to upload data file to import product concept related data.

Upload data for Product Proposal Import

Allows to upload data file to import product proposal related data.

Upload data for Requirement Import

Allows to upload data file to import requirement related data.

Aggregate Privileges

This table lists aggregate privileges assigned directly and indirectly to the Product Manager job role.

Aggregate Privilege Description

Use REST Service - Assigned Journeys

Allows the user to call all methods associated with the Assigned Journeys REST Service.

Use REST Service - Journeys

Allows the user to call all methods associated with the Journeys REST Service.


This table lists privileges granted to duties of the Product Manager job role.

Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege Privilege Description

Concept Development

A person with this duty can perform concept development related duties such as managing of components within the concept. This duty does not allow for creating or deleting of a concept which is controlled by the Concept Management Duty

Add Electronic Signatures

Allows inline addition of electronic signatures while creating or editing transactions or setups.

Concept Development

A person with this duty can perform concept development related duties such as managing of components within the concept. This duty does not allow for creating or deleting of a concept which is controlled by the Concept Management Duty

Manage Product Component

Allows for managing of Components for create, update and delete within a Concept Product Structure and assigning requirements to components

Concept Development

A person with this duty can perform concept development related duties such as managing of components within the concept. This duty does not allow for creating or deleting of a concept which is controlled by the Concept Management Duty

Review Product Concept

Allows for reviewing a Concept with all its details

Concept Development

A person with this duty can perform concept development related duties such as managing of components within the concept. This duty does not allow for creating or deleting of a concept which is controlled by the Concept Management Duty

Review Product Requirement

Allows viewing of a product Requirement with all its details

FSCM Load Interface Administration

Manages load interface file for import

Access FSCM Integration Rest Service

Allow financials and supply chain users to access the methods associated with the Integration Rest Service.

FSCM Load Interface Administration

Manages load interface file for import

Load File to Interface

Allows file data load to interface tables

FSCM Load Interface Administration

Manages load interface file for import

Load Interface File for Import

Allows a user to load interface file for import

FSCM Load Interface Administration

Manages load interface file for import

Manage File Import and Export

Privilege to manage import and export of files.

FSCM Load Interface Administration

Manages load interface file for import

Transfer File

Allows management of file transfer from server

Functional Setups

Uses the functional user overview, and assigned tasks, and task lists.

Execute Setup Tasks

Allows setup task execution and searching of tasks and tasks lists.

Functional Setups

Uses the functional user overview, and assigned tasks, and task lists.

Review Applications Offering

Provides access to the Getting Started page.

Functional Setups

Uses the functional user overview, and assigned tasks, and task lists.

Review Setups Functional User Overview

Allows access to the Assigned Implementation Tasks page.

Functional Setups

Uses the functional user overview, and assigned tasks, and task lists.

Setup and Maintain Applications

Allows access to the Setup and Maintenance work area.

Guided Tasks Run Time

Manages of running guided tasks.

Run Guided Tasks

Allows access to run guided task flows.

Guided Tasks View

Manages of viewing guided tasks progress and status.

View Guided Tasks

Allows view access to guided tasks.

Item Inquiry

Queries and views items in the enterprise.

GET Product Management Index REST

Allows access to view indexed attributes.

Item Inquiry

Queries and views items in the enterprise.

Get Search View REST

Allows query of search views.

Item Inquiry

Queries and views items in the enterprise.

Manage Item Attachment

Allows access to view and manage item attachments.

Item Inquiry

Queries and views items in the enterprise.

Manage Item Catalog

Allows access to view and manage item catalogs including categories and category hierarchies.

Item Inquiry

Queries and views items in the enterprise.

Manage Item Global Search

Allows access to search for items using secure enterprise search.

Item Inquiry

Queries and views items in the enterprise.

Manage Product Management Search

Allows access to view and edit Product Management Search.

Item Inquiry

Queries and views items in the enterprise.

Manage Trading Partner Item Reference

Allows access to manage trading partner item references for items.

Item Inquiry

Queries and views items in the enterprise.

Manage Unit of Measure

Allows configuration of UOMs, UOM classes, and definition of standard, interclass, and intraclass UOM conversions.

Item Inquiry

Queries and views items in the enterprise.

View Item

Allows access to product dashboard.

Item Inquiry

Queries and views items in the enterprise.

View Item Organization Association

Allows access to view item organization assignments.

Item Inquiry

Queries and views items in the enterprise.

View Item Relationship

Allows access to view item relationships.

Item Inquiry

Queries and views items in the enterprise.

View Product Management Search

Allows access to view Product Management Search.

Item Management

Creates and manages items including item attributes, item structures, packs, associations, relationships, and catalog assignments.

Browse Item

Allows access to browse for items using item class and catalog hierarchies.

