Demand Planner (Job Role)

Manages demand plans

Role Hierarchy

The Demand Planner job role directly and indirectly inherits these roles.

  • Demand Planner
    • Plan Analysis

    • Plan Inputs Reference Data Management

    • Plan Management

    • Plan Processing

    • Planning Administration

    • Planning Collected Data Management
      • Item Inquiry

    • Planning Item Management


This table lists the duties assigned directly and indirectly to the Demand Planner job role.

Duty Role Description

Item Inquiry

Queries and views items in the enterprise.

Plan Analysis

Manages and analyzes Supply or Demand Plans

Plan Inputs Reference Data Management

Reviews all reference data entities like items, resources used as input to supply and demand plans

Plan Management

Manages demand and supply plans

Plan Processing

Manages, publishes and releases recommendations of demand and supply plans

Planning Administration

Configures and manages planning set up, data collection and order promising server processes.

Planning Collected Data Management

Manages data collection processes and verifies collected data.

Planning Item Management

Manages items used in demand and supply plans


This table lists privileges granted to duties of the Demand Planner job role.

Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege Privilege Description

Demand Planner

Manages demand plans

Generate Forecast Details

Not Available

Demand Planner

Manages demand plans

Monitor Demand Management Work Area

Not Available

Demand Planner

Manages demand plans

Simulate Demand Forecast

Not Available

Item Inquiry

Queries and views items in the enterprise.

GET Product Management Index REST

Allows access to view indexed attributes.

Item Inquiry

Queries and views items in the enterprise.

Get Search View REST

Allows query of search views.

Item Inquiry

Queries and views items in the enterprise.

Manage Item Attachment

Allows access to view and manage item attachments.

Item Inquiry

Queries and views items in the enterprise.

Manage Item Catalog

Allows access to view and manage item catalogs including categories and category hierarchies.

Item Inquiry

Queries and views items in the enterprise.

Manage Item Global Search

Allows access to search for items using secure enterprise search.

Item Inquiry

Queries and views items in the enterprise.

Manage Product Management Search

Allows access to view and edit Product Management Search.

Item Inquiry

Queries and views items in the enterprise.

Manage Trading Partner Item Reference

Allows access to manage trading partner item references for items.

Item Inquiry

Queries and views items in the enterprise.

Manage Unit of Measure

Allows configuration of UOMs, UOM classes, and definition of standard, interclass, and intraclass UOM conversions.

Item Inquiry

Queries and views items in the enterprise.

View Item

Allows access to product dashboard.

Item Inquiry

Queries and views items in the enterprise.

View Item Organization Association

Allows access to view item organization assignments.

Item Inquiry

Queries and views items in the enterprise.

View Item Relationship

Allows access to view item relationships.

Item Inquiry

Queries and views items in the enterprise.

View Product Management Search

Allows access to view Product Management Search.

Plan Analysis

Manages and analyzes Supply or Demand Plans

Compare Planning Scenarios

Not Available

Plan Analysis

Manages and analyzes Supply or Demand Plans

Compare Plans

Not Available

Plan Analysis

Manages and analyzes Supply or Demand Plans

Copy Planning Measure Data

Not Available

Plan Analysis

Manages and analyzes Supply or Demand Plans

Delete Measure Definition

Not Available

Plan Analysis

Manages and analyzes Supply or Demand Plans

Delete Planning Graphs

Not Available

Plan Analysis

Manages and analyzes Supply or Demand Plans

Delete Planning Tables

Not Available

Plan Analysis

Manages and analyzes Supply or Demand Plans

Edit Data in Planning Tables

Not Available

Plan Analysis

Manages and analyzes Supply or Demand Plans

Edit Planning Analysis Sets

Not Available

Plan Analysis

Manages and analyzes Supply or Demand Plans

Maintain Measure Definition

Not Available

Plan Analysis

Manages and analyzes Supply or Demand Plans

Maintain Planning Graphs

Not Available

Plan Analysis

Manages and analyzes Supply or Demand Plans

Maintain Planning Tables

Not Available

Plan Analysis

Manages and analyzes Supply or Demand Plans

Manage Inventory Transfer Order

Allows management of inventory transfer orders.

