Create One or More Supplier On-Hand Quantity

You can use the Collaboration Supplier On-Hand Quantities resource to create one or more supplier on-hand quantities.

Let's consider that you created an application that allows your customers to use a client to connect to the partner application. The application uses the Collaboration Supplier On-Hand Quantities resource to do a bulk post of the new supplier on-hand quantities in Oracle Supply Chain Collaboration Cloud. You will then need to run the Refresh On-Hand Quantities schedule process to ensure that the current cycle's collaboration order forecasts display the new supplier on-hand quantities.

Let' discuss these scenarios:

  • Create supplier on hand quantities
  • Run the Refresh On-Hand Quantities schedule process

Create Supplier On-hand Quantities

You can create new supplier on-hand quantities in Supply Chain Collaboration using the cURL command with values for the SupplierName, SupplierSiteName, ItemNumber, Quantity, and UOMCode attributes.

Example URL

Use this resource URL format.


curl -u username:password -X POST -H "Content-type:application/" https://servername/fscmRestApi/resources/version/ -d'{	"parts": [{"id": "part1", "path": "/collaborationSupplierOnHandQuantities", "operation": "create", "payload":{"SupplierName": "CV_SuppD01", "SupplierSiteName": "CV_SuppD01Site1", "ItemNumber": "SCC-CNTRDL-01", "Quantity": 50, "UOMCode": "Ea"}}, {"id": "part2", "path": "/ collaborationSupplierOnHandQuantities ","operation": "create", "payload":{"SupplierName": "CV_SuppD01", "SupplierSiteName": "CV_SuppD01Site1", "ItemNumber": "SCC-CNTRDL-02", "Quantity": 50, "UOMCode": "Ea"}}]}'

Example Response

Here's an example of the response body in JSON format.

    "parts": [
            "id": "part1",
            "path": " https://servername/fscmRestApi/resources/version/collaborationSupplierOnHandQuantities",
            "operation": "create",
            "payload": {}
            "id": "part2",
            "path": " https://servername/fscmRestApi/resources/version/collaborationSupplierOnHandQuantities",
            "operation": "create",
            "payload": {}

Run the Scheduled Process

After you create or update the supplier on-hand quantities, you run the Refresh On-Hand Quantities scheduled process. This scheduled process ensures that the current cycle's collaboration order forecasts show the new supplier on-hand quantities.


You can schedule the Refresh On-Hand Quantities process to run at a regular time interval to support your business processes.