Get all release rules




Query Parameters
  • When this parameter is provided, the specified children are included in the resource payload (instead of just a link). The value of this query parameter is "all" or "". More than one child can be specified using comma as a separator. Example: ?expand=Employees,Localizations. Nested children can also be provided following the format "Child.NestedChild" (Example: ?expand=Employees.Managers). If a nested child is provided (Example: Employees.Managers), the missing children will be processed implicitly. For example, "?expand=Employees.Managers" is the same as "?expand=Employees,Employees.Managers" (which will expand Employees and Managers).
  • This parameter filters the resource fields. Only the specified fields are returned, which means that if no fields are specified, no fields are returned (useful to get only the links). If an indirect child resource is provided (Example: Employees.Managers), the missing children will be processed implicitly. For example, "?fields=Employees.Managers:Empname" is the same as "?fields=;Employees:;Employees.Managers:Empname" (which will only return the "Empname" field for Managers). the value of this query parameter is a list of resource fields. The attribute can be a direct (Example: Employees) or indirect (Example: Employees.Managers) child. It cannot be combined with expand query parameter. If both are provided, only fields will be considered.

    Format: ?fields=Attribute1,Attribute2

    Format for fields in child resource: ?fields=Accessor1:Attribute1,Attribute2
  • Used as a predefined finder to search the collection.

    Format ?finder=<finderName>;<variableName>=<variableValue>,<variableName2>=<variableValue2>

    The following are the available finder names and corresponding finder variables

    • PrimaryKey Finds the release rule with the specified primary key.
      Finder Variables
      • ReleaseRuleId; integer; Unique identifier of the release rule.
  • This parameter restricts the number of resources returned inside the resource collection. If the limit exceeds the resource count then the framework will only return the available resources.
  • This parameter can be used to show only certain links while accessing a singular resource or a resource collection. The parameter value format is a comma-separated list of : <link_relation>

  • Used to define the starting position of the resource collection. If offset exceeds the resource count then no resources are returned. Default value is 0.
  • The resource item payload will be filtered in order to contain only data (no links section, for example).
  • This parameter orders a resource collection based on the specified fields. The parameter value is a comma-separated string of attribute names, each optionally followed by a colon and "asc" or "desc". Specify "asc" for ascending and "desc" for descending. The default value is "asc". For example, ?orderBy=field1:asc,field2:desc
  • This query parameter defines the where clause. The resource collection will be queried using the provided expressions. The value of this query parameter is one or more expressions. Example: ?q=Deptno>=10 and <= 30;Loc!=NY

