Validate Sales Prices



Validate Sales Prices


There are no request parameters for this operation.

Supported Media Types
Request Body - application/json ()
Root Schema : schema
Type: object
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Nested Schema : ChangeSummary
Type: array
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Nested Schema : Charge
Type: array
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  • ChargeType
    Represents a charge calculated within the pricing process or a charge that is passed to QP by consuming applications.
Nested Schema : ChargeComponent
Type: array
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Nested Schema : Header
Type: array
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Nested Schema : Line
Type: array
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Nested Schema : LineAttribute
Type: array
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Nested Schema : PriceValidation
Type: array
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Nested Schema : PriceViolation
Type: array
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Nested Schema : PricingMessage
Type: array
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Nested Schema : PricingServiceParameter
Type: array
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Nested Schema : ChangeSummaryType
Type: object
Values that store the summary of the changes.
Nested Schema : ChargeType
Type: object
Represents a charge calculated within the pricing process or a charge that is passed to QP by consuming applications.
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Nested Schema : CoverageDuration
Type: object
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Nested Schema : FloorUnitPrice
Type: object
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  • Unit price amount derived from a matching floor price list on the strategy for the current transaction.
  • Unit price amount derived from a matching floor price list on the strategy for the current transaction.
Nested Schema : GSAUnitPrice
Type: object
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  • Unit price amount derived from a matching GSA price list on the strategy for the current transaction.
  • Unit price amount derived from a matching GSA price list on the strategy for the current transaction.
Nested Schema : PricedQuantity
Type: object
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  • If price type equals usage or recurring usage, -If "IsPerUnitUsage? = TRUE, pricedQuantity = Estimated Usage Quantity * Line.Requested Quantity for simple products, pricedQuantity = Estimated Usage Quantity * Line.ExtendedQuantity for CP -If ?IsPerUnitUsage? = FALSE, pricedQuantity = Estimated Usage Quantity If price type is not usage nor recurring usage, PricedQuantity = Line.RequestedQuantity for simple products, PricedQuantity = Estimated Usage Quantity * Line.ExtendedQuantity for CP
  • If price type equals usage or recurring usage, -If "IsPerUnitUsage? = TRUE, pricedQuantity = Estimated Usage Quantity * Line.Requested Quantity for simple products, pricedQuantity = Estimated Usage Quantity * Line.ExtendedQuantity for CP -If ?IsPerUnitUsage? = FALSE, pricedQuantity = Estimated Usage Quantity If price type is not usage nor recurring usage, PricedQuantity = Line.RequestedQuantity for simple products, PricedQuantity = Estimated Usage Quantity * Line.ExtendedQuantity for CP
Nested Schema : ChargeComponentType
Type: object
Stores the price elements for each charge applied within the pricing process.
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Nested Schema : CoverageExtendedAmount
Type: object
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  • Indicates the coverage extended amount used for the entire service duration of a coverage association.
  • Indicates the coverage extended amount used for the entire service duration of a coverage association.
Nested Schema : ExtendedAmount
Type: object
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  • This attribute indicates the extended amount in line currency. Extended amount equals the unit price multiplied by the line requested quantity for simple products and equals the unit price multiplied by the line extended quancity for CP. If either isEstimatedPricedQuantity or isEstimatedUnitPrice is set to Y, the extended amount will be an estimated amount.
  • This attribute indicates the extended amount in line currency. Extended amount equals the unit price multiplied by the line requested quantity for simple products and equals the unit price multiplied by the line extended quancity for CP. If either isEstimatedPricedQuantity or isEstimatedUnitPrice is set to Y, the extended amount will be an estimated amount.
Nested Schema : HeaderCurrencyCoverageExtendedAmount
Type: object
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  • Indicates the coverage extended amount in the header currency for the entire service duration of a coverage association.
