Search for Messages in Collaboration Messaging Framework Message Transactions Log

You can use REST API to search for specific messages in the Oracle Collaboration Messaging Framework Cloud message transactions log. When searching for the messages you use the business document identifier to find the specific document. For example, you can search for purchase orders in the message transactions log by using the purchase order number, or searching for invoices in the message transactions log by using the invoice number.

To search for the messages, you use the KeyContext attribute in the B2B Message Transactions resource. Let's discuss the scenarios where the valid values for KeyContext are:

  • PurchaseOrderToSupplier

  • ReceiptAdvicetoSupplier

  • InvoicefromSupplier

  • InvoiceRejectionToSupplier

  • ShipmentFromSupplier

  • PurchaseOrderFromCustomer

  • PurchaseOrderAcknowledgementToCustomer

  • InvoiceToCustomer

  • ShipmentToCustomer

  • ForecastToSupplier

  • ForecastAcknowledgementFromSupplier

  • SupplyPlanningDataFromSupplier

  • BrazilElectronicInvoiceValidationToGovernment

  • BrazilElectronicInvoiceValidationFromGovernment

Search When KeyContext is PurchaseOrderToSupplier

When KeyContext is PurchaseOrderToSupplier, you can search on transactions for these procure to pay messages:

  • Process Purchase Order Outbound

  • Change Purchase Order Outbound

  • Cancel Purchase Order Outbound

  • Acknowledge Purchase Order Inbound

  • Acknowledge Change Purchase Order Inbound

You can search using these attributes:

  • PONumber

  • SoldToLegalEntity

  • SupplierName

  • SupplierNumber

  • SupplierSiteName

  • PartnerKeyType

Search When KeyContext is ReceiptAdvicetoSupplier

When KeyContext is ReceiptAdviceToSupplier, you can search on transactions for these procure to pay messages:

  • Process Receipt Advice Outbound

  • Process Receipt Acknowledgement Inbound

You can search using these attributes:

  • SupplierName

  • SupplierNumber

  • SupplierSiteName

  • PartnerKeyType

Search When KeyContext is InvoiceRejectionToSupplier

When KeyContext is InvoiceRejectionToSupplier, you can search on transactions for these procure to pay messages:

  • Acknowledge Rejected Invoice Outbound

You can search using these attributes:

  • InvoiceNumber

  • SupplierName

  • SupplierNumber

  • SupplierSiteName

  • PartnerKeyType

Search When KeyContext is ReceiptAdvicetoSupplier

When KeyContext is ReceiptAdvicetoSupplier, you can search on transactions for these procure to pay messages:

  • Process Receipt Advice Outbound

  • Process Receipt Acknowledgement Inbound

You can search using these attributes:

  • SupplierName

  • SupplierNumber

  • SupplierSiteName

  • PartnerKeyType

Search When KeyContext is InvoicefromSupplier

When the KeyContext is InvoicefromSupplier, you can search on transactions for these procure to pay messages:

  • Process Invoice Inbound

You can search using these attributes:

  • InvoiceNumber

  • SupplierName

  • SupplierNumber

  • SupplierSiteName

  • PartnerKeyType

Search When KeyContext is ShipmentFromSupplier

When the KeyContext is ShipmentFromSupplier, you can search on transactions for these procure to pay messages:

  • Process Shipment Inbound

You can search using these attributes:

  • ShipmentNumber

  • SupplierName

  • SupplierNumber

  • SupplierSiteName

  • PartnerKeyType

Search When KeyContext is PurchaseOrderFromCustomer

When the KeyContext is PurchaseOrderFromCustomer, you can search on transactions for these order to cash messages:

  • Process Purchase Order Inbound

  • Change Purchase Order Inbound

  • Cancel Purchase Order Inbound

You can search using these attributes:

  • PONumber

  • CustomerID

  • CustomerNumber

  • CustomerName

  • PartnerKeyType

Search When KeyContext is PurchaseOrderAcknowledgementToCustomer

When the KeyContext is PurchaseOrderAcknowledgementToCustomer, you can search on transactions for these order to cash messages:

  • Acknowledge Purchase Order Outbound

  • Acknowledge Change Purchase Order Outbound

You can search using these attributes:

  • OrderNumber

  • Version

  • CustomerID

  • CustomerNumber

  • CustomerName

  • PartnerKeyType

Search When KeyContext is InvoiceToCustomer

When the KeyContext is InvoiceToCustomer, you can search on transactions for this order to cash message:

  • Process Invoice Outbound

You can search using these attributes:

  • TransactionNumber

  • CustomerAccount

  • CustomerNumber

  • CustomerName

  • CustomerAccount

Search When KeyContext is ShipmentToCustomer

When the KeyContext is ShipmentToCustomer, you can search on transactions for this order to cash message:

  • Process Shipment Outbound

You can search using these attributes:

  • ShipmentNumber

  • CustomerId

  • CustomerNumber

  • CustomerName

  • PartnerKeyType

Search When KeyContext is ForeCastToSupplier

When the KeyContext is ForeCastToSupplier, you can search on transactions for this supply chain collaboration message:

  • Process Forecast Outbound

You can search using these attributes:

  • CollaborationPlan

  • SupplierId

  • SupplierSiteId

  • SupplierName

  • SupplierNumber

  • SupplierSiteName

  • PartnerKeyType

Search When KeyContext is ForecastAcknowledgementFromSupplier

When the KeyContext is ForecastAcknowledgementFromSupplier, you can search on transactions for this supply chain collaboration message:

  • Acknowledge Forecast Inbound

You can search using these attributes:

  • CollaborationPlan

  • SupplierId

  • SupplierSiteId

  • SupplierName

  • SupplierNumber

  • SupplierSiteName

  • PartnerKeyType

Search When KeyContext is SupplyPlanningDataFromSupplier

When the KeyContext is SupplyPlanningDataFromSupplier, you can search on transactions for this supply chain collaboration message:

  • Supply Planning Data Inbound Message

You can search using these attributes:

  • SupplierName
  • SupplierNumber
  • SupplierSiteName

Search When KeyContext is BrazilElectronicInvoiceFromSupplier

When the KeyContext is BrazilElectronicInvoiceFromSupplier, you can search on transactions for these Brazil Electronic Invoicing Process messages:

  • Process Brazil Electronic Invoice Inbound

  • Process Brazil Electronic Freight Invoice Inbound

  • Cancel Brazil Electronic Invoice Inbound

  • Cancel Brazil Electronic Freight Invoice Inbound

You can search using this attribute:

  • Access Key

Search When KeyContext is BrazilElectronicInvoiceValidationToGovernment

When the KeyContext is BrazilElectronicInvoiceValidationToGovernment, you can search on transactions for these Brazil Electronic Invoicing Process messages:

  • Response to an outbound Validate Brazil Electronic Invoice Inbound

  • Response to an outbound Validate Brazil Electronic Freight Invoice Inbound

  • Validate Brazil Electronic Invoice Outbound

  • Validate Brazil Electronic Freight Invoice Outbound

You can search using this attribute:

  • Access Key

Search When KeyContext is BrazilElectronicInvoiceConfirmationToGovernment

When the KeyContext is BrazilElectronicInvoiceConfirmationToGovernment you can search on transactions for this Brazil Electronic Invoicing Process messages:

  • Confirm Electronic Invoice Outbound

You can search using this attribute:

  • Access Key

Search When KeyContext is BrazilElectronicFreightInvoiceFromSupplier

When the KeyContext is BrazilElectronicFreightInvoiceFromSupplier you can search on transactions for this Brazil Electronic Invoicing Process message:

  • Brazil Electronic Freight Other Services Invoice - Inbound

You can search using this attribute:

  • Access Key

Example URL

Use this resource URL format.


curl -u username:password "https://servername/fscmRestApi/resources/version/b2bMessageTransactions?q=KeyContext='PurchaseOrderToSupplier' AND SoldToLegalEntity='Vision Operations'" -H 'REST-Framework-Version: 2' -H 'cache-control: no-cache'

Example Response

Here's an example of the response body in JSON format.