Plan Analysis

Manages and analyzes Supply or Demand Plans

Manage Planning Exceptions

Not Available

Plan Analysis

Manages and analyzes Supply or Demand Plans

Manage Planning Graphs

Not Available

Plan Analysis

Manages and analyzes Supply or Demand Plans

Manage Product Launch

Not Available

Plan Analysis

Manages and analyzes Supply or Demand Plans

Manage Production Plans

Allows management of production plans

Plan Analysis

Manages and analyzes Supply or Demand Plans

Manage Segments

Manage Segments

Plan Analysis

Manages and analyzes Supply or Demand Plans

Manage Supplier Operations

Allows query, create, and update of supplier operations.

Plan Analysis

Manages and analyzes Supply or Demand Plans

Manage Work Order Headers

Allows creation of work orders and update of work order header and general information.

Plan Analysis

Manages and analyzes Supply or Demand Plans

Manage Work Order Operations

Allows addition and update of work order operations.

Plan Analysis

Manages and analyzes Supply or Demand Plans

Manage Work Order Serials

Allows entry of work order serials and related actions.

Plan Analysis

Manages and analyzes Supply or Demand Plans

Pick Components for Work Orders

Allows picking of components for work orders for the manufacturing organizations in which they can operate.

Plan Analysis

Manages and analyzes Supply or Demand Plans

Reserve Materials Automatically for Work Orders

Allows management of material reservations for the work orders, using a scheduled process.

Plan Analysis

Manages and analyzes Supply or Demand Plans

Review Clear-to-Build

Not Available

Plan Analysis

Manages and analyzes Supply or Demand Plans

Review Demand Planning Data

Not Available

Plan Analysis

Manages and analyzes Supply or Demand Plans

Review Pegging Analysis

Not Available

Plan Analysis

Manages and analyzes Supply or Demand Plans

Review Plan Summary

Not Available

Plan Analysis

Manages and analyzes Supply or Demand Plans

View Measure Definition

Not Available

Plan Analysis

Manages and analyzes Supply or Demand Plans

View Plan to Produce Infolet Page

Allows access to the home experience page that contains infolets for the Plan to Produce process area.

Plan Analysis

Manages and analyzes Supply or Demand Plans

View Planning Analysis Sets

Not Available

Plan Analysis

Manages and analyzes Supply or Demand Plans

View Planning Tables

Not Available

Plan Analysis

Manages and analyzes Supply or Demand Plans

View Purchase Order

Allows a user to review a purchase order.

Plan Analysis

Manages and analyzes Supply or Demand Plans

View Work Orders

Allows query and view of work order details.

Plan Inputs Reference Data Management

Reviews all reference data entities like items, resources used as input to supply and demand plans

Edit Demand Classes

Not Available

Plan Inputs Reference Data Management

Reviews all reference data entities like items, resources used as input to supply and demand plans

Edit Demand Priority Rules

Not Available

Plan Inputs Reference Data Management

Reviews all reference data entities like items, resources used as input to supply and demand plans

Edit Planning Calendar Associations

Not Available

Plan Inputs Reference Data Management

Reviews all reference data entities like items, resources used as input to supply and demand plans

Edit Planning Calendars

Not Available

Plan Inputs Reference Data Management

Reviews all reference data entities like items, resources used as input to supply and demand plans

Edit Planning Simulation Sets

Not Available

Plan Inputs Reference Data Management

Reviews all reference data entities like items, resources used as input to supply and demand plans

Edit Supply Network Model

Not Available

Plan Inputs Reference Data Management

Reviews all reference data entities like items, resources used as input to supply and demand plans

Export Planning Data

Not Available

Plan Inputs Reference Data Management

Reviews all reference data entities like items, resources used as input to supply and demand plans

Generate Lead Time Insights

Allows generation of lead time insights

Plan Inputs Reference Data Management

Reviews all reference data entities like items, resources used as input to supply and demand plans

Load Planning Hierarchies Data

Not Available

Plan Inputs Reference Data Management

Reviews all reference data entities like items, resources used as input to supply and demand plans

Load Planning Reference Data

Not Available

Plan Inputs Reference Data Management

Reviews all reference data entities like items, resources used as input to supply and demand plans

Load Planning Transaction Data

Not Available

Plan Inputs Reference Data Management

Reviews all reference data entities like items, resources used as input to supply and demand plans

