Automatically schedule



Automatically schedule


There are no request parameters for this operation.

Supported Media Types
Request Body - application/json ()
Root Schema : schema
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : FulfillmentLineEntryList
Type: array
Values that contain the attributes of the fulfillment line request entry.
Show Source
Nested Schema : FulfillmentLineEntry
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : FulfillmentLine
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : FulfillmentLineModel
Type: object
Show Source
  • FulfillmentLineList
    Values that represent the fulfillment line attributes.
  • Contains one of the following values: true or false. If true, then the included items for PTO model are specified on the request. If false, then the included items for PTO model are derived internally. This attribute does not have a default value.
  • Type of the configure to order communicated in the service request. Valid values include ATO, PTO-SMC, and PTO-NSMC.
  • Value that uniquely identifies the fulfillment line for the root parent configure to order (CTO) model. This attribute is applicable only for configured to order items.
Nested Schema : FulfillmentLineSet
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : CustomerDetails
Type: object
Show Source
  • Value that indicates the party representing the customer.
  • Value that indicates the party site corresponding to the customer ship-to site.
  • Value that uniquely identifies the region from which material is to be shipped to the customer ship-to site.
Nested Schema : OrgInfo
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : SplitParameters
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : FulfillmentLineList
Type: array
Values that represent the fulfillment line attributes.
Show Source
Nested Schema : FulfillmentLineList
Type: array
Values that represent the fulfillment line attributes.
Show Source
Nested Schema : FulfillmentLineModelList
Type: array
Values that represent the fulfillment line model attributes.
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Supported Media Types

Default Response

Result of processing the request, which includes the expected ship date, expected arrival date, expected ship from warehouse, and expected ship method.
Body ()
Root Schema : AutoScheduleOutput
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : FulfillmentLineEntryResultList
Type: array
Values that contain the web response for the fulfillment line entry.
Show Source
Nested Schema : FulfillmentLineEntryResult
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : FulfillmentLineModelReplyList
Type: array
Values for the fulfillment line model service request.
Show Source
Nested Schema : FulfillmentLineReplyList
Type: array
Values that contain the web response for the fulfillment line.
Show Source
Nested Schema : FulfillmentLineSetReplyList
Type: array
Values that contain the web response for the fulfillment line set.
Show Source
Nested Schema : FulfillmentLineModelReply
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : AlternateAvailabilityModelOptionList
Type: array
Values that indicate the multiple availability options generated by the order promising web services for the model request.
Show Source
Nested Schema : AvailabilityModelOption
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : FulfillmentLineModelResultList
Type: array
Values that represent the attributes of the fulfillment line model.
Show Source
Nested Schema : FulfillmentLineModelResult
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : FulfillmentLineResultList
Type: array
Values that represent the response attributes for the fulfillment line model service request.
Show Source
Nested Schema : FulfillmentLineResult
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : ResultDetailList
Type: array
Values that identify the unique configuration item corresponding to the configuration sent for promising. This attribute is applicable only in the case of assemble to order demands.
Show Source
Nested Schema : ResultDetail
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : DestinationOrgList
Type: array
Values that represent the attributes of the destination organization.
Show Source
Nested Schema : ExpectedShipFromOrgList
Type: array
List that identifies the expected shipping organization to the customer ship-to site for the fulfillment line or availability option.
Show Source
Nested Schema : PeggingDetailList
Type: array
List that identifies the supply and demand pegging details for a given fulfillment line.
Show Source
Nested Schema : OrgInfo
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : PeggingDetail
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : AllocationDetailList
Type: array
Details about the allocation that promising uses. Displays on the allocation header.
Show Source
Nested Schema : AtpDetailList
Type: array
Values that temporarily link the input objects. Value is populated by the service.
Show Source
Nested Schema : BuyFromDetailList
Type: array
Values that represent the unique identifier of the department to which the consumed resource belongs to.
Show Source
Nested Schema : CtpDetailList
Type: array
Values that indicate the date when the resource consumption ends.
Show Source
Nested Schema : OrgInfoList
Type: array
Values that identify the resource used to determine the resource availability.
Show Source
Nested Schema : SupplierInfoList
Type: array
Values that temporarily link the input objects. This value is populated by the service.
Show Source
Nested Schema : TransferFromDetailList
Type: array
Values that represent the unique identifier of the department to which the consumed resource belongs.
Show Source
Nested Schema : AllocationDetail
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : ATPDetail
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : AllocationDetailList
Type: array
Details about the allocation that promising uses. Displays on the allocation header.
Show Source
Nested Schema : BuyFromDetail
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : CTPDetail
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : ConsumedMaterialList
Type: array
Values that identify the material consumed in the manufacturing process.
Show Source
Nested Schema : ConsumedResourceList
Type: array
Values that identify the resource consumed in the manufacturing process.
Show Source
Nested Schema : MaterialDetail
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : PeggingDetailList
Type: array
Values that indicate the supply and demand pegging for a given fulfillment line.
Show Source
Nested Schema : ResourceDetail
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : SupplierInfo
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : TransferFromDetail
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : PeggingDetailList
Type: array
Values that indicate the list of supply and demand pegging for a given fulfillment line.
Show Source
Nested Schema : SourceOrgInfoList
Type: array
Values that represent the attributes of the source organization.
Show Source
Nested Schema : FulfillmentLineReply
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : AlternateAvailabilityOptionsList
Type: array
Values that indicate the multiple availability options generated by the order promising web services.
Show Source
Nested Schema : AvailabilityOption
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : FulfillmentLineResultList
Type: array
Values that represent the response attributes of the fulfillment line availability option.
Show Source
Nested Schema : FulfillmentLineSetReply
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : AlternateAvailabilitySetOptionList
Type: array
Values that represent the alternate availability options generated for the fulfillment line request set.
Show Source
Nested Schema : AvailabilitySetOption
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : FulfillmentLineSetResultList
Type: array
Values that contain the response attributes for the fulfillment line set.
Show Source
Nested Schema : FulfillmentLineSetResult
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : FulfillmentLineModelResultList
Type: array
Values that represent the response attributes for the fulfillment line model.
Show Source
Nested Schema : FulfillmentLineResultList
Type: array
Values that represent the response attributes for the fulfillment line.
Show Source
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This example describes how to automatically schedule.