	"items": [
		"MessageLogId": 300100181564967,
		"MessageGUID": "OUT_78045",
		"ServiceProviderId": 300100128521062,
		"ServiceProviderName": "CMKNewTP",
		"Status": "B2BError",
		"StatusDate": "2019-08-28T21:59:25.363+00:00",
		"TestFlag": true,
		"Error": "UnexpectedError",
		"ErrorType": "OutboundProcessing",
		"MessageName": "OAGIS_10.1_PROCESS_PO_COLLAB_MSG_OUT",
		"MessageId": 40011,
		"ProcessingDuration": null,
		"RetryCount": 1,
		"SenderMessageId": null,
		"DocumentOperationId": 20011,
		"ExternalPartnerId": 300100128588112,
		"TradingPartnerId": "CMKNewTP_TradPart",
		"TradingPartnerIdType": "ORA_Generic",
		"PartnerMessageName": "CMKNewTP_O1",
		"PartnerMessageId": 300100128521064,
		"PartnerKeyType": "Supplier Site",
		"CorrelationId": null,
		"ProcessingCode": null,
		"ProcessingDetail": null,
		"SentAttachments": 0,
		"TotalAttachments": 0,
		"SentAttachmentsList": null,
		"DocumentId": 40011,
		"Direction": "Out",
		"DocumentName": "PROCESS_PO_OUT",
		"MessageLogStatus": "Undelivered",
		"KeyContext": "PurchaseOrderToSupplier",
		"PublicationId": null,
		"PrimaryRecipientFlag": true,
		"ConfirmationStatus": "NotReceived",
		"AltDelMethodTypeFlag": false,
		"PONumber": "1003056",
		"SoldToLegalEntity": "Vision Operations",
		"SupplierName": "CMKQA_PROC2PAY_SUP_10.1",
		"SupplierNumber": "1407514804",
		"SupplierSiteName": "CMK_PR2PAY1_101",
		"links": [
			"rel": "self",
			"href": "https://servername/fscmRestApi/resources/version/b2bMessageTransactions/OUT_78045",
			"name": "b2bMessageTransactions",
			"kind": "item",
			"properties": {
				"changeIndicator": "ACED0005737200136A6176612E7574696C2E41727261794C6973747881D21D99C7619D03000149000473697A65787000000001770400000001737200116A6176612E6C616E672E496E746567657212E2A0A4F781873802000149000576616C7565787200106A6176612E6C616E672E4E756D62657286AC951D0B94E08B02000078700000000278"
			"rel": "canonical",
			"href": "https://servername/fscmRestApi/resources/version/b2bMessageTransactions/OUT_78045",
			"name": "b2bMessageTransactions",
			"kind": "item"
			"rel": "child",
			"href": "https://servername/fscmRestApi/resources/version/b2bMessageTransactions/OUT_78045/child/deliveryAttempts",
			"name": "deliveryAttempts",
			"kind": "collection"
			"rel": "child",
			"href": "https://servername/fscmRestApi/resources/version/b2bMessageTransactions/OUT_78045/child/receiptConfirmations",
			"name": "receiptConfirmations",
			"kind": "collection"
			"rel": "enclosure",
			"href": "https://servername/fscmRestApi/resources/version/b2bMessageTransactions/OUT_78045/enclosure/InputDocument",
			"name": "InputDocument",
			"kind": "other"
			"rel": "enclosure",
			"href": "https://servername/fscmRestApi/resources/version/b2bMessageTransactions/OUT_78045/enclosure/OutputDocument",
			"name": "OutputDocument",
			"kind": "other"
			"rel": "enclosure",
			"href": "https://servername/fscmRestApi/resources/version/b2bMessageTransactions/OUT_78045/enclosure/ErrorDescription",
			"name": "ErrorDescription",
			"kind": "other"