Create one order



Create one order


Header Parameters
  • If the REST API supports runtime customizations, the shape of the service may change during runtime. The REST client may isolate itself from these changes or choose to interact with the latest version of the API by specifying this header. For example: Metadata-Context:sandbox="TrackEmployeeFeature".
  • The protocol version between a REST client and service. If the client doesn't specify this header in the request the server picks a default version for the API.
Supported Media Types
Request Body - application/json ()
Root Schema : schema
Type: object
Show Source
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Supported Media Types

Default Response

The following table describes the default response for this task.
Body ()
Root Schema : buyerPlanningSupplies-postItem-response
Type: object
Show Source
  • Value that uniquely identifies associated consolidated orders.
  • Title: Firm Date
    Date when supply is due. This attribute is a fixed value that can't be rescheduled by planning and is only populated when the firm status is firm.
  • Title: Firm Quantity
    Fixed quantity of supply. This attribute value can't be changed by planning and is only populated when the firm status is firm.
  • Title: Implement Dock Date
    Date when the material should be on the receiving dock when the order is released.
  • Title: Implement Firm
    Value that indicates whether the order is firm or not. Valid values are 1: Firm and 2: Not Firm. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type MSC_YES_NO.
  • Title: Implement Quantity
    Quantity of the order that's released.
  • Value that uniquely identifies the item associated with the supply.
  • Title: Mark For Release Option
    Value that indicates the release status of the order. Valid values are 1: Marked For Release or 2: Not Marked For Release. When marking or not marking orders for release, the request body must include only the MarkForReleaseOption attribute.
  • Title: Object Version Number
    Number of times the supply row was updated. This attribute is used to implement optimistic locking. This number is incremented every time the row is updated. The number is compared at the start and end of a transaction to detect whether another session has updated the row since it was queried.
  • Title: Order Type
  • Value that uniquely identifies the organization associated with the order.
  • Value that uniquely identifies the order based on planId, transactionID and a system generated part key.
  • Value that uniquely identifies the plan.
  • Title: Price Savings
    Value that indicates the amount of savings realized from actions taken against the order in buyer planning.
  • Title: Release Group Code
  • Title: Release Status
    Value that indicates the release status of the order. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type ORA_MSC_ORDER_RELEASE_STATUS.
  • Title: Release Status Code
    Release status of the order such as ready for release, marked for release or released. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type ORA_MSC_BP_RELEASE_STATUS.
  • Value that uniquely identifies the source supplier.
  • Value that uniquely identifies the specific supplier site from where the item is being sourced.
  • Value that uniquely identifies the supply transaction. This value is internally generated by the application.
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This example describes how to create one order.

Example cURL Command

Use the following cURL command to submit a request on the REST resource.

curl -u username:password -X POST -H "Content-Type:application/" -d 'request payload' 

Example Request Body

The following example includes the contents of the request body in JSON format. You replace the request payload in the cURL command with the contents of the Example Request Body. The request payload specifies attribute values that the command will use in the record that it updates.


Example Response Body

The following example includes the contents of the response body in JSON format:

  "PlanId" : "300100577750737",
  "PlanName" : "RR Plan",
  "TransactionId" : "99760200",
  "ConsolidatedFlag" : false,
  "ConsolidationTransactionId" : null,
  "PartKey1" : "999999999999999999",
  "SrInstanceId" : "100010026240309",
  "OrderTypeCode" : 5,
  "OrderType" : "Planned order",
  "OrderNumber" : "99760200",
  "ReleaseStatusCode" : 4,
  "ReleaseStatus" : "Ready for release",
  "MarkForReleaseOption" : null,
  "SegmentId" : "300100570073432",
  "SegmentName" : "SCC QA Segment1",
  "ReleaseGroupCode" : null,
  "MappedSupplierId" : "300100569163913",
  "SupplierId" : "2736186",
  "Supplier" : "SCC-FizzerMeds",
  "SupplierSiteId" : "7463793",
  "SupplierSite" : "SpringField-S2",
  "MappedOrganizationId" : "300100569182022",
  "OrganizationId" : "147202",
  "SubInventoryId" : null,
  "ActualLocation" : "BP2",
  "Organization" : "BP2",
  "OrganizationCode" : "BP2",
  "OrganizationCalendarCode" : "10002",
  "SubinventoryCode" : null,
  "MappedItemId" : "-1",
  "InventoryItemId" : "26563239",
  "Item" : "BP-Stethoscope-Release-02",
  "ItemDescription" : "BP-Stethoscope-Release-02",
  "NewOrderQuantity" : 25,
  "OldOrderQuantity" : null,
  "NewDockDate" : null,
  "NewShipDate" : null,
  "OldDockDate" : null,
  "OldShipDate" : null,
  "FirmStatusCode" : 1,
  "FirmStatus" : "Firm",
  "FirmQuantity" : 25,
  "FirmDate" : "2024-01-19",
  "ImplementQuantity" : null,
  "ImplementDockDate" : null,
  "ImplementShipDate" : null,
  "ImplementDate" : null,
  "MappedImplementLocationId" : null,
  "ImplementFirm" : null,
  "ImplementLocationId" : null,
  "PrimaryUomCode" : "Ea",
  "ImplementLocation" : null,
  "PrimaryUom" : "Each",
  "ImplementLocationCode" : null,
  "SourceUomCode" : null,
  "SourceUom" : null,
  "UnitVolume" : 110,
  "VolumeUomCode" : "M3",
  "UnitWeight" : 110,
  "VolumeUom" : "Cubic meter",
  "WeightUomCode" : "G",
  "WeightUom" : "Gram",
  "CarryingCost" : null,
  "HasPriceBreakFlag" : true,
  "ListPrice" : 10,
  "OrderCost" : null,
  "StandardCost" : null,
  "PriceSavings" : null,
  "OrganizationCurrency" : "USD",
  "FixedDaysOfSupply" : null,
  "FixedLotMultiplier" : null,
  "FixedOrderQuantity" : null,
  "MaximumOrderQuantity" : null,
  "MinimumOrderQuantity" : null,
  "PlanningTimeFenceDays" : 1,
  "ProcessingLeadTime" : 2,
  "PostProcessingLeadTime" : 2,
  "ItemPlanner" : "Smith, Elizabeth",
  "EmployeeId" : "280",
  "PoLineId" : null,
  "PoLineLocationId" : null,
  "RangeFilterDate" : "2024-01-19",
  "PlannerCode" : "BP_PLAN1",
  "ObjectVersionNumber" : 1,
  "CreatedBy" : "COLLABPLANNER",
  "CreationDate" : "2023-08-03",
  "LastUpdatedBy" : "COLLABPLANNER",
  "LastUpdateDate" : "2023-08-03",
  "links" : [ {
			. . .
  } ]
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