Example cURL Command

Use the following cURL command to submit a request on the REST resource.

curl -u username:password -X POST -H "Content-Type:application/json" -d 'request payload' 

Example 1 Request Body

The following example includes the contents of the request body in JSON format. You replace the request payload in the cURL command with the contents of the Example Request Body. The request payload specifies attribute values that the command will use in the record that it creates.

	"CallingModule": "GOP",
	"CallingInstance": "GOP",
	"RequestCreationDate": "2020-09-15",
	"RequestTimeZone": "EST",
	"ReleaseNumber": "1110900",
	"UniqueOrderIdentifier": "1234",
			"InstanceNumber": "GOP",
			"SalesOrderLineNumber": "001",
			"RequestType": "Order",
			"RequestedCreationDate": "2020-09-15",
			"RequestedItem": "RI-HV-GOP-Laptop",
			"PromisingType": "Ship",
			"RequestedDateTime": "2020-09-15",
			"RequestedQuantity": "20",
			"RequestedQuantityUOM": "Ea",
			"UnitPrice": "5",
			"PlanningMultiple": "1",
			"SubstitutionsAllowedFlag": "true",
			"SplitsAllowedFlag": "true",
			"GenerateAltAvailabilityFlag": "true",
			"AvailabilityBasis": "Delivery",
			"GeneratePeggingFlag": "true",
			"IgnoreReservationFlag": "false",
			"IgnoreDateReservationFlag": "false",
			"CustomerDetails" : {
				"Party":"Singapore Distribution Center-GOP",
				"PartySite":"Customer Location LG1"
			"RequestedShipFromOrg" :{
				"OrgIdentifier" : "GOP:HVGOPE01"


Example 1 Response Body

The following example includes the contents of the response body in JSON format:

	"AutoScheduleOutput": {
		"PromisingSystem": "NewGop",
		"PromisingInstance": "GOP",
		"PromiseDateTime": "2020-09-15T00:00:00.000+0000",
		"FulfillmentLineEntryResultList": [
			"FulfillmentLineReplyList": [
				"FulillmentLineIdentifier": "1",
				"NumberOfAltOptions": 0,
				"DefaultAvailabilityOption": {
					"OptionRank": 0,
					"OptionSummary": "0",
					"FulfillmentLineResultList": [
						"FulfillmentLineIdentifier": "1",
						"TotalPrice": 100,
						"TotalProfit": 100,
						"TotalMargin": 100,
						"TotalValue": 0,
						"NumberOfSplits": 0,
						"NumberOfSubstitutions": 0,
						"FillRate": 100,
						"NumberOfAtpItems": 1,
						"NumberOfCtpItems": 0,
						"ResultDetailList": [
							"SplitLineIdentifier": "",
							"PromisingStatus": "",
							"RequestedDateTime": "2020-09-15T00:00:00.000+0000",
							"PromisingType": "Ship",
							"ExpectedArrivalDateTime": "2020-09-16T23:59:59.000+0000",
							"ExpectedShipDateTime": "2020-09-15T23:59:59.000+0000",
							"ExpectedPickDateTime": "2020-09-15T23:59:59.000+0000",
							"RequestedItem": "RI-HV-GOP-Laptop",
							"ExpectedAvailableItem": "RI-HV-GOP-Laptop",
							"ExpectedAvailabilityOnRequestedDate": 20,
							"ExpectedAvailableQuantity": 20,
							"ExpectedAvailableQuantityUOM": "Ea",
							"ExpectedDropShipSupplierSourceSystem": "",
							"ExpectedMode": "Ship_GOP",
							"ExpectedService": "PorttoPort_GOP",
							"ExpectedCarrier": "UPS-GOP",
							"CarrierCalendar": "",
							"ExpectedDemandClass": "",
							"ExpectedTotalFulfilmentCost": 0,
							"ExpectedShippingCost": 0,
							"LineFillRate": 100,
							"Party": "Singapore Distribution Center-GOP",
							"PartySite": "Customer Location LG1",
							"DestinationReceivingCalendar": "GOP REC 2012-30",
							"ExpectedShipFromOrgList": [
								"OrgIdentifier": "GOP:HVGOPE01"
							"PeggingDetailList": [
								"ItemIdentifier": "RI-HV-GOP-Laptop",
								"ShippingCalendar": "GOP CAL 2012-30",
								"ReceivingCalendar": "GOP CAL 2012-30",
								"ManufacturingCalendar": "GOP CAL 2012-30",
								"BackToBackFlag": false,
								"AtpDetailList": [
									"Quantity": 20,
									"QuantityUom": "Ea",
									"AtpCost": 0,
									"AtpMode": "3",
									"LeadTime": 0,
									"RequiredQuantity": 20,
									"RequiredDateTime": "2020-09-15T23:59:59.000+0000"
								"OrgInfoList": [
									"OrgIdentifier": "GOP:HVGOPE01"

Example 2 Request Body

The following example includes the contents of the request body in JSON format. You replace the request payload in the cURL command with the contents of the Example Request Body. The request payload specifies attribute values that the command will use in the record that it creates.