  • Indicates the coverage extended amount in the header currency for the entire service duration of a coverage association.
Nested Schema : HeaderCurrencyExtendedAmount
Type: object
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Nested Schema : HeaderCurrencyUnitPrice
Type: object
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Nested Schema : UnitPrice
Type: object
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Nested Schema : HeaderType
Type: object
Represents the Sales Order/Quote Header, Sales Agreement Header or Contract Header.
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Nested Schema : LineType
Type: object
Represents the Sales Order/Quote Line, Sales Agreement Line or Contract Line.
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Nested Schema : AssessableValue
Type: object
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  • Currency code of the assessable value.
  • The taxable amount in the currency that the sales order uses. The value is either the list price, or the net price, or a value that the user enters. The value is an extended amount.
Nested Schema : ExtendedQuantity
Type: object
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  • Rolled-up quantity of CP. This is the same as the line requested quantity for simple products, but is a product of the requested quantity of the component and its ancestors for a configurable product component.
  • Rolled-up quantity of CP. This is the same as the line requested quantity for simple products, but is a product of the requested quantity of the component and its ancestors for a configurable product component.
Nested Schema : LineQuantity
Type: object
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  • Quantity requested to be priced. In the case of a CP component, the RequestedQuantity should be a relative quantity. In the case of simple products, value of RequestedQuantity equals the value of ExtendedQuantity.
  • Quantity requested to be priced. In the case of a CP component, the RequestedQuantity should be a relative quantity. In the case of simple products, value of RequestedQuantity equals the value of ExtendedQuantity.
Nested Schema : PerModelUnitQuantity
Type: object
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  • Indicates the unit quantity per root model for the lines of a configuration.
  • Indicates the unit quantity per root model for the lines of a configuration.
Nested Schema : ServiceDuration
Type: object
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Nested Schema : LineAttributeType
Type: object
Values that store the transaction item attributes. This attribute is used only for input.
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Nested Schema : PriceValidationType
Type: object
This entity provides the output of Pricing Validations.In R13, only violations will be returned for each charge component.
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Nested Schema : ConstrainingUnitPrice
Type: object
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Nested Schema : HeaderCurrencyConstrainingAmount
Type: object
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  • The constraining value calculated for the ValidationComponentCode attribute.
  • The constraining value calculated for the ValidationComponentCode attribute.
Nested Schema : PriceViolationType
Type: object
This entity is an output from Pricing. It stores the guidelines violated in the pricing process.
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Nested Schema : PricingMessageType
Type: object
This entity contains one instance for each pricing error found on the transaction.
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Nested Schema : PricingServiceParameterType
Type: object
This entity holds the parameters that calling application pass in as well as the output status parameter Pricing sets.
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  • Value that indicates the output status. Values include Success or Error.
  • Contains one of the following values: true or false. If true, then convert value to identifier or convert identifier to value. If false, then do not convert. The default value is false.
  • Contains one of the following values: true or false. If true, then populate the charges for coverage line. If false, then do not populate the charges for coverage line. The default value is false.
  • Value that identifies the calling application. Valid values are SALES and MATERIAL_TRANSFER.
  • Message generated for the transaction when the output status is set to Error.
  • Indicates whether a full evaluation is carried out or evaluation is for violations only. The default value is Violations Only.
  • Indicates whether a full evaluation is carried out or evaluation is for violations only. The default value is Violations Only.
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Supported Media Types

