Overview of Creating SCM Implementation Users

As the service administrator for the Oracle SCM Cloud service, you're sent sign-in details when your environments are provisioned. This topic summarizes how to access the service for the first time and set up implementation users to perform the implementation. You must complete these

Tip: Create implementation users in the test environment first. Migrate your implementation to the production environment only after you have validated it. With this approach, the implementation team can learn how to implement security before setting up application users in the production environment.

Signing In to the Oracle SCM Cloud Service

The service activation mail from Oracle provides the service URLs, user name, and temporary password for the test or production environment. Refer to the e-mail for the environment that you're setting up. The Identity Domain value is the environment name. For example, SCMA could be the production environment and SCMA-TEST could be the test environment.

Sign in to the test or production Oracle SCM Cloud service using the service home URL from the service activation mail. The URL ends with either AtkHomePageWelcome or FuseWelcome.

When you first sign in, use the password in the service activation mail. You're prompted to change the password and answer some challenge questions. Make a note of the new password. You must use it for subsequent access to the service.

Don't share your sign-in details with other users.

Creating Implementation Users

This table summarizes the process of creating implementation users and assigning roles to them.


Task or Activity



Create Implementation Users

The Application Implementation Consultant user may be your only implementation user. However, you can create the implementation users TechAdmin and SCMUser and assign the required job roles to them if you need these implementation users and they don't already exist in your environment.

You don't associate named workers with these users at this time because your service isn't yet configured to onboard users in the integrated HCM core. As your implementation progresses, you may decide to replace these users or change their definitions.


Run User and Roles Synchronization Process

Run the process Retrieve Latest LDAP Changes to copy changes to users and their assigned roles to Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Capital Management (Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM).


Assign Security Profiles to Abstract Roles

Enable basic data access for the predefined Employee, Contingent Worker, and Line Manager abstract roles.


Create a Generic Role Mapping for the Roles

Enable the roles created in step 3 to be provisioned to implementation users.


Assign Abstract and Data Access to the Implementation User

Assign the implementation user with the roles that enable functional implementation to proceed.


Verify Implementation User Access

Confirm that the implementation user can access the functions enabled by the assigned roles.

Once these steps are complete, you're recommended to reset the service administrator sign-in details.