	"CallingModule": "GOP",
	"CallingInstance": "GOP",
	"RequestCreationDate": "2020-09-15",
	"RequestTimeZone": "EST",
	"ReleaseNumber": "1110900",
	"UniqueOrderIdentifier": "1234",
			"InstanceNumber": "GOP",
			"SalesOrderLineNumber": "001",
			"RequestType": "Order",
			"RequestedCreationDate": "2020-09-15",
			"RequestedItem": "RI-HV-GOP-Laptop",
			"PromisingType": "Ship",
			"RequestedDateTime": "2020-09-15",
			"RequestedQuantity": "20",
			"RequestedQuantityUOM": "Ea",
			"UnitPrice": "5",
			"PlanningMultiple": "1",
			"SubstitutionsAllowedFlag": "true",
			"SplitsAllowedFlag": "true",
			"GenerateAltAvailabilityFlag": "true",
			"AvailabilityBasis": "Delivery",
			"GeneratePeggingFlag": "true",
			"RequestedCarrier": "UPS-GOP",
			"RequestedServiceLevel": "PorttoPort_GOP",
			"RequestedMode": "Ship_GOP",

			"IgnoreReservationFlag": "false",
			"IgnoreDateReservationFlag": "false",
			"CustomerDetails" : {
				"Party":"Singapore Distribution Center-GOP",
				"PartySite":"Customer Location LG1"
			"RequestedShipFromOrg" :{
				"OrgIdentifier" : "GOP:HVGOPE01"


Example 2 Response Body

The following example includes the contents of the response body in JSON format:

	"AutoScheduleOutput": {
		"PromisingSystem": "NewGop",
		"PromisingInstance": "GOP",
		"PromiseDateTime": "2020-09-15T00:00:00.000+0000",
		"FulfillmentLineEntryResultList": [
			"FulfillmentLineReplyList": [
				"FulillmentLineIdentifier": "1",
				"NumberOfAltOptions": 0,
				"DefaultAvailabilityOption": {
					"OptionRank": 0,
					"OptionSummary": "0",
					"FulfillmentLineResultList": [
						"FulfillmentLineIdentifier": "1",
						"TotalPrice": 100,
						"TotalProfit": 100,
						"TotalMargin": 100,
						"TotalValue": 0,
						"NumberOfSplits": 0,
						"NumberOfSubstitutions": 0,
						"FillRate": 100,
						"NumberOfAtpItems": 1,
						"NumberOfCtpItems": 0,
						"ResultDetailList": [
							"SplitLineIdentifier": "",
							"PromisingStatus": "",
							"RequestedDateTime": "2020-09-15T00:00:00.000+0000",
							"PromisingType": "Ship",
							"ExpectedArrivalDateTime": "2020-09-16T23:59:59.000+0000",
							"ExpectedShipDateTime": "2020-09-15T23:59:59.000+0000",
							"ExpectedPickDateTime": "2020-09-15T23:59:59.000+0000",
							"RequestedItem": "RI-HV-GOP-Laptop",
							"ExpectedAvailableItem": "RI-HV-GOP-Laptop",
							"ExpectedAvailabilityOnRequestedDate": 20,
							"ExpectedAvailableQuantity": 20,
							"ExpectedAvailableQuantityUOM": "Ea",
							"ExpectedDropShipSupplierSourceSystem": "",
							"ExpectedMode": "Ship_GOP",
							"ExpectedService": "PorttoPort_GOP",
							"ExpectedCarrier": "UPS-GOP",
							"CarrierCalendar": "",
							"ExpectedDemandClass": "",
							"ExpectedTotalFulfilmentCost": 0,
							"ExpectedShippingCost": 0,
							"LineFillRate": 100,
							"Party": "Singapore Distribution Center-GOP",
							"PartySite": "Customer Location LG1",
							"DestinationReceivingCalendar": "GOP REC 2012-30",
							"ExpectedShipFromOrgList": [
								"OrgIdentifier": "GOP:HVGOPE01"
							"PeggingDetailList": [
								"ItemIdentifier": "RI-HV-GOP-Laptop",
								"ShippingCalendar": "GOP CAL 2012-30",
								"ReceivingCalendar": "GOP CAL 2012-30",
								"ManufacturingCalendar": "GOP CAL 2012-30",
								"BackToBackFlag": false,
								"AtpDetailList": [
									"Quantity": 20,
									"QuantityUom": "Ea",
									"AtpCost": 0,
									"AtpMode": "3",
									"LeadTime": 0,
									"RequiredQuantity": 20,
									"RequiredDateTime": "2020-09-15T23:59:59.000+0000"
								"OrgInfoList": [
									"OrgIdentifier": "GOP:HVGOPE01"

Example 3 Request Body

The following example includes the contents of the request body in JSON format. You replace the request payload in the cURL command with the contents of the Example Request Body. The request payload specifies attribute values that the command will use in the record that it creates.