Item Management

Creates and manages items including item attributes, item structures, packs, associations, relationships, and catalog assignments.

Configure Item Extended Attributes

Allows configuration of item extended attributes.

Item Management

Creates and manages items including item attributes, item structures, packs, associations, relationships, and catalog assignments.

Create Item Structure

Allows access to create item structure action from regional task pane.

Item Management

Creates and manages items including item attributes, item structures, packs, associations, relationships, and catalog assignments.

Create Trading Partner

Allows access to creation of trading partners.

Item Management

Creates and manages items including item attributes, item structures, packs, associations, relationships, and catalog assignments.

Delete Trading Partners

Allows access to deletion of trading partners.

Item Management

Creates and manages items including item attributes, item structures, packs, associations, relationships, and catalog assignments.

Manage Item

Allows access to browse items.

Item Management

Creates and manages items including item attributes, item structures, packs, associations, relationships, and catalog assignments.

Manage Item Attachment

Allows access to view and manage item attachments.

Item Management

Creates and manages items including item attributes, item structures, packs, associations, relationships, and catalog assignments.

Manage Item Catalog

Allows access to view and manage item catalogs including categories and category hierarchies.

Item Management

Creates and manages items including item attributes, item structures, packs, associations, relationships, and catalog assignments.

Manage Item Lifecycle Phase Change

Allows access to change lifecycle phase of items in the enterprise.

Item Management

Creates and manages items including item attributes, item structures, packs, associations, relationships, and catalog assignments.

Manage Item Manufacturer

Allows access to view and manage item manufacturers.

Item Management

Creates and manages items including item attributes, item structures, packs, associations, relationships, and catalog assignments.

Manage Item Organization Association

Allows access to manage item organization assignments.

Item Management

Creates and manages items including item attributes, item structures, packs, associations, relationships, and catalog assignments.

Manage Item Relationship

Allows access to manage item relationships.

Item Management

Creates and manages items including item attributes, item structures, packs, associations, relationships, and catalog assignments.

Manage Item Status Change

Allows access to change status of items in the enterprise.

Item Management

Creates and manages items including item attributes, item structures, packs, associations, relationships, and catalog assignments.

Manage Item Work List

Allows access to manage item work list entries.

Item Management

Creates and manages items including item attributes, item structures, packs, associations, relationships, and catalog assignments.

Manage Product Audit Trail Reports

Allows management of audit data for products.

Item Management

Creates and manages items including item attributes, item structures, packs, associations, relationships, and catalog assignments.

Manage Trading Partner Item Reference

Allows access to manage trading partner item references for items.

Item Management

Creates and manages items including item attributes, item structures, packs, associations, relationships, and catalog assignments.

Modify Trading Partners

Allows access to modify of trading partners.

Item Management

Creates and manages items including item attributes, item structures, packs, associations, relationships, and catalog assignments.

Monitor Item Summary

Allows access to items overview page.

Item Management

Creates and manages items including item attributes, item structures, packs, associations, relationships, and catalog assignments.

Monitor Item Work Area

Allows access to items and notifications page.

Item Management

Creates and manages items including item attributes, item structures, packs, associations, relationships, and catalog assignments.

View Development Structures

Allows access to development structures.

Item Management

Creates and manages items including item attributes, item structures, packs, associations, relationships, and catalog assignments.

View Feature States Value by Web Service

Allow viewing feature states value by web service

Item Management

Creates and manages items including item attributes, item structures, packs, associations, relationships, and catalog assignments.

View Item

Allows access to product dashboard.

Item Management

Creates and manages items including item attributes, item structures, packs, associations, relationships, and catalog assignments.

View Item History

Allows viewing of audit data for an item.

Item Management

Creates and manages items including item attributes, item structures, packs, associations, relationships, and catalog assignments.

View Item Organization Association

Allows access to view item organization assignments.

Item Management

Creates and manages items including item attributes, item structures, packs, associations, relationships, and catalog assignments.

View Item Relationship

Allows access to view item relationships.

Item Management

Creates and manages items including item attributes, item structures, packs, associations, relationships, and catalog assignments.

View Trading Partner Item

Allows access to view trading partner items.

Product Common Management

Creates and manages items including item attributes, catalogs, item structures, packs, associations, relationships, and catalog assignments common to the Product Manager and Product Data Steward.

Access Proposal Attributes for Indexing Using REST

Allows access to proposal attributes that are available for indexing, using a REST service.

Product Common Management

Creates and manages items including item attributes, catalogs, item structures, packs, associations, relationships, and catalog assignments common to the Product Manager and Product Data Steward.

Analyze Change Order

Allows users to route the change order from draft to open status.