    Format: ?q=expression1;expression2

    You can use these queryable attributes to filter this collection resource using the q query parameter:
    • AppendShipmentsFlag; boolean; Contains one of the following values: true or false. If true, then add lines to the existing shipments. If false, then don't add lines to the existing shipments. The default value is false.
    • AutoPickConfirmFlag; boolean; Contains one of the following values: true or false. If true, then automatically confirm the pick transactions. If false, then don't automatically confirm the pick transactions. The default value is false.
    • AutomaticallyPackFlag; boolean; Contains one of the following values: true or false. If true, then shipment lines are packed automatically. If false, then shipment lines aren't packed automatically. The default value is false.
    • CatalogId; integer; Value that uniquely identifies the catalog.
    • CategoryId; integer; Value that uniquely identifies the item category.
    • CreateShipmentsFlag; boolean; Contains one of the following values: true or false. If true, then automatically assign released shipment lines to a shipment. If false, then don't automatically assign released shipment lines to a shipment. The default value is false.
    • CreatedBy; string; User who created the release rule.
    • CreationDate; string; Date when the user created the release rule.
    • CustomerId; integer; Value that identifies the customer.
    • DocumentSetId; integer; Value that identifies the document job set that's used for printing documents during pick release.
    • EndDateActive; string; Date when the release rule becomes inactive.
    • EndRequestedDays; integer; Indicates the number of days in the past or future to use for the end date in a range of dates when the customer requested to ship the goods.
    • EndRequestedHours; integer; Indicates the time used for the end date when the customer requested to ship the goods.
    • EndScheduledShipDays; integer; Indicates the number of days in the past or future to use for the end date in a range of dates when the customer scheduled to ship the goods.
    • EndScheduledShipHours; integer; Indicates the time used for the end date when the customer scheduled to ship the goods.
    • FromRequestedDate; string; Start date and time in a range of dates when the customer requested to ship the goods.
    • FromScheduledShipDate; string; Start date and time in a range of dates when the customer scheduled to ship the goods.
    • GeographyId; integer; Value that uniquely identifies the predefined administrative regions or geographies such as cities or states, a specified district or territory.
    • IncludeAssignedLinesFlag; boolean; Contains one of the following values: true or false. If true, then include lines already assigned to a shipment when creating a pick wave. If false, then don't include lines already assigned to a shipment when creating a pick wave. The default value is false.
    • InitialDestinationId; integer; Value that uniquely identifies the destination location of the initial leg of the transportation planned to deliver the shipment to the final destination.
    • InventoryItemId; integer; Value that uniquely identifies the inventory Item.
    • LastUpdateDate; string; Date when the user most recently updated the release rule.
    • LastUpdatedBy; string; User who most recently updated the release rule.
    • OrderId; integer; Value that uniquely identifies the sales order, or transfer order, or transfer order return.
    • OrderTypeCode; string; Abbreviation that identifies the type of order. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type ORA_WSH_ORDER_LINE_TYPE.
    • PickFromLocatorId; integer; Value that uniquely identifies the locator from where to pick release.
    • PickFromSubinventory; string; Name of the subinventory from where to pick release or generate shipment request.
    • PickSlipGroupingRuleId; integer; Value that uniquely identifies the criteria to determine the grouping of picks into pick slips.
    • PriorReservationsFlag; boolean; Contains one of the following values: true or false. If true, then release existing reservations. If false, then don't release existing reservations. The default value is false.