	"CallingModule": "GOP",
	"CallingInstance": "GOP",
	"RequestCreationDate": "2020-09-15",
	"RequestTimeZone": "EST",
	"ReleaseNumber": "1110900",
	"UniqueOrderIdentifier": "1234",
			"InstanceNumber": "GOP",
			"SalesOrderLineNumber": "001",
			"RequestType": "Order",
			"RequestedCreationDate": "2020-09-15",
			"RequestedItem": "RI-HV-GOP-Laptop",
			"PromisingType": "Arrival",
			"RequestedDateTime": "2020-09-15",
			"RequestedQuantity": "20",
			"RequestedQuantityUOM": "Ea",
			"UnitPrice": "5",
			"PlanningMultiple": "1",
			"SubstitutionsAllowedFlag": "true",
			"SplitsAllowedFlag": "true",
			"GenerateAltAvailabilityFlag": "true",
			"AvailabilityBasis": "Delivery",
			"GeneratePeggingFlag": "true",
			"IgnoreReservationFlag": "false",
			"IgnoreDateReservationFlag": "false",
			"CustomerDetails" : {
				"Party":"Singapore Distribution Center-GOP",
				"PartySite":"Customer Location LG1"
			"RequestedShipFromOrg" :{
				"OrgIdentifier" : "GOP:HVGOPE01"


Example 3 Response Body

The following example includes the contents of the response body in JSON format:

	"AutoScheduleOutput": {
		"PromisingSystem": "NewGop",
		"PromisingInstance": "GOP",
		"PromiseDateTime": "2020-09-15T00:00:00.000+0000",
		"FulfillmentLineEntryResultList": [
			"FulfillmentLineReplyList": [
				"FulillmentLineIdentifier": "1",
				"NumberOfAltOptions": 0,
				"DefaultAvailabilityOption": {
					"OptionRank": 0,
					"OptionSummary": "0",
					"FulfillmentLineResultList": [
						"FulfillmentLineIdentifier": "1",
						"TotalPrice": 100,
						"TotalProfit": 100,
						"TotalMargin": 100,
						"TotalValue": 0,
						"NumberOfSplits": 0,
						"NumberOfSubstitutions": 0,
						"FillRate": 100,
						"NumberOfAtpItems": 1,
						"NumberOfCtpItems": 0,
						"ResultDetailList": [
							"SplitLineIdentifier": "",
							"PromisingStatus": "",
							"RequestedDateTime": "2020-09-15T00:00:00.000+0000",
							"PromisingType": "Arrival",
							"ExpectedArrivalDateTime": "2020-09-16T23:59:59.000+0000",
							"ExpectedShipDateTime": "2020-09-15T23:59:59.000+0000",
							"ExpectedPickDateTime": "2020-09-15T23:59:59.000+0000",
							"RequestedItem": "RI-HV-GOP-Laptop",
							"ExpectedAvailableItem": "RI-HV-GOP-Laptop",
							"ExpectedAvailabilityOnRequestedDate": 0,
							"ExpectedAvailableQuantity": 20,
							"ExpectedAvailableQuantityUOM": "Ea",
							"ExpectedDropShipSupplierSourceSystem": "",
							"ExpectedMode": "Ship_GOP",
							"ExpectedService": "PorttoPort_GOP",
							"ExpectedCarrier": "UPS-GOP",
							"CarrierCalendar": "",
							"ExpectedDemandClass": "",
							"ExpectedTotalFulfilmentCost": 0,
							"ExpectedShippingCost": 0,
							"LineFillRate": 100,
							"Party": "Singapore Distribution Center-GOP",
							"PartySite": "Customer Location LG1",
							"DestinationReceivingCalendar": "GOP REC 2012-30",
							"ExpectedShipFromOrgList": [
								"OrgIdentifier": "GOP:HVGOPE01"
							"PeggingDetailList": [
								"ItemIdentifier": "RI-HV-GOP-Laptop",
								"ShippingCalendar": "GOP CAL 2012-30",
								"ReceivingCalendar": "GOP CAL 2012-30",
								"ManufacturingCalendar": "GOP CAL 2012-30",
								"BackToBackFlag": false,
								"AtpDetailList": [
									"Quantity": 20,
									"QuantityUom": "Ea",
									"AtpCost": 0,
									"AtpMode": "3",
									"LeadTime": 0,
									"RequiredQuantity": 20,
									"RequiredDateTime": "2020-09-15T23:59:59.000+0000"
								"OrgInfoList": [
									"OrgIdentifier": "GOP:HVGOPE01"

Example 4 Request Body

The following example includes the contents of the request body in JSON format. You replace the request payload in the cURL command with the contents of the Example Request Body. The request payload specifies attribute values that the command will use in the record that it creates.