Product Common Management

Creates and manages items including item attributes, catalogs, item structures, packs, associations, relationships, and catalog assignments common to the Product Manager and Product Data Steward.

Create Change Order

Allows access to create change orders.

Product Common Management

Creates and manages items including item attributes, catalogs, item structures, packs, associations, relationships, and catalog assignments common to the Product Manager and Product Data Steward.

Create Item Pack

Allows access to create pack action from regional task pane.

Product Common Management

Creates and manages items including item attributes, catalogs, item structures, packs, associations, relationships, and catalog assignments common to the Product Manager and Product Data Steward.

GET Product Management Index REST

Allows access to view indexed attributes.

Product Common Management

Creates and manages items including item attributes, catalogs, item structures, packs, associations, relationships, and catalog assignments common to the Product Manager and Product Data Steward.

Generate Item Change Order Report

Allows access to generate item change order reports.

Product Common Management

Creates and manages items including item attributes, catalogs, item structures, packs, associations, relationships, and catalog assignments common to the Product Manager and Product Data Steward.

Get Item Index Available Attributes REST

Allows access to view available attributes for item.

Product Common Management

Creates and manages items including item attributes, catalogs, item structures, packs, associations, relationships, and catalog assignments common to the Product Manager and Product Data Steward.

Get Search View REST

Allows query of search views.

Product Common Management

Creates and manages items including item attributes, catalogs, item structures, packs, associations, relationships, and catalog assignments common to the Product Manager and Product Data Steward.

Import Item

Allows access to import items and related information.

Product Common Management

Creates and manages items including item attributes, catalogs, item structures, packs, associations, relationships, and catalog assignments common to the Product Manager and Product Data Steward.

Manage Application Descriptive Flexfield

Allows management of application descriptive flexfields.

Product Common Management

Creates and manages items including item attributes, catalogs, item structures, packs, associations, relationships, and catalog assignments common to the Product Manager and Product Data Steward.

Manage Application Extensible Flexfield

Manage implementation of the Extensible Flexfield feature on a given entity.

Product Common Management

Creates and manages items including item attributes, catalogs, item structures, packs, associations, relationships, and catalog assignments common to the Product Manager and Product Data Steward.

Manage Application Flexfield Value Set

Allows management of value sets to validate the content of a flexfield segment. Value sets provide declarative validation for use in applications flexfield attributes and key segments.

Product Common Management

Creates and manages items including item attributes, catalogs, item structures, packs, associations, relationships, and catalog assignments common to the Product Manager and Product Data Steward.

Manage Change Orders

Allows access to view and edit change orders. Does not include access to view and edit change requests, problem reports, or corrective actions.

Product Common Management

Creates and manages items including item attributes, catalogs, item structures, packs, associations, relationships, and catalog assignments common to the Product Manager and Product Data Steward.

Manage Change Requests

Allows access to view and edit change requests.

Product Common Management

Creates and manages items including item attributes, catalogs, item structures, packs, associations, relationships, and catalog assignments common to the Product Manager and Product Data Steward.

Manage Item Change Order

Allows access to manage item change orders.

Product Common Management

Creates and manages items including item attributes, catalogs, item structures, packs, associations, relationships, and catalog assignments common to the Product Manager and Product Data Steward.

Manage Item Delete Group

Allows access to manage delete groups in order to purge items, product structures, packs, change orders, and new item requests.

Product Common Management

Creates and manages items including item attributes, catalogs, item structures, packs, associations, relationships, and catalog assignments common to the Product Manager and Product Data Steward.

Manage Item Supplier Association

Allows access to manage item supplier site organizations and the association details.

Product Common Management

Creates and manages items including item attributes, catalogs, item structures, packs, associations, relationships, and catalog assignments common to the Product Manager and Product Data Steward.

Manage New Item Request

Allows access to manage new item requests.

Product Common Management

Creates and manages items including item attributes, catalogs, item structures, packs, associations, relationships, and catalog assignments common to the Product Manager and Product Data Steward.

Manage Product Management Search

Allows access to view and edit Product Management Search.

Product Common Management

Creates and manages items including item attributes, catalogs, item structures, packs, associations, relationships, and catalog assignments common to the Product Manager and Product Data Steward.

Modify Change Status

Allows users to modify the status of a change order through routing.

Product Common Management

Creates and manages items including item attributes, catalogs, item structures, packs, associations, relationships, and catalog assignments common to the Product Manager and Product Data Steward.

Monitor Item Catalog Summary

Allows access to catalogs overview page.

Product Common Management

Creates and manages items including item attributes, catalogs, item structures, packs, associations, relationships, and catalog assignments common to the Product Manager and Product Data Steward.

Monitor Item Change Order Summary

Allows access to change orders overview page.