    • ProjectCostingProjectId; integer; Value that uniquely identifies the project for standardized project cost collection.
    • ProjectCostingTaskId; integer; Value that uniquely identifies the task for standardized project cost collection.
    • ReleaseRule; string; Name of the release rule.
    • ReleaseRuleId; integer; Unique identifier of the release rule.
    • ReleaseSequenceRuleId; integer; Value that uniquely identifies the sequencing of shipment lines for pick release or generating shipment requests.
    • ReleaseStatusCode; string; Abbreviation that identifies the release status. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type WSH_BACKORDERS_FLAG.
    • ReleaseSubinventory; string; Name of the subinventory to source the material on shipment lines.
    • ShipConfirmRuleId; integer; Value that uniquely identifies the rules used on the shipment lines and shipment at ship confirmation.
    • ShipFromOrganizationId; integer; Value that uniquely identifies the originating organization of the goods that are shipped.
    • ShipMethodCode; string; Abbreviation that identifies the shipping method.
    • ShipSetName; string; Name of the shipment set to be selected for pick release or generating shipment request.
    • ShipToLocationId; integer; Value that uniquely identifies the customer location where a supplier sends shipments of goods and services.
    • ShipToLocationType; string; Indicates whether the ship-to location is internal or external.
    • ShipToPartyId; integer; Value that uniquely identifies the ship-to party.
    • ShipmentCreationCriteriaCode; string; Abbreviation that identifies the criteria for grouping shipment lines into shipments. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type WSH_AC_DEL_CRITERIA.
    • ShipmentPriorityCode; string; Abbreviation that identifies the shipment priority. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type WSH_SHIPPING_PRIORITY.
    • StagingLocatorId; integer; Value that uniquely identifies the default locator where picked lines are staged.
    • StagingSubinventory; string; Value that identifies the default subinventory where picked lines are staged.
    • StartDateActive; string; Date when the release rule becomes active.
    • StartRequestedDays; integer; Indicates the number of days in the past or future to use for the start date in a range of dates when the customer requested to ship the goods.
    • StartRequestedHours; integer; Indicates the time used for the start date when the customer requested to ship the goods.
    • StartScheduledShipDays; integer; Indicates the number of days in the past or future to use for the start date in a range of dates when the customer scheduled to ship the goods.
    • StartScheduledShipHours; integer; Indicates the time used for the start date when the customer scheduled to ship the goods.
    • ToRequestedDate; string; Last date and time in a range of dates when the customer requested to ship the goods.
    • ToScheduledShipDate; string; Last date and time in a range of dates when the customer scheduled to ship the goods.
    • TradeComplianceMethod; string; Abbreviation that identifies the method used for the line to be screened for trade compliance. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type ORA_WSH_TRD_COMP_SCRN_MTHD.
    • TransportationShipment; string; Value that indicates a shipment planned by the transportation management application.
    • ZoneId; integer; Value that uniquely identifies the geographic region, such as a country or a range of postal codes.
  • The resource collection representation will include the "estimated row count" when "?totalResults=true", otherwise the count is not included. The default value is "false".
Header Parameters
  • If the REST API supports runtime customizations, the shape of the service may change during runtime. The REST client may isolate itself from these changes or choose to interact with the latest version of the API by specifying this header. For example: Metadata-Context:sandbox="TrackEmployeeFeature".
  • The protocol version between a REST client and service. If the client does not specify this header in the request the server will pick a default version for the API.