	"CallingModule": "GOP",
	"CallingInstance": "GOP",
	"RequestCreationDate": "2020-09-15",
	"RequestTimeZone": "EST",
	"ReleaseNumber": "1110900",
	"UniqueOrderIdentifier": "1234",
			"InstanceNumber": "GOP",
			"SalesOrderLineNumber": "001",
			"RequestType": "Order",
			"RequestedCreationDate": "2020-09-15",
			"RequestedItem": "RI-HV-GOP-Laptop",
			"PromisingType": "Arrival",
			"RequestedDateTime": "2020-09-15",
			"RequestedQuantity": "20",
			"RequestedQuantityUOM": "Ea",
			"UnitPrice": "5",
			"PlanningMultiple": "1",
			"SubstitutionsAllowedFlag": "true",
			"SplitsAllowedFlag": "true",
			"GenerateAltAvailabilityFlag": "true",
			"AvailabilityBasis": "Delivery",
			"GeneratePeggingFlag": "true",
			"RequestedCarrier": "UPS-GOP",
			"RequestedServiceLevel": "PorttoPort_GOP",
			"RequestedMode": "Ship_GOP",

			"IgnoreReservationFlag": "false",
			"IgnoreDateReservationFlag": "false",
			"CustomerDetails" : {
				"Party":"Singapore Distribution Center-GOP",
				"PartySite":"Customer Location LG1"
			"RequestedShipFromOrg" :{
				"OrgIdentifier" : "GOP:HVGOPE01"


Example 4 Response Body

The following example includes the contents of the response body in JSON format:

	"AutoScheduleOutput": {
		"PromisingSystem": "NewGop",
		"PromisingInstance": "GOP",
		"PromiseDateTime": "2020-09-15T00:00:00.000+0000",
		"FulfillmentLineEntryResultList": [
			"FulfillmentLineReplyList": [
				"FulillmentLineIdentifier": "1",
				"NumberOfAltOptions": 0,
				"DefaultAvailabilityOption": {
					"OptionRank": 0,
					"OptionSummary": "0",
					"FulfillmentLineResultList": [
						"FulfillmentLineIdentifier": "1",
						"TotalPrice": 100,
						"TotalProfit": 100,
						"TotalMargin": 100,
						"TotalValue": 0,
						"NumberOfSplits": 0,
						"NumberOfSubstitutions": 0,
						"FillRate": 100,
						"NumberOfAtpItems": 1,
						"NumberOfCtpItems": 0,
						"ResultDetailList": [
							"SplitLineIdentifier": "",
							"PromisingStatus": "",
							"RequestedDateTime": "2020-09-15T00:00:00.000+0000",
							"PromisingType": "Arrival",
							"ExpectedArrivalDateTime": "2020-09-16T23:59:59.000+0000",
							"ExpectedShipDateTime": "2020-09-15T23:59:59.000+0000",
							"ExpectedPickDateTime": "2020-09-15T23:59:59.000+0000",
							"RequestedItem": "RI-HV-GOP-Laptop",
							"ExpectedAvailableItem": "RI-HV-GOP-Laptop",
							"ExpectedAvailabilityOnRequestedDate": 0,
							"ExpectedAvailableQuantity": 20,
							"ExpectedAvailableQuantityUOM": "Ea",
							"ExpectedDropShipSupplierSourceSystem": "",
							"ExpectedMode": "Ship_GOP",
							"ExpectedService": "PorttoPort_GOP",
							"ExpectedCarrier": "UPS-GOP",
							"CarrierCalendar": "",
							"ExpectedDemandClass": "",
							"ExpectedTotalFulfilmentCost": 0,
							"ExpectedShippingCost": 0,
							"LineFillRate": 100,
							"Party": "Singapore Distribution Center-GOP",
							"PartySite": "Customer Location LG1",
							"DestinationReceivingCalendar": "GOP REC 2012-30",
							"ExpectedShipFromOrgList": [
								"OrgIdentifier": "GOP:HVGOPE01"
							"PeggingDetailList": [
								"ItemIdentifier": "RI-HV-GOP-Laptop",
								"ShippingCalendar": "GOP CAL 2012-30",
								"ReceivingCalendar": "GOP CAL 2012-30",
								"ManufacturingCalendar": "GOP CAL 2012-30",
								"BackToBackFlag": false,
								"AtpDetailList": [
									"Quantity": 20,
									"QuantityUom": "Ea",
									"AtpCost": 0,
									"AtpMode": "3",
									"LeadTime": 0,
									"RequiredQuantity": 20,
									"RequiredDateTime": "2020-09-15T23:59:59.000+0000"
								"OrgInfoList": [
									"OrgIdentifier": "GOP:HVGOPE01"

Example 5 Request Body

The following example includes the contents of the request body in JSON format. You replace the request payload in the cURL command with the contents of the Example Request Body. The request payload specifies attribute values that the command will use in the record that it creates.

	"CallingModule": "GOP",
	"CallingInstance": "300100110961352",
	"RequestCreationDate": "2020-09-02",
	"RequestTimeZone": "EST",
	"ReleaseNumber": "1110900",
	"UniqueOrderIdentifier": "1234",
			"InstanceNumber": "GOP",
			"SalesOrderLineNumber": "001",
			"RequestType": "Order",
			"RequestedCreationDate": "2020-09-02",
			"RequestedItem": "RI-HV-GOP-Laptop",
			"PromisingType": "Ship",
			"RequestedDateTime": "2020-09-02",
			"RequestedQuantity": "110",
			"RequestedQuantityUOM": "Ea",
			"UnitPrice": "5",
			"PlanningMultiple": "1",
			"SubstitutionsAllowedFlag": "true",
			"SplitsAllowedFlag": "true",
			"GenerateAltAvailabilityFlag": "true",
			"AvailabilityBasis": "Delivery",
			"GeneratePeggingFlag": "true",
			"IgnoreReservationFlag": "false",
			"IgnoreDateReservationFlag": "false",
			"CustomerDetails" : {
				"Party":"Singapore Distribution Center-GOP",
				"PartySite":"Customer Location LG17"
			"RequestedShipFromOrg" :{
				"OrgIdentifier" : "GOP:HVGOPE02"