Manage Lead Time Insights

Allows review of lead time insights

Plan Inputs Reference Data Management

Reviews all reference data entities like items, resources used as input to supply and demand plans

Monitor Plan Inputs Work Area

Not Available

Plan Inputs Reference Data Management

Reviews all reference data entities like items, resources used as input to supply and demand plans

Receive Data from Trading Partners

Not Available

Plan Inputs Reference Data Management

Reviews all reference data entities like items, resources used as input to supply and demand plans

Review Planning Currencies

Not Available

Plan Inputs Reference Data Management

Reviews all reference data entities like items, resources used as input to supply and demand plans

Review Planning Currency Conversions

Not Available

Plan Inputs Reference Data Management

Reviews all reference data entities like items, resources used as input to supply and demand plans

Review Planning Units of Measure

Not Available

Plan Inputs Reference Data Management

Reviews all reference data entities like items, resources used as input to supply and demand plans

Save Changes to Planning Simulation Set

Not Available

Plan Inputs Reference Data Management

Reviews all reference data entities like items, resources used as input to supply and demand plans

View Cross-Reference Relationships for Collected Data

Not Available

Plan Inputs Reference Data Management

Reviews all reference data entities like items, resources used as input to supply and demand plans

View Demand Classes

Not Available

Plan Inputs Reference Data Management

Reviews all reference data entities like items, resources used as input to supply and demand plans

View Demand Priority Rules

Not Available

Plan Inputs Reference Data Management

Reviews all reference data entities like items, resources used as input to supply and demand plans

View Planning Calendar Associations

Not Available

Plan Inputs Reference Data Management

Reviews all reference data entities like items, resources used as input to supply and demand plans

View Planning Calendars

Not Available

Plan Inputs Reference Data Management

Reviews all reference data entities like items, resources used as input to supply and demand plans

View Planning Objects Using REST Service

Allows view of data related to planning objects using REST service

Plan Inputs Reference Data Management

Reviews all reference data entities like items, resources used as input to supply and demand plans

View Planning Simulation Sets

Not Available

Plan Inputs Reference Data Management

Reviews all reference data entities like items, resources used as input to supply and demand plans