200 Response

Sales Prices Validated successfully.
Body ()
Root Schema : schema
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : ChangeSummary
Type: array
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Nested Schema : Charge
Type: array
Show Source
  • ChargeType
    Represents a charge calculated within the pricing process or a charge that is passed to QP by consuming applications.
Nested Schema : ChargeComponent
Type: array
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Nested Schema : Header
Type: array
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Nested Schema : Line
Type: array
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Nested Schema : LineAttribute
Type: array
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Nested Schema : PriceValidation
Type: array
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Nested Schema : PriceViolation
Type: array
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Nested Schema : PricingMessage
Type: array
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Nested Schema : PricingServiceParameter
Type: array
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Nested Schema : ChangeSummaryType
Type: object
Values that store the summary of the changes.
Nested Schema : ChargeType
Type: object
Represents a charge calculated within the pricing process or a charge that is passed to QP by consuming applications.
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Nested Schema : CoverageDuration
Type: object
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Nested Schema : FloorUnitPrice
Type: object
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  • Unit price amount derived from a matching floor price list on the strategy for the current transaction.
  • Unit price amount derived from a matching floor price list on the strategy for the current transaction.
Nested Schema : GSAUnitPrice
Type: object
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  • Unit price amount derived from a matching GSA price list on the strategy for the current transaction.
  • Unit price amount derived from a matching GSA price list on the strategy for the current transaction.
Nested Schema : PricedQuantity
Type: object
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  • If price type equals usage or recurring usage, -If "IsPerUnitUsage? = TRUE, pricedQuantity = Estimated Usage Quantity * Line.Requested Quantity for simple products, pricedQuantity = Estimated Usage Quantity * Line.ExtendedQuantity for CP -If ?IsPerUnitUsage? = FALSE, pricedQuantity = Estimated Usage Quantity If price type is not usage nor recurring usage, PricedQuantity = Line.RequestedQuantity for simple products, PricedQuantity = Estimated Usage Quantity * Line.ExtendedQuantity for CP
  • If price type equals usage or recurring usage, -If "IsPerUnitUsage? = TRUE, pricedQuantity = Estimated Usage Quantity * Line.Requested Quantity for simple products, pricedQuantity = Estimated Usage Quantity * Line.ExtendedQuantity for CP -If ?IsPerUnitUsage? = FALSE, pricedQuantity = Estimated Usage Quantity If price type is not usage nor recurring usage, PricedQuantity = Line.RequestedQuantity for simple products, PricedQuantity = Estimated Usage Quantity * Line.ExtendedQuantity for CP
Nested Schema : ChargeComponentType
Type: object
Stores the price elements for each charge applied within the pricing process.
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Nested Schema : CoverageExtendedAmount
Type: object
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  • Indicates the coverage extended amount used for the entire service duration of a coverage association.
  • Indicates the coverage extended amount used for the entire service duration of a coverage association.
Nested Schema : ExtendedAmount
Type: object
Show Source
  • This attribute indicates the extended amount in line currency. Extended amount equals the unit price multiplied by the line requested quantity for simple products and equals the unit price multiplied by the line extended quancity for CP. If either isEstimatedPricedQuantity or isEstimatedUnitPrice is set to Y, the extended amount will be an estimated amount.
  • This attribute indicates the extended amount in line currency. Extended amount equals the unit price multiplied by the line requested quantity for simple products and equals the unit price multiplied by the line extended quancity for CP. If either isEstimatedPricedQuantity or isEstimatedUnitPrice is set to Y, the extended amount will be an estimated amount.
Nested Schema : HeaderCurrencyCoverageExtendedAmount
Type: object
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  • Indicates the coverage extended amount in the header currency for the entire service duration of a coverage association.
  • Indicates the coverage extended amount in the header currency for the entire service duration of a coverage association.
Nested Schema : HeaderCurrencyExtendedAmount
Type: object
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Nested Schema : HeaderCurrencyUnitPrice
Type: object
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Nested Schema : UnitPrice
Type: object
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Nested Schema : HeaderType
Type: object
Represents the Sales Order/Quote Header, Sales Agreement Header or Contract Header.
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Nested Schema : LineType
Type: object
Represents the Sales Order/Quote Line, Sales Agreement Line or Contract Line.
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Nested Schema : AssessableValue
Type: object
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  • Currency code of the assessable value.
  • The taxable amount in the currency that the sales order uses. The value is either the list price, or the net price, or a value that the user enters. The value is an extended amount.
Nested Schema : ExtendedQuantity
Type: object
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  • Rolled-up quantity of CP. This is the same as the line requested quantity for simple products, but is a product of the requested quantity of the component and its ancestors for a configurable product component.
  • Rolled-up quantity of CP. This is the same as the line requested quantity for simple products, but is a product of the requested quantity of the component and its ancestors for a configurable product component.
Nested Schema : LineQuantity
Type: object
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  • Quantity requested to be priced. In the case of a CP component, the RequestedQuantity should be a relative quantity. In the case of simple products, value of RequestedQuantity equals the value of ExtendedQuantity.
  • Quantity requested to be priced. In the case of a CP component, the RequestedQuantity should be a relative quantity. In the case of simple products, value of RequestedQuantity equals the value of ExtendedQuantity.
Nested Schema : PerModelUnitQuantity
Type: object
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  • Indicates the unit quantity per root model for the lines of a configuration.
  • Indicates the unit quantity per root model for the lines of a configuration.
Nested Schema : ServiceDuration
Type: object
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Nested Schema : LineAttributeType
Type: object
Values that store the transaction item attributes. This attribute is used only for input.
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Nested Schema : PriceValidationType
Type: object
This entity provides the output of Pricing Validations.In R13, only violations will be returned for each charge component.
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Nested Schema : ConstrainingUnitPrice
Type: object
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Nested Schema : HeaderCurrencyConstrainingAmount
Type: object
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  • The constraining value calculated for the ValidationComponentCode attribute.
  • The constraining value calculated for the ValidationComponentCode attribute.
Nested Schema : PriceViolationType
Type: object
This entity is an output from Pricing. It stores the guidelines violated in the pricing process.
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Nested Schema : PricingMessageType
Type: object
This entity contains one instance for each pricing error found on the transaction.
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Nested Schema : PricingServiceParameterType
Type: object
This entity holds the parameters that calling application pass in as well as the output status parameter Pricing sets.
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  • Value that indicates the output status. Values include Success or Error.
  • Contains one of the following values: true or false. If true, then convert value to identifier or convert identifier to value. If false, then do not convert. The default value is false.
  • Contains one of the following values: true or false. If true, then populate the charges for coverage line. If false, then do not populate the charges for coverage line. The default value is false.
  • Value that identifies the calling application. Valid values are SALES and MATERIAL_TRANSFER.
  • Message generated for the transaction when the output status is set to Error.
  • Indicates whether a full evaluation is carried out or evaluation is for violations only. The default value is Violations Only.
  • Indicates whether a full evaluation is carried out or evaluation is for violations only. The default value is Violations Only.

400 Response

Invalid input request.
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