Product Common Management

Creates and manages items including item attributes, catalogs, item structures, packs, associations, relationships, and catalog assignments common to the Product Manager and Product Data Steward.

Monitor Item Dashboard

Allows access to product dashboard.

Product Common Management

Creates and manages items including item attributes, catalogs, item structures, packs, associations, relationships, and catalog assignments common to the Product Manager and Product Data Steward.

Monitor Item Summary

Allows access to items overview page.

Product Common Management

Creates and manages items including item attributes, catalogs, item structures, packs, associations, relationships, and catalog assignments common to the Product Manager and Product Data Steward.

Monitor Item Work Area

Allows access to items and notifications page.

Product Common Management

Creates and manages items including item attributes, catalogs, item structures, packs, associations, relationships, and catalog assignments common to the Product Manager and Product Data Steward.

Monitor New Item Request Summary

Allows access to new item requests overview page.

Product Common Management

Creates and manages items including item attributes, catalogs, item structures, packs, associations, relationships, and catalog assignments common to the Product Manager and Product Data Steward.

Monitor Product Management Workflow Objects

Allows access to Product Management workflow objects.

Product Common Management

Creates and manages items including item attributes, catalogs, item structures, packs, associations, relationships, and catalog assignments common to the Product Manager and Product Data Steward.

Reschedule Item Change Order

Allows rescheduling of change orders.

Product Common Management

Creates and manages items including item attributes, catalogs, item structures, packs, associations, relationships, and catalog assignments common to the Product Manager and Product Data Steward.

Run Guided Tasks

Allows access to run guided task flows.

Product Common Management

Creates and manages items including item attributes, catalogs, item structures, packs, associations, relationships, and catalog assignments common to the Product Manager and Product Data Steward.

View Change Order

Allows access to view change orders. Does not allow access to view change requests, problem reports, or corrective actions.

Product Common Management

Creates and manages items including item attributes, catalogs, item structures, packs, associations, relationships, and catalog assignments common to the Product Manager and Product Data Steward.

View Change Request

Allows access to view change requests.

Product Common Management

Creates and manages items including item attributes, catalogs, item structures, packs, associations, relationships, and catalog assignments common to the Product Manager and Product Data Steward.

View Item

Allows access to product dashboard.

Product Common Management

Creates and manages items including item attributes, catalogs, item structures, packs, associations, relationships, and catalog assignments common to the Product Manager and Product Data Steward.

View Item Change Order

Allows access to search and view item change orders.

Product Common Management

Creates and manages items including item attributes, catalogs, item structures, packs, associations, relationships, and catalog assignments common to the Product Manager and Product Data Steward.

View Item Supplier Association

Allows access to view item supplier site organizations and the association details.

Product Common Management

Creates and manages items including item attributes, catalogs, item structures, packs, associations, relationships, and catalog assignments common to the Product Manager and Product Data Steward.

View New Item Request

Allows access to search and view new item requests.

Product Common Management

Creates and manages items including item attributes, catalogs, item structures, packs, associations, relationships, and catalog assignments common to the Product Manager and Product Data Steward.

View Product Management Search

Allows access to view Product Management Search.

Product Manager

Ensures that a product gets created, tested, and shipped on schedule and meets specifications. A member of either the marketing organization or the development organization.

Access Clipboard

Allows you to access the clipboard across the product management work areas.

Product Manager

Ensures that a product gets created, tested, and shipped on schedule and meets specifications. A member of either the marketing organization or the development organization.

Access Item Structure Data Using a REST Service

Permits access to retrieve component data for item structures using REST services.

Product Manager

Ensures that a product gets created, tested, and shipped on schedule and meets specifications. A member of either the marketing organization or the development organization.

Access Item Where Used Data Using a REST Service

Permits access to retrieve where used data for items using REST services.

Product Manager

Ensures that a product gets created, tested, and shipped on schedule and meets specifications. A member of either the marketing organization or the development organization.

Access Manufacturer Search

Allows access to the Product Management Search page to search for manufacturers.

Product Manager

Ensures that a product gets created, tested, and shipped on schedule and meets specifications. A member of either the marketing organization or the development organization.

Access Product Management Change Search

Allows access to the product management search page to search for change order, change request, problem report, and corrective action workflows.

Product Manager

Ensures that a product gets created, tested, and shipped on schedule and meets specifications. A member of either the marketing organization or the development organization.

Access Relationships for Product Development Objects Using a REST Service

Permits access to retrieve relationship data for Product Development objects using REST services

Product Manager

Ensures that a product gets created, tested, and shipped on schedule and meets specifications. A member of either the marketing organization or the development organization.

Access Structure Attributes for Indexing Using REST

Allows access to structure component and item attributes that are available for indexing, using a REST service.