Example 5 Response Body

The following example includes the contents of the response body in JSON format:

	"AutoScheduleOutput": {
		"PromisingSystem": "NewGop",
		"PromisingInstance": "GOP",
		"PromiseDateTime": "2020-09-17T00:00:00.000+0000",
		"FulfillmentLineEntryResultList": [
			"FulfillmentLineReplyList": [
				"FulillmentLineIdentifier": "1",
				"NumberOfAltOptions": 0,
				"DefaultAvailabilityOption": {
					"OptionRank": 0,
					"OptionSummary": "0",
					"FulfillmentLineResultList": [
						"FulfillmentLineIdentifier": "1",
						"TotalPrice": 550,
						"TotalProfit": 550,
						"TotalMargin": 100,
						"TotalValue": 0,
						"NumberOfSplits": 1,
						"NumberOfSubstitutions": 0,
						"FillRate": 100,
						"NumberOfAtpItems": 0,
						"NumberOfCtpItems": 0,
						"ResultDetailList": [
							"SplitLineIdentifier": "",
							"PromisingStatus": "",
							"RequestedDateTime": "2020-09-17T00:00:00.000+0000",
							"PromisingType": "Ship",
							"ExpectedArrivalDateTime": "2020-09-17T23:59:59.000+0000",
							"ExpectedShipDateTime": "2020-09-17T23:59:59.000+0000",
							"ExpectedPickDateTime": "2020-09-17T23:59:59.000+0000",
							"RequestedItem": "RI-HV-GOP-Laptop",
							"ExpectedAvailableItem": "RI-HV-GOP-Laptop",
							"ExpectedAvailabilityOnRequestedDate": 100,
							"ExpectedAvailableQuantity": 100,
							"ExpectedAvailableQuantityUOM": "Ea",
							"ExpectedDropShipSupplierSourceSystem": "",
							"ExpectedMode": "",
							"ExpectedService": "",
							"ExpectedCarrier": "",
							"CarrierCalendar": "",
							"ExpectedDemandClass": "",
							"ExpectedTotalFulfilmentCost": 0,
							"ExpectedShippingCost": 0,
							"LineFillRate": 90.91000366210938,
							"Party": "Singapore Distribution Center-GOP",
							"PartySite": "Customer Location LG17",
							"ExpectedShipFromOrgList": [
								"OrgIdentifier": "GOP:HVGOPE02"
							"SplitLineIdentifier": "1.1600333416292.1",
							"PromisingStatus": "",
							"RequestedDateTime": "2020-09-17T00:00:00.000+0000",
							"PromisingType": "Ship",
							"ExpectedArrivalDateTime": "2020-09-17T23:59:59.000+0000",
							"ExpectedShipDateTime": "2020-09-17T23:59:59.000+0000",
							"ExpectedPickDateTime": "2020-09-17T23:59:59.000+0000",
							"RequestedItem": "RI-HV-GOP-Laptop",
							"ExpectedAvailableItem": "RI-HV-GOP-Laptop-S",
							"ExpectedAvailabilityOnRequestedDate": 10,
							"ExpectedAvailableQuantity": 10,
							"ExpectedAvailableQuantityUOM": "Ea",
							"ExpectedDropShipSupplierSourceSystem": "",
							"ExpectedMode": "",
							"ExpectedService": "",
							"ExpectedCarrier": "",
							"CarrierCalendar": "",
							"ExpectedDemandClass": "",
							"ExpectedTotalFulfilmentCost": 0,
							"ExpectedShippingCost": 0,
							"LineFillRate": 9.09000015258789,
							"Party": "Singapore Distribution Center-GOP",
							"PartySite": "Customer Location LG17",
							"ExpectedShipFromOrgList": [
								"OrgIdentifier": "GOP:HVGOPE02"

Example 6 Request Body

The following example includes the contents of the request body in JSON format. You replace the request payload in the cURL command with the contents of the Example Request Body. The request payload specifies attribute values that the command will use in the record that it creates.
  "CallingModule": "GOP",
  "CallingInstance": "GOP",
  "RequestCreationDate": "2022-08-26",
  "RequestTimeZone": "EST",
  "ReleaseNumber": "1110900",
  "UniqueOrderIdentifier": "1234",
  "FulfillmentLineEntryList": {
    "FulfillmentLine": {
      "FulfillmentLineIdentifier": "12345",
      "SalesOrderNumber": "SO1",
      "SalesOrderLineNumber": "001",
      "InstanceNumber": "GPR",
      "RequestType": "Order",
      "RequestedItem": "RI-HV-ANALOG-MS2",
      "PromisingType": "Ship",
      "RequestedDateTime": "2022-08-26",
      "RequestedQuantity": "55",
      "RequestedQuantityUOM": "Ea",
      "UnitPrice": "5",
      "PlanningMultiple": "1",
      "SubstitutionsAllowedFlag": "false",
      "SplitsAllowedFlag": "false",
      "GeneratePeggingFlag": "true",
      "IgnoreReservationFlag": "false",
      "IgnoreDateReservationFlag": "false",
      "AllocationNodeThirdLevel":"BLM-South-High Priority",
      "CustomerDetails": {
        "Party": "Computer Service and Rentals",
        "PartySite": "1220"
              "RequestedShipFromOrg": {
                           "OrgIdentifier": "M2"

