Find and Delete a Customer Demand

You create a solution that enables your customer to use a client to connect to your partner application, and then use REST API to find and delete a customer demand.

Let's discuss this scenario:
  • Find and delete a customer demand.

Here's a typical application processing flow for the scenario:

  • Retrieve a customer demand.

  • Delete a customer demand.

Retrieve a Customer Demand

To retrieve customer demand:

  1. Authenticate as an enterprise or customer demand collaborator.
  2. Run the GET operation against the Collaboration Customer Demand resource.

    The response payload includes details that describe the results of the request.

Your partner application extracts the values for these attributes from the response payload, and then displays them in the client.

Attribute Description User Key
collaborationCustomerDemands.CustomerDemandId Value that uniquely identifies the collaboration customer demand. N/A
collaborationCustomerDemands.DocumentId Value that uniquely identifies the collaboration document type. N/A
collaborationCustomerDemands.DocumentTypeCode Abbreviation that identifies the collaboration document type. N/A
collaborationCustomerDemands.DocumentTypeName Name of the collaboration document type. N/A
collaborationCustomerDemands.CustomerId Value that uniquely identifies the customer in the customer demand that receives the item. It is a primary key that the application creates when it creates the customer. N/A
collaborationCustomerDemands.CustomerName Name of the customer in the customer demand that receives the item. N/A
collaborationCustomerDemands.CustomerNumber Number that identifies the customer in the customer demand that receives the item. N/A
collaborationCustomerDemands.CustomerSiteId Value that uniquely identifies the customer site in the customer demand that receives the item. It is a primary key that the application creates when it creates the customer. N/A
collaborationCustomerDemands.CustomerSiteNumber Number that identifies customer site in the customer demand that receives the item. N/A
collaborationCustomerDemandsCustomerSiteLocation Location of the customer site in the customer demand that receives the item. N/A
collaborationCustomerDemands.ItemLevelCode Abbreviation that identifies the item level of the collaboration customer demand. N/A
collaborationCustomerDemands.ItemLevelValue Value of the defined item level of the collaboration customer demand. N/A
collaborationCustomerDemands.ItemLevelDescription Description of the defined item level of the collaboration customer demand. N/A
collaborationCustomerDemands.UOMCode Abbreviation that identifies the unit of measure for the item. N/A
collaborationCustomerDemands.UnitOfMeasure Unit of measure for the item. N/A
collaborationCustomerDemands.OrganizationLevelCode Abbreviation that identifies the organization level of the collaboration customer demand. N/A
collaborationCustomerDemands.OrganizationLevelValue Value of the defined organization level of the collaboration customer demand. N/A
collaborationCustomerDemands.OrganizationLevelDescription Description of the defined organization level of the collaboration customer demand. N/A
collaborationCustomerDemands.CreatedBy User who created the collaboration customer demand. N/A
collaborationCustomerDemands.CreationDate Date and time when the user created the collaboration customer demand. N/A
collaborationCustomerDemands.LastUpdatedBy Login of the user who most recently updated the collaboration customer demand. N/A
collaborationCustomerDemands.LastUpdateDate Date and time when the user most recently updated the collaboration customer demand. N/A

Example URL

Use this resource URL format:

curl -u username:password -X GET -H "Content-Type:application/json" -d 'request payload' "https://servername/fscmRestApi/resources/version/collaborationCustomerDemands?onlyData=true&q=CustomerSiteLocation = 'DC New Orleans' and ItemLevelValue = 'DC-FIT1100' and OrganizationLevelValue = 'SCC:SMF1'"

Example Response

Here's an example of the response body in JSON format:pre
    "items": [
            "CustomerDemandId": 7216,
            "DocumentId": -10001,
            "DocumentTypeCode": "VCS_FORECAST",
            "DocumentTypeName": "Forecast",
            "CustomerId": 300100140476692,
            "CustomerName": "GoalUp Fitness",
            "CustomerNumber": "SCC-1005",
            "CustomerSiteId": "999990031171297",
            "CustomerSiteNumber": "GoalUp Fit New Orleans 2",
            "CustomerSiteLocation": "DC New Orleans",
            "ItemLevelCode": "ORA_VCS_ITEM",
            "ItemLevelValue": "DC-FIT1100",
            "ItemLevelDescription": "FIT 1100 Elliptical",
            "UOMCode": "EA",
            "UnitOfMeasure": "EA",
            "OrganizationLevelCode": "ORA_VCS_ORGANIZATION",
            "OrganizationLevelValue": "SCC:SMF1",
            "OrganizationLevelDescription": "Supremo Manufacturing 1",
            "CreatedBy": "COLLABPLANNER",
            "CreationDate": "2021-10-01T04:30:08.000+0000",
            "LastUpdatedBy": "COLLABPLANNER",
            "LastUpdateDate": "2021-10-01T04:30:18.000+0000"          
    "count": 1,
    "hasMore": false,
    "limit": 25,
    "offSet": 0

Delete a Customer Demand

To delete a customer demand:

  1. Authenticate as an enterprise or customer demand collaborator.
  2. Run the DELETE operation against the Collaboration Customer Demand resource.

    The response payload will not include any details. However, the status will be a 204 Response No Content when successful, which describes the results of the request.

Example URL

Use this resource URL format:

DELETE collaborationCustomerDemand

curl -u username:password -X DELETE -H "Content-Type:application/json" -d 'request payload' "https://servername/fscmRestApi/resources/version/collaborationCustomerDemand/7216"

Example Response

Here's an example of the response body in JSON format:
204 Response
   No content. This task does not return elements in the response body.