Product Manager

Ensures that a product gets created, tested, and shipped on schedule and meets specifications. A member of either the marketing organization or the development organization.

Add Electronic Signatures

Allows inline addition of electronic signatures while creating or editing transactions or setups.

Product Manager

Ensures that a product gets created, tested, and shipped on schedule and meets specifications. A member of either the marketing organization or the development organization.

Approve Item Change Order

Allows access to approve item change orders.

Product Manager

Ensures that a product gets created, tested, and shipped on schedule and meets specifications. A member of either the marketing organization or the development organization.

Approve New Item Request

Allows access to approve new item requests.

Product Manager

Ensures that a product gets created, tested, and shipped on schedule and meets specifications. A member of either the marketing organization or the development organization.

Create Manufacturer

Allows access to create manufacturers.

Product Manager

Ensures that a product gets created, tested, and shipped on schedule and meets specifications. A member of either the marketing organization or the development organization.

Create Product Idea

Allows for the creation of an Idea

Product Manager

Ensures that a product gets created, tested, and shipped on schedule and meets specifications. A member of either the marketing organization or the development organization.

Create Trading Partner

Allows access to creation of trading partners.

Product Manager

Ensures that a product gets created, tested, and shipped on schedule and meets specifications. A member of either the marketing organization or the development organization.

Delete Trading Partners

Allows access to deletion of trading partners.

Product Manager

Ensures that a product gets created, tested, and shipped on schedule and meets specifications. A member of either the marketing organization or the development organization.

Generate Access Token

Allows the generation of access token for smart spreadsheets.

Product Manager

Ensures that a product gets created, tested, and shipped on schedule and meets specifications. A member of either the marketing organization or the development organization.

Get Item Batch Rest

Allows query access to item batch through the REST API.

Product Manager

Ensures that a product gets created, tested, and shipped on schedule and meets specifications. A member of either the marketing organization or the development organization.

Maintain Development Item Costs

Privilege enables user to maintain costs of development items.

Product Manager

Ensures that a product gets created, tested, and shipped on schedule and meets specifications. A member of either the marketing organization or the development organization.

Manage Assignee

Allows you to modify the assignee of an object, such as a change order, change request, problem report or corrective action.

Product Manager

Ensures that a product gets created, tested, and shipped on schedule and meets specifications. A member of either the marketing organization or the development organization.

Manage Item Batch Rest

Allows full access to item batch through the REST API.

Product Manager

Ensures that a product gets created, tested, and shipped on schedule and meets specifications. A member of either the marketing organization or the development organization.

Manage Item Import Map

Not Available

Product Manager

Ensures that a product gets created, tested, and shipped on schedule and meets specifications. A member of either the marketing organization or the development organization.

Manage Item Manufacturer

Allows access to view and manage item manufacturers.

Product Manager

Ensures that a product gets created, tested, and shipped on schedule and meets specifications. A member of either the marketing organization or the development organization.

Manage Item People

Allows access to navigate to item people tab in item details page.

Product Manager

Ensures that a product gets created, tested, and shipped on schedule and meets specifications. A member of either the marketing organization or the development organization.

Manage Item Upload

Allow management of item uploads.

Product Manager

Ensures that a product gets created, tested, and shipped on schedule and meets specifications. A member of either the marketing organization or the development organization.

Manage Manufacturers

Allows access to view and edit manufacturers.

Product Manager

Ensures that a product gets created, tested, and shipped on schedule and meets specifications. A member of either the marketing organization or the development organization.

Manage Product Document

Allows for managing of a Product Document - creating, updating of Document attributes, deleting and managing its structure.

Product Manager

Ensures that a product gets created, tested, and shipped on schedule and meets specifications. A member of either the marketing organization or the development organization.

Manage Product Idea

Allows managing of an Idea - creating and updating

Product Manager

Ensures that a product gets created, tested, and shipped on schedule and meets specifications. A member of either the marketing organization or the development organization.

Manage System Generated Import Map

Allows access to the ESS Job that deletes system generated import maps.

Product Manager

Ensures that a product gets created, tested, and shipped on schedule and meets specifications. A member of either the marketing organization or the development organization.

Manage Trading Partner Item

Allows access to manage trading partner items.

Product Manager

Ensures that a product gets created, tested, and shipped on schedule and meets specifications. A member of either the marketing organization or the development organization.

Modify Trading Partners

Allows access to modify of trading partners.

Product Manager

Ensures that a product gets created, tested, and shipped on schedule and meets specifications. A member of either the marketing organization or the development organization.

Monitor Product Development

Privilege enables users to access Product Development work area and monitor development items.

Product Manager

Ensures that a product gets created, tested, and shipped on schedule and meets specifications. A member of either the marketing organization or the development organization.