There's no request body for this operation.

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Supported Media Types

Default Response

The following table describes the default response for this task.
  • If the REST API supports runtime customizations, the shape of the service may change during runtime. The REST client may isolate itself from these changes or choose to interact with the latest version of the API by specifying this header. For example: Metadata-Context:sandbox="TrackEmployeeFeature".
  • The protocol version between a REST client and service. If the client does not specify this header in the request the server will pick a default version for the API.
Body ()
Root Schema : releaseRules
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : Items
Type: array
Title: Items
The items in the collection.
Show Source
Nested Schema : releaseRules-item-response
Type: object
Show Source
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This example describes how to get all the release rules.

Example cURL Command

Use the following cURL command to submit a request on the REST resource:

curl -u username:password "https://servername/fscmRestApi/resources/version/releaseRules?onlyData=true"

Example Response Body

The following example includes the contents of the response body in JSON format:
    "items": [
            "ShipmentCreationCriteriaCode": "Y",
            "AppendShipmentsFlag": null,
            "AutoPickConfirmFlag": true,
            "CreateShipmentsFlag": true,
            "AutomaticallyPackFlag": false,
            "ReleaseStatusCode": "E",
            "CategoryId": null,
            "CreatedBy": "SCM_USER29A",
            "CreationDate": "2010-10-26T09:24:58.657+00:00",
            "StagingLocatorId": null,
            "StagingSubinventory": "Staging1",
            "DestinationTypeCode": "S",
            "DocumentSetId": null,
            "EndDateActive": null,
            "PriorReservationsFlag": null,
            "FromRequestedDate": null,
            "FromScheduledShipDate": null,
            "IncludeAssignedLinesFlag": null,
            "InventoryItemId": null,
            "LastUpdateDate": "2010-10-27T06:38:59.362+00:00",
            "ShipFromOrganizationCode": "M1",
            "ShipFromOrganizationId": 207,
            "PickFromLocatorId": null,
            "PickFromSubinventory": null,
            "ReleaseRuleId": 100000020219004,
            "ReleaseRule": "M1 High Priority",
            "ProjectCostingProjectName": null,
            "ProjectCostingProjectNumber": null,
            "ProjectCostingTaskName": null,
            "ProjectCostingTaskNumber": null,
            "GeographyId": null,
            "GeographyElement1": null,
            "GeographyElement2": null,
            "GeographyElement3": null,
            "GeographyElement4": null,
            "GeographyElement5": null,
            "GeographyElement6": null,
            "ShipConfirmRuleId": 1,
            "ShipMethodCode": null,
            "ShipSetName": null,
            "ShipToLocationId": null,
            "ShipToLocationType": null,
            "CustomerId": null,
            "ShipmentPriorityCode": "HIGH",
            "StartDateActive": "2010-10-26T00:00:00+00:00",
            "ToRequestedDate": null,
            "ToScheduledShipDate": null,
            "TransportationShipment": null,
            "TradeComplianceMethod": null,
            "ZoneId": null,
            "ReleaseSubinventory": null,
            "ReleaseStatus": "Unreleased",
            "OrderTypeCode": null,
            "OrderType": null,
            "OrderId": null,
            "OrderNumber": null,
            "Customer": null,
            "ProjectCostingProjectId": null,
            "ProjectCostingTaskId": null,
            "ShipmentPriority": "High",
            "ShipMethod": null,
            "InitialDestinationId": null,
            "InitialDestination": null,
            "CatalogId": null,
            "CatalogName": null,
            "CategoryName": null,
            "ItemNumber": null,
            "ItemDescription": null,
            "ShipFromOrganizationName": "Seattle Manufacturing",
            "PickFromLocator": null,
            "StagingLocator": null,
            "ReleaseSequenceRuleId": 1000,
            "ReleaseSequenceRule": "All Standard Orders",
            "PickSlipGroupingRuleId": 1201,
            "PickSlipGroupingRule": "Departure, Delivery",
            "ShipmentCreationCriteria": "Within an order",
            "ShipConfirmRule": "Auto Ship",
            "DestinationType": "Ship to",
            "ShipToNumber": null,
            "ShipToAddress1": null,
            "ShipToAddress2": null,
            "ShipToAddress3": null,
            "ShipToAddress4": null,
            "ShipToCity": null,
            "ShipToState": null,
            "ShipToCountry": null,
            "ShipToPostalCode": null,
            "ShipToRegion": null,
            "ShipToLocation": null,
            "ShipToLocationCode": null,
            "InitialDestinationAddress1": null,
            "InitialDestinationAddress2": null,