Example 6 Response Body

The following example includes the contents of the response body in JSON format:
    "AutoScheduleOutput": {
        "PromisingSystem": "HVGOP",
        "PromisingInstance": "GOP",
        "PromiseDateTime": "2022-08-26T00:00:00.000+0000",
        "FulfillmentLineEntryResultList": [
                "FulfillmentLineReplyList": [
                        "FulillmentLineIdentifier": "12345",
                        "NumberOfAltOptions": 0,
                        "DefaultAvailabilityOption": {
                            "OptionRank": 0,
                            "OptionSummary": "0",
                            "FulfillmentLineResultList": [
                                    "FulfillmentLineIdentifier": "12345",
                                    "TotalPrice": 275,
                                    "TotalProfit": 275,
                                    "TotalMargin": 100,
                                    "TotalValue": 0,
                                    "NumberOfSplits": 0,
                                    "NumberOfSubstitutions": 0,
                                    "FillRate": 100,
                                    "NumberOfAtpItems": 1,
                                    "NumberOfCtpItems": 0,
                                    "ResultDetailList": [
                                            "SplitLineIdentifier": "",
                                            "PromisingStatus": "",
                                            "RequestedDateTime": "2022-08-26T00:00:00.000+0000",
                                            "PromisingType": "Ship",
                                            "ExpectedArrivalDateTime": "2022-08-26T23:59:59.000+0000",
                                            "ExpectedShipDateTime": "2022-08-26T23:59:59.000+0000",
                                            "ExpectedPickDateTime": "2022-08-26T23:59:59.000+0000",
                                            "RequestedItem": "RI-HV-ANALOG-MS2",
                                            "ExpectedAvailableItem": "RI-HV-ANALOG-MS2",
                                            "ExpectedAvailabilityOnRequestedDate": 55,
                                            "ExpectedAvailableQuantity": 55,
                                            "ExpectedAvailableQuantityUOM": "Ea",
                                            "ExpectedDropShipSupplierSourceSystem": "",
                                            "ExpectedMode": "",
                                            "ExpectedService": "",
                                            "ExpectedCarrier": "",
                                            "CarrierCalendar": "",
                                            "ExpectedDemandClass": "",
                                            "ExpectedTotalFulfilmentCost": 0,
                                            "ExpectedShippingCost": 0,
                                            "LineFillRate": 100,
                                            "Party": "Computer Service and Rentals",
                                            "PartySite": "1220",
                                            "ExpectedShipFromOrgList": [
                                                    "OrgIdentifier": "M2"
                                            "PeggingDetailList": [
                                                    "ItemIdentifier": "RI-HV-ANALOG-MS2",
                                                    "ShippingCalendar": "APS Calendar",
                                                    "ReceivingCalendar": "APS Calendar",
                                                    "ManufacturingCalendar": "APS Calendar",
                                                    "BackToBackFlag": false,
                                                    "AtpDetailList": [
                                                            "Quantity": 55,
                                                            "QuantityUom": "Ea",
                                                            "AtpCost": 0,
                                                            "AtpMode": "3",
                                                            "LeadTime": 0,
                                                            "RequiredQuantity": 55,
                                                            "RequiredDateTime": "2022-08-26T23:59:59.000+0000",
                                                            "AllocationDetailList": [
                                                                    "AllocationNodeId": "BLM-South-High Priority",
                                                                    "RedeployedFlag": false,
                                                                    "ConsumedAllocation": 12,
                                                                    "AllocationConsumptionWeekStartDate": "2022-08-22T23:59:59.000+0000"
                                                                    "AllocationNodeId": "BLM-South",
                                                                    "RedeployedFlag": false,
                                                                    "ConsumedAllocation": 23,
                                                                    "AllocationConsumptionWeekStartDate": "2022-08-22T23:59:59.000+0000"
                                                                    "AllocationNodeId": "ALL",
                                                                    "RedeployedFlag": false,
                                                                    "ConsumedAllocation": 10,
                                                                    "AllocationConsumptionWeekStartDate": "2022-08-22T23:59:59.000+0000"
                                                                    "AllocationNodeId": "BLM-Low Priority",
                                                                    "RedeployedFlag": true,
                                                                    "ConsumedAllocation": 7,
                                                                    "AllocationConsumptionWeekStartDate": "2022-08-22T23:59:59.000+0000"
                                                                    "AllocationNodeId": "BLM-SouthEast",
                                                                    "RedeployedFlag": true,
                                                                    "ConsumedAllocation": 3,
                                                                    "AllocationConsumptionWeekStartDate": "2022-08-22T23:59:59.000+0000"
                                                    "OrgInfoList": [
                                                            "OrgIdentifier": "M2"

Example 7 Request Body

This example illustrates how to prepare your payload for Kit items when you use the feature Temporarily Reserve Supply While Shopping or Quoting.