Publish Change Order

Allows access to the publish change order action

Product Manager

Ensures that a product gets created, tested, and shipped on schedule and meets specifications. A member of either the marketing organization or the development organization.

Review Product Ideas

Allows reviewing of product ideas

Product Manager

Ensures that a product gets created, tested, and shipped on schedule and meets specifications. A member of either the marketing organization or the development organization.

Terminate Change Order

Allows for termination of change order workflows.

Product Manager

Ensures that a product gets created, tested, and shipped on schedule and meets specifications. A member of either the marketing organization or the development organization.

Terminate New Item Request

Allows for termination of new item request workflows.

Product Manager

Ensures that a product gets created, tested, and shipped on schedule and meets specifications. A member of either the marketing organization or the development organization.

View Change History

Allows access to view change history.

Product Manager

Ensures that a product gets created, tested, and shipped on schedule and meets specifications. A member of either the marketing organization or the development organization.

View Development Item Costs

Privilege enables user to review costs of development items.

Product Manager

Ensures that a product gets created, tested, and shipped on schedule and meets specifications. A member of either the marketing organization or the development organization.

View Item Change Order

Allows access to search and view item change orders.

Product Manager

Ensures that a product gets created, tested, and shipped on schedule and meets specifications. A member of either the marketing organization or the development organization.

View Manufacturers

Allows access to view manufacturers.

Product Manager

Ensures that a product gets created, tested, and shipped on schedule and meets specifications. A member of either the marketing organization or the development organization.

View New Item Request

Allows access to search and view new item requests.

Product Manager

Ensures that a product gets created, tested, and shipped on schedule and meets specifications. A member of either the marketing organization or the development organization.

View Product Management Reports

Allow configuration of the report path and parameters for OTBI reports launched from the Actions menu on the object page.

Product Manager

Ensures that a product gets created, tested, and shipped on schedule and meets specifications. A member of either the marketing organization or the development organization.

View Selected Item Audit History

Allows access to view Audit History for a single item and attributes for which the user has at the minimum view privilege.

Product Manager

Ensures that a product gets created, tested, and shipped on schedule and meets specifications. A member of either the marketing organization or the development organization.

View Trading Partner Item

Allows access to view trading partner items.

Product Proposal Management

This duty allows for managing of a product proposal. A person with this duty can perform all activities on a product proposal.

Accept Product Idea

Allows accepting or rejecting of a Product Idea

Product Proposal Management

This duty allows for managing of a product proposal. A person with this duty can perform all activities on a product proposal.

Access Proposal Search

Allows access to the Product Management Search page to search for proposals.

Product Proposal Management

This duty allows for managing of a product proposal. A person with this duty can perform all activities on a product proposal.

Add Electronic Signatures

Allows inline addition of electronic signatures while creating or editing transactions or setups.

Product Proposal Management

This duty allows for managing of a product proposal. A person with this duty can perform all activities on a product proposal.

Create Product Concept

Allows for the creation of a Product Concept

Product Proposal Management

This duty allows for managing of a product proposal. A person with this duty can perform all activities on a product proposal.

Manage Product Concept

Allows for managing of a Product Concept - creating, updating of Concept attributes, deleting, managing goals and metrics for the Concept

Product Proposal Management

This duty allows for managing of a product proposal. A person with this duty can perform all activities on a product proposal.

Manage Product Proposal

Allows for managing of a Product Proposal

Product Proposal Management

This duty allows for managing of a product proposal. A person with this duty can perform all activities on a product proposal.

Review Product Proposal

Allows for reviewing of a Product Proposal as part of the Portfolio

Product Search

Manages product searches.

GET Product Management Index REST

Allows access to view indexed attributes.

Product Search

Manages product searches.

Get Search View REST

Allows query of search views.

Product Search

Manages product searches.

View Product Management Search

Allows access to view Product Management Search.

Requirement Management

This duty allows for performing all actions on a Requirement.

Add Electronic Signatures

Allows inline addition of electronic signatures while creating or editing transactions or setups.

Requirement Management

This duty allows for performing all actions on a Requirement.

Create Product Requirement

Allows for the creation of a Requirement

Requirement Management

This duty allows for performing all actions on a Requirement.

Manage Product Requirement

Allows managing of Requirement and all its Requirement lines within a requirement structure including managing of dependencies

Requirement Management

This duty allows for performing all actions on a Requirement.

Review Product Requirement

Allows viewing of a product Requirement with all its details

Data Security Policies

This table lists data security policies and their enforcement across analytics application for the Product Manager job role.