            "InitialDestinationAddress3": null,
            "InitialDestinationAddress4": null,
            "InitialDestinationCountry": null,
            "InitialDestinationCity": null,
            "InitialDestinationPostalCode": null,
            "InitialDestinationState": null,
            "InitialDestinationProvince": null,
            "Geography": null,
            "Zone": null,
            "EndScheduledShipDays": null,
            "EndScheduledShipHours": null,
            "StartScheduledShipDays": null,
            "StartScheduledShipHours": null,
            "EndRequestedDays": null,
            "EndRequestedHours": null,
            "StartRequestedDays": null,
            "StartRequestedHours": null,
            "TradeComplianceMethodMeaning": null,
            "ShipToPartyId": null
            "ShipmentCreationCriteriaCode": null,
            "AppendShipmentsFlag": null,
            "AutoPickConfirmFlag": true,
            "CreateShipmentsFlag": true,
            "AutomaticallyPackFlag": false,
            "ReleaseStatusCode": "E",
            "CategoryId": null,
            "CreatedBy": "1068",
            "CreationDate": "1997-08-22T11:10:31+00:00",
            "StagingLocatorId": null,
            "StagingSubinventory": null,
            "DestinationTypeCode": "S",
            "DocumentSetId": null,
            "EndDateActive": null,
            "PriorReservationsFlag": false,
            "FromRequestedDate": null,
            "FromScheduledShipDate": null,
            "IncludeAssignedLinesFlag": false,
            "InventoryItemId": null,
            "LastUpdateDate": "2000-06-15T13:27:25+00:00",
            "LastUpdatedBy": "1000049",
            "ShipFromOrganizationCode": "M1",
            "ShipFromOrganizationId": 207,
            "PickFromLocatorId": null,
            "PickFromSubinventory": null,
            "ReleaseRuleId": 1,
            "ReleaseRule": "Internal",
            "ProjectCostingProjectName": null,
            "ProjectCostingProjectNumber": null,
            "ProjectCostingTaskName": null,
            "ProjectCostingTaskNumber": null,
            "GeographyId": null,
            "GeographyElement1": null,
            "GeographyElement2": null,
            "GeographyElement3": null,
            "GeographyElement4": null,
            "GeographyElement5": null,
            "GeographyElement6": null,
            "ShipConfirmRuleId": null,
            "ShipMethodCode": null,
            "ShipSetName": null,
            "ShipToLocationId": null,
            "ShipToLocationType": null,
            "CustomerId": null,
            "ShipmentPriorityCode": null,
            "StartDateActive": "1997-08-22T00:00:00+00:00",
            "ToRequestedDate": null,
            "ToScheduledShipDate": null,
            "TransportationShipment": null,
            "TradeComplianceMethod": null,
            "ZoneId": null,
            "ReleaseSubinventory": null,
            "ReleaseStatus": "Unreleased",
            "OrderTypeCode": null,
            "OrderType": null,
            "OrderId": null,
            "OrderNumber": null,
            "Customer": null,
            "ProjectCostingProjectId": null,
            "ProjectCostingTaskId": null,
            "ShipmentPriority": null,
            "ShipMethod": null,
            "InitialDestinationId": null,
            "InitialDestination": null,
            "CatalogId": null,
            "CatalogName": null,
            "CategoryName": null,
            "ItemNumber": null,
            "ItemDescription": null,
            "ShipFromOrganizationName": "Seattle Manufacturing",
            "PickFromLocator": null,
            "StagingLocator": null,
            "ReleaseSequenceRuleId": 1103,
            "ReleaseSequenceRule": "Departure Date",
            "PickSlipGroupingRuleId": 1202,
            "PickSlipGroupingRule": "Subinventory",
            "ShipmentCreationCriteria": null,
            "ShipConfirmRule": null,
            "DestinationType": "Ship to",
            "ShipToNumber": null,
            "ShipToAddress1": null,
            "ShipToAddress2": null,
            "ShipToAddress3": null,
            "ShipToAddress4": null,
            "ShipToCity": null,
            "ShipToState": null,
            "ShipToCountry": null,
            "ShipToPostalCode": null,
            "ShipToRegion": null,
            "ShipToLocation": null,
            "ShipToLocationCode": null,
            "InitialDestinationAddress1": null,
            "InitialDestinationAddress2": null,
            "InitialDestinationAddress3": null,
            "InitialDestinationAddress4": null,
            "InitialDestinationCountry": null,
            "InitialDestinationCity": null,
            "InitialDestinationPostalCode": null,
            "InitialDestinationState": null,
            "InitialDestinationProvince": null,
            "Geography": null,
            "Zone": null,
            "EndScheduledShipDays": null,
            "EndScheduledShipHours": null,
            "StartScheduledShipDays": null,
            "StartScheduledShipHours": null,