The example includes the contents of the request body in JSON format. You replace the request payload in the cURL command with the contents of the Example Request Body. The request payload specifies attribute values that the command will use in the record that it creates.
    "CallingModule": "CART",
    "CallingInstance": "CART",
    "RequestCreationDate": "2022-10-28",
    "RequestTimeZone": "EST",
    "ReleaseNumber": "1110900",
    "UniqueOrderIdentifier": "12345",
    "FulfillmentLineEntryList": [
            "FulfillmentLineSet": {
                "SetIdentifier": "KIT1",
                "SetType": "Ship",
                "FulfillmentLineList": [
                        "FulfillmentLineIdentifier": "KIT1-CAB1",
                        "SalesOrderNumber": "SO1",
                        "SalesOrderLineNumber": "001",
                        "InstanceNumber": "GPR",
                        "RequestType": "Order",
                        "RequestedItem": "HV-CAB1",
                        "PromisingType": "Ship",
                        "RequestedDateTime": "2022-12-10",
                        "RequestedQuantity": "5",
                        "RequestedQuantityUOM": "Ea",
                        "UnitPrice": "5",
                        "PlanningMultiple": "1",
                        "SubstitutionsAllowedFlag": "false",
                        "SplitsAllowedFlag": "false",
                        "GeneratePeggingFlag": "true",
                        "IgnoreReservationFlag": "false",
                        "IgnoreDateReservationFlag": "false",
                        "GenerateAltAvailabilityFlag": "false",
                        "CustomerDetails": {
                            "Party": "Customer A",
                            "PartySite": "1003"
                        "RequestedShipFromOrg": {
                            "OrgIdentifier": "M1"
                        "FulfillmentLineIdentifier": "KIT1-SPK1",
                        "SalesOrderNumber": "SO1",
                        "SalesOrderLineNumber": "002",
                        "InstanceNumber": "GPR",
                        "RequestType": "Order",
                        "RequestedItem": "HV-SPK1",
                        "PromisingType": "ship",
                        "RequestedDateTime": "2022-12-10",
                        "RequestedQuantity": "5",
                        "RequestedQuantityUOM": "Ea",
                        "UnitPrice": "5",
                        "PlanningMultiple": "1",
                        "SubstitutionsAllowedFlag": "false",
                        "SplitsAllowedFlag": "false",
                        "GeneratePeggingFlag": "true",
                        "IgnoreReservationFlag": "false",
                        "IgnoreDateReservationFlag": "false",
                        "GenerateAltAvailabilityFlag": "false",
                        "AllocationNodeFirstLevel": "ALL",
                        "AllocationNodeSecondLevel": "BLM-Rest",
                        "AllocationNodeThirdLevel": "BLM-Online",
                        "CustomerDetails": {
                            "Party": "Customer A",
                            "PartySite": "1003"
                        "RequestedShipFromOrg": {
                            "OrgIdentifier": "M1"
                        "FulfillmentLineIdentifier": "KIT1-SPK2",
                        "SalesOrderNumber": "SO1",
                        "SalesOrderLineNumber": "003",
                        "InstanceNumber": "GPR",
                        "RequestType": "Order",
                        "RequestedItem": "HV-SPK2",
                        "PromisingType": "Ship",
                        "RequestedDateTime": "2022-12-10",
                        "RequestedQuantity": "5",
                        "RequestedQuantityUOM": "Ea",
                        "UnitPrice": "5",
                        "PlanningMultiple": "1",
                        "SubstitutionsAllowedFlag": "false",
                        "SplitsAllowedFlag": "false",
                        "GeneratePeggingFlag": "true",
                        "IgnoreReservationFlag": "false",
                        "IgnoreDateReservationFlag": "false",
                        "GenerateAltAvailabilityFlag": "false",
                        "AllocationNodeFirstLevel": "ALL",
                        "AllocationNodeSecondLevel": "BLM-South",
                        "AllocationNodeThirdLevel": "BLM-South-High Priority",
                        "CustomerDetails": {
                            "Party": "Customer A",
                            "PartySite": "1003"
                        "RequestedShipFromOrg": {
                            "OrgIdentifier": "M1"

Example 8 Request Body

This example illustrates how to prepare your payload for standard items when you use the feature Temporarily Reserve Supply While Shopping or Quoting.

The example includes the contents of the request body in JSON format. You replace the request payload in the cURL command with the contents of the Example Request Body. The request payload specifies attribute values that the command will use in the record that it creates.
    "CallingModule": "CART",
    "CallingInstance": "CART",
    "RequestCreationDate": "2022-10-10",
    "RequestTimeZone": "EST",
    "ReleaseNumber": "1110900",
    "UniqueOrderIdentifier": "12345",
    "FulfillmentLineEntryList": [
            "FulfillmentLine": {
                "FulfillmentLineIdentifier": "CART202214001",
                "SalesOrderNumber": "SO1",
                "SalesOrderLineNumber": "001",
                "InstanceNumber": "GPR",
                "RequestType": "Order",
                "RequestedItem": "ANALOG-MS2",
                "PromisingType": "Ship",
                "RequestedDateTime": "2022-11-08",
                "RequestedQuantity": "5",
                "RequestedQuantityUOM": "Ea",
                "UnitPrice": "5",
                "PlanningMultiple": "1",
                "SubstitutionsAllowedFlag": "false",
                "SplitsAllowedFlag": "true",
                "GeneratePeggingFlag": "true",
                "IgnoreReservationFlag": "false",
                "IgnoreDateReservationFlag": "false",
                "GenerateAltAvailabilityFlag": "true",
                "RequestedCarrier": "ABC",
                "RequestedMode": "AIR",
                 "RequestedServiceLevel": "2DAY",
                "CustomerDetails": {
                    "Party": "Customer A",
                    "PartySite": "1003"
                "RequestedShipFromOrg": {
                    "OrgIdentifier": "M1"
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