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

Application Objects

A Product Manager can manage application objects for all customer relationship management application objects

Role: Item Management

Privilege: Manage Application Objects (Data)

Resource: Application Objects

Application Objects

A Product Manager can manage application objects for the change orders they have access to

Role: Product Common Management

Privilege: Manage Application Objects (Data)

Resource: Application Objects

Application Objects

A Product Manager can manage application objects for the items they have access to in catalogs

Role: Product Manager

Privilege: Manage Application Objects (Data)

Resource: Application Objects

Application Objects

A Product Manager can manage application objects for the items they have access to in categories

Role: Product Manager

Privilege: Manage Application Objects (Data)

Resource: Application Objects

Application Objects

A Product Manager can manage application objects for the items they have access to in trading partner items

Role: Product Manager

Privilege: Manage Application Objects (Data)

Resource: Application Objects

Application Objects

A Product Manager can view application objects for the items they have access to in item and inventory organizations

Role: Product Manager

Privilege: Manage Application Objects (Data)

Resource: Application Objects

Feature Road Map

A Product Manager can manage product requirement where they are a member of the feature road map team

Role: Requirement Management

Privilege: Manage Product Requirement (Data)

Resource: Feature Road Map

Feature Road Map

A Product Manager can review product requirement where they are a member of the feature road map team

Role: Concept Development

Privilege: Review Product Requirement (Data)

Resource: Feature Road Map

Feature Road Map

A Product Manager can review product requirement where they are a member of the feature road map team

Role: Requirement Management

Privilege: Review Product Requirement (Data)

Resource: Feature Road Map


A Product Manager can manage product idea where they are a member of the idea team

Role: Concept Development

Privilege: Manage Product Idea (Data)

Resource: Idea


A Product Manager can review product idea where they are a member of the idea team

Role: Concept Development

Privilege: Review Product Idea (Data)

Resource: Idea


A Product Manager can create item class item for the item classes they have access to

Role: Item Management

Privilege: Create Item Class Item (Data)

Resource: Item

Item Change

A Product Manager can maintain created item change for the item change they created

Role: Product Common Management

Privilege: Maintain Created Item Change (Data)

Resource: Item Change

Item Change

A Product Manager can maintain item change order for the item changes they have access to

Role: Product Common Management

Privilege: Maintain Item Change Order (Data)

Resource: Item Change

Item Change

A Product Manager can view created item change for the item change they created

Role: Product Common Management

Privilege: View Created Item Change (Data)

Resource: Item Change

Item Change

A Product Manager can view item change order for the item changes they have access to

Role: Product Common Management

Privilege: View Item Change Order (Data)

Resource: Item Change


A Product Manager can assign journey for journeys to which they have been granted access

Role: Use REST Service - Journeys

Privilege: Assign Journey (Data)

Resource: Journey


A Product Manager can assign journey to self for journeys to which they have been granted access

Role: Use REST Service - Journeys

Privilege: Assign Journey to Self (Data)

Resource: Journey


A Product Manager can manage journey for journeys to which they have been granted access

Role: Use REST Service - Journeys

Privilege: Manage Journey (Data)

Resource: Journey


A Product Manager can view journey for journeys to which they have been granted access

Role: Use REST Service - Journeys

Privilege: View Journey (Data)

Resource: Journey

Product Concept

A Product Manager can manage product concept where they are a member of the concept team

Role: Product Proposal Management

Privilege: Manage Product Concept (Data)

Resource: Product Concept

Product Concept

A Product Manager can review product concept where they are a member of the concept team

Role: Concept Development

Privilege: Review Product Concept (Data)

Resource: Product Concept

Product Concept

A Product Manager can review product concept where they are a member of the concept team

Role: Product Proposal Management

Privilege: Review Product Concept (Data)

Resource: Product Concept


A Product Manager can manage product requirement where they are a member of the requirement team

Role: Requirement Management

Privilege: Manage Product Requirement (Data)

Resource: Requirement


A Product Manager can review product requirement where they are a member of the requirement team

Role: Concept Development

Privilege: Review Product Requirement (Data)

Resource: Requirement


A Product Manager can review product requirement where they are a member of the requirement team

Role: Requirement Management

Privilege: Review Product Requirement (Data)

Resource: Requirement

Trading Community Org Address Email Contact Preference

A Product Manager can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Item Management

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Org Address Email Contact Preference

Trading Community Org Address Email Contact Preference

A Product Manager can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Product Common Management

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Org Address Email Contact Preference

Trading Community Org Address Email Contact Preference

A Product Manager can manage trading community org address email contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Product Manager

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Org Address Email Contact Preference

Trading Community Org Address Phone Contact Preference

A Product Manager can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Item Management

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Org Address Phone Contact Preference

Trading Community Org Address Phone Contact Preference

A Product Manager can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Product Common Management

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Org Address Phone Contact Preference