            "EndRequestedDays": null,
            "EndRequestedHours": null,
            "StartRequestedDays": null,
            "StartRequestedHours": null,
            "TradeComplianceMethodMeaning": null,
            "ShipToPartyId": null
            "ShipmentCreationCriteriaCode": null,
            "AppendShipmentsFlag": null,
            "AutoPickConfirmFlag": true,
            "CreateShipmentsFlag": true,
            "AutomaticallyPackFlag": false,
            "ReleaseStatusCode": "E",
            "CategoryId": null,
            "CreatedBy": "1068",
            "CreationDate": "1997-08-22T11:11:01+00:00",
            "StagingLocatorId": null,
            "StagingSubinventory": null,
            "DestinationTypeCode": "S",
            "DocumentSetId": 7,
            "EndDateActive": null,
            "PriorReservationsFlag": false,
            "FromRequestedDate": null,
            "FromScheduledShipDate": null,
            "IncludeAssignedLinesFlag": false,
            "InventoryItemId": null,
            "LastUpdateDate": "2001-03-01T06:39:14+00:00",
            "LastUpdatedBy": "1000049",
            "ShipFromOrganizationCode": "M1",
            "ShipFromOrganizationId": 207,
            "PickFromLocatorId": null,
            "PickFromSubinventory": null,
            "ReleaseRuleId": 2,
            "ReleaseRule": "Standard",
            "ProjectCostingProjectName": null,
            "ProjectCostingProjectNumber": null,
            "ProjectCostingTaskName": null,
            "ProjectCostingTaskNumber": null,
            "GeographyId": null,
            "GeographyElement1": null,
            "GeographyElement2": null,
            "GeographyElement3": null,
            "GeographyElement4": null,
            "GeographyElement5": null,
            "GeographyElement6": null,
            "ShipConfirmRuleId": null,
            "ShipMethodCode": null,
            "ShipSetName": null,
            "ShipToLocationId": null,
            "ShipToLocationType": null,
            "CustomerId": null,
            "ShipmentPriorityCode": null,
            "StartDateActive": "1997-08-22T00:00:00+00:00",
            "ToRequestedDate": null,
            "ToScheduledShipDate": null,
            "TransportationShipment": null,
            "TradeComplianceMethod": null,
            "ZoneId": null,
            "ReleaseSubinventory": null,
            "ReleaseStatus": "Unreleased",
            "OrderTypeCode": null,
            "OrderType": null,
            "OrderId": null,
            "OrderNumber": null,
            "Customer": null,
            "ProjectCostingProjectId": null,
            "ProjectCostingTaskId": null,
            "ShipmentPriority": null,
            "ShipMethod": null,
            "InitialDestinationId": null,
            "InitialDestination": null,
            "CatalogId": null,
            "CatalogName": null,
            "CategoryName": null,
            "ItemNumber": null,
            "ItemDescription": null,
            "ShipFromOrganizationName": "Seattle Manufacturing",
            "PickFromLocator": null,
            "StagingLocator": null,
            "ReleaseSequenceRuleId": 1000,
            "ReleaseSequenceRule": "All Standard Orders",
            "PickSlipGroupingRuleId": 1100,
            "PickSlipGroupingRule": "Customer,Ship To, Carrier",
            "ShipmentCreationCriteria": null,
            "ShipConfirmRule": null,
            "DestinationType": "Ship to",
            "ShipToNumber": null,
            "ShipToAddress1": null,
            "ShipToAddress2": null,
            "ShipToAddress3": null,
            "ShipToAddress4": null,
            "ShipToCity": null,
            "ShipToState": null,
            "ShipToCountry": null,
            "ShipToPostalCode": null,
            "ShipToRegion": null,
            "ShipToLocation": null,
            "ShipToLocationCode": null,
            "InitialDestinationAddress1": null,
            "InitialDestinationAddress2": null,
            "InitialDestinationAddress3": null,
            "InitialDestinationAddress4": null,
            "InitialDestinationCountry": null,
            "InitialDestinationCity": null,
            "InitialDestinationPostalCode": null,
            "InitialDestinationState": null,
            "InitialDestinationProvince": null,
            "Geography": null,
            "Zone": null,
            "EndScheduledShipDays": null,
            "EndScheduledShipHours": null,
            "StartScheduledShipDays": null,
            "StartScheduledShipHours": null,
            "EndRequestedDays": null,
            "EndRequestedHours": null,
            "StartRequestedDays": null,
            "StartRequestedHours": null,
            "TradeComplianceMethodMeaning": null,
            "ShipToPartyId": null
    "count": 3,
    "hasMore": true,
    "limit": 3,
    "offset": 0,
    "links": [
            "rel": "self",
            "href": "https://servername/fscmRestApi/resources/version/releaseRules",
            "name": "releaseRules",
            "kind": "collection"
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