Trading Community Org Address Phone Contact Preference

A Product Manager can manage trading community org address phone contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Product Manager

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Org Address Phone Contact Preference

Trading Community Organization Address Contact Preference

A Product Manager can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Item Management

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Organization Address Contact Preference

Trading Community Organization Address Contact Preference

A Product Manager can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Product Common Management

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Organization Address Contact Preference

Trading Community Organization Address Contact Preference

A Product Manager can manage trading community organization address contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Product Manager

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Organization Address Contact Preference

Trading Community Organization Email Contact Preference

A Product Manager can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Item Management

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Organization Email Contact Preference

Trading Community Organization Email Contact Preference

A Product Manager can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Product Common Management

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Organization Email Contact Preference

Trading Community Organization Email Contact Preference

A Product Manager can manage trading community organization email contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Product Manager

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Organization Email Contact Preference

Trading Community Organization Party

A Product Manager can view trading community organization for all organizations in the enterprise

Role: Item Management

Privilege: View Trading Community Organization (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Organization Party

Trading Community Organization Party

A Product Manager can view trading community organization for all organizations in the enterprise

Role: Product Common Management

Privilege: View Trading Community Organization (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Organization Party

Trading Community Organization Party

A Product Manager can view trading community organization party for all organizations in the enterprise

Role: Product Manager

Privilege: View Trading Community Organization (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Organization Party

Trading Community Organization Phone Contact Preference

A Product Manager can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Item Management

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Organization Phone Contact Preference

Trading Community Organization Phone Contact Preference

A Product Manager can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Product Common Management

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Organization Phone Contact Preference

Trading Community Organization Phone Contact Preference

A Product Manager can manage trading community organization phone contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Product Manager

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Organization Phone Contact Preference

Trading Community Party

A Product Manager can view trading community party for all people in the enterprise

Role: Product Manager

Privilege: View Trading Community Person (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Party

Trading Community Party

A Product Manager can view trading community party for all people in the enterprise other than sales accounts and sales prospects.

Role: Product Manager

Privilege: View Trading Community Person (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Party

Trading Community Party

A Product Manager can view trading community party for all resources in the enterprise

Role: Product Manager

Privilege: View Trading Community Person (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Party

Trading Community Party

A Product Manager can view trading community person for all people in the enterprise

Role: Item Management

Privilege: View Trading Community Person (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Party

Trading Community Party

A Product Manager can view trading community person for all people in the enterprise

Role: Product Common Management

Privilege: View Trading Community Person (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Party

Trading Community Party

A Product Manager can view trading community person for all people in the enterprise other than sales accounts and sales prospects.

Role: Item Management

Privilege: View Trading Community Person (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Party

Trading Community Party

A Product Manager can view trading community person for all people in the enterprise other than sales accounts and sales prospects.

Role: Product Common Management

Privilege: View Trading Community Person (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Party

Trading Community Party

A Product Manager can view trading community person for all resources in the enterprise

Role: Item Management

Privilege: View Trading Community Person (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Party

Trading Community Party

A Product Manager can view trading community person for all resources in the enterprise

Role: Product Common Management

Privilege: View Trading Community Person (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Party

Trading Community Person Address Contact Preference

A Product Manager can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Item Management

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Person Address Contact Preference

Trading Community Person Address Contact Preference

A Product Manager can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Product Common Management

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Person Address Contact Preference

Trading Community Person Address Contact Preference

A Product Manager can manage trading community person address contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Product Manager

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Person Address Contact Preference

Trading Community Person Address Phone Contact Preference

A Product Manager can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Item Management

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Person Address Phone Contact Preference

Trading Community Person Address Phone Contact Preference

A Product Manager can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Product Common Management

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Person Address Phone Contact Preference

Trading Community Person Address Phone Contact Preference

A Product Manager can manage trading community person address phone contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Product Manager

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Person Address Phone Contact Preference

Trading Community Person Email Contact Preference

A Product Manager can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Item Management

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Person Email Contact Preference

Trading Community Person Email Contact Preference

A Product Manager can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Product Common Management

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Person Email Contact Preference

Trading Community Person Email Contact Preference

A Product Manager can manage trading community person email contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Product Manager

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Person Email Contact Preference

Trading Community Person Phone Contact Preference

A Product Manager can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Item Management

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Person Phone Contact Preference

Trading Community Person Phone Contact Preference

A Product Manager can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Product Common Management

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Person Phone Contact Preference

Trading Community Person Phone Contact Preference

A Product Manager can manage trading community person phone contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Product Manager

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Person Phone Contact Preference

Worker Journey

A Product Manager can view worker journey for journeys to which they have been granted access

Role: Use REST Service - Assigned Journeys

Privilege: View Worker Journey (Data)

Resource: Worker Journey