View Supply Network Model

Not Available

Plan Management

Manages demand and supply plans

Delete Plans

Not Available

Plan Management

Manages demand and supply plans

Edit Plan Options

Not Available

Plan Management

Manages demand and supply plans

Edit Planning Scenarios

Not Available

Plan Management

Manages demand and supply plans

Edit Plans

Not Available

Plan Management

Manages demand and supply plans

Manage Plan Collaboration Spaces

Not Available

Plan Management

Manages demand and supply plans

Manage Rolling Archives

Not Available

Plan Management

Manages demand and supply plans

Manage Scenario Collaboration Spaces

Not Available

Plan Management

Manages demand and supply plans

Save Plan Extract

Not Available

Plan Management

Manages demand and supply plans

View Plan Options

Not Available

Plan Management

Manages demand and supply plans

View Planning Scenarios

Not Available

Plan Management

Manages demand and supply plans

View Plans

Not Available

Plan Processing

Manages, publishes and releases recommendations of demand and supply plans

Approve Demand Plan

Not Available

Plan Processing

Manages, publishes and releases recommendations of demand and supply plans

Compare Orders

Not Available

Plan Processing

Manages, publishes and releases recommendations of demand and supply plans

Delete Planning Notes

Not Available

Plan Processing

Manages, publishes and releases recommendations of demand and supply plans

Edit Demands and Supplies

Not Available

Plan Processing

Manages, publishes and releases recommendations of demand and supply plans

Edit Planning Notes

Not Available

Plan Processing

Manages, publishes and releases recommendations of demand and supply plans

Extract Planning Data

Allows user to extract planning data

Plan Processing

Manages, publishes and releases recommendations of demand and supply plans

Maintain Planning Workflow Processes

Not Available

Plan Processing

Manages, publishes and releases recommendations of demand and supply plans

Manage Demand Fulfillment

Not Available

Plan Processing

Manages, publishes and releases recommendations of demand and supply plans

Mark Orders for Release

Not Available

Plan Processing

Manages, publishes and releases recommendations of demand and supply plans

Monitor Planning Scheduled Processes

Not Available

Plan Processing

Manages, publishes and releases recommendations of demand and supply plans

Process Supply Order Interface

Ability to schedule or run SCO Process Supply Order Interface ESS job

Plan Processing

Manages, publishes and releases recommendations of demand and supply plans

Publish Data to Trading Partners

Not Available

Plan Processing

Manages, publishes and releases recommendations of demand and supply plans

Publish Plan Data

Not Available

Plan Processing

Manages, publishes and releases recommendations of demand and supply plans

Publish Plan Data to Planning Collaboration

Not Available

Plan Processing

Manages, publishes and releases recommendations of demand and supply plans

Receive Production Plans

Allows review of planned orders in published production plans and receiving into a supply plan

Plan Processing

Manages, publishes and releases recommendations of demand and supply plans

Release Planning Recommendations

Not Available

Plan Processing

Manages, publishes and releases recommendations of demand and supply plans

Run Plan with Snapshot

Not Available

Plan Processing

Manages, publishes and releases recommendations of demand and supply plans

Run Plan without Snapshot

Not Available

Plan Processing

Manages, publishes and releases recommendations of demand and supply plans

Schedule Order Forecast Decomposition

Allows execution of the scheduled process that decomposes the order forecast interface.

Plan Processing

Manages, publishes and releases recommendations of demand and supply plans

View Demands and Supplies

Not Available

Plan Processing

Manages, publishes and releases recommendations of demand and supply plans

View Planning Notes

Not Available

Planning Administration

Configures and manages planning set up, data collection and order promising server processes.

Administer Planning Security

Not Available

Planning Administration

Configures and manages planning set up, data collection and order promising server processes.

Collect Planning Hierarchies Data

Not Available

Planning Administration

Configures and manages planning set up, data collection and order promising server processes.

Collect Planning Reference Data

Not Available

Planning Administration

Configures and manages planning set up, data collection and order promising server processes.

Collect Planning Transaction Data

Not Available

Planning Administration

Configures and manages planning set up, data collection and order promising server processes.

Edit Planning Analytics Configuration

Not Available

Planning Administration

Configures and manages planning set up, data collection and order promising server processes.

Edit Buyer Planning Participating Suppliers

Allows management of buyer planning suppliers from the participating supplier page.

Planning Administration

Configures and manages planning set up, data collection and order promising server processes.

Edit Forecasting Profiles

Not Available

Planning Administration

Configures and manages planning set up, data collection and order promising server processes.

Edit Planning Exception Sets

Not Available

Planning Administration

Configures and manages planning set up, data collection and order promising server processes.

Edit Planning Exceptions Configuration

Not Available

Planning Administration

Configures and manages planning set up, data collection and order promising server processes.

Edit Planning Level Profiles

Allows creation, updating, deletion, and viewing of planning level profiles

Planning Administration

Configures and manages planning set up, data collection and order promising server processes.

Edit Planning Profile Options

Not Available

Planning Administration

Configures and manages planning set up, data collection and order promising server processes.

Export Customer Account

Not Available

Planning Administration

Configures and manages planning set up, data collection and order promising server processes.

Extract Planning Data

Allows user to extract planning data

Planning Administration

Configures and manages planning set up, data collection and order promising server processes.

Load Measure Data from Other Plans

Not Available

Planning Administration

Configures and manages planning set up, data collection and order promising server processes.

Load Planning Hierarchies Data

Not Available

Planning Administration

Configures and manages planning set up, data collection and order promising server processes.

Load Planning Reference Data

Not Available

Planning Administration

Configures and manages planning set up, data collection and order promising server processes.

Load Planning Transaction Data

Not Available

Planning Administration

Configures and manages planning set up, data collection and order promising server processes.

Manage Material Planner

Allows definition and maintenance of material planners.

Planning Administration

Configures and manages planning set up, data collection and order promising server processes.

Manage My Application Profile Values

Manage My Application Profile Values. Access to manage profile values at the user level.

Planning Administration

Configures and manages planning set up, data collection and order promising server processes.

Manage Order Promising Data Collection

Allows management of data collection parameters, processes, and requests.

Planning Administration

Configures and manages planning set up, data collection and order promising server processes.

Manage Order Promising Options

Allows management of default order promising parameters related to handling extremely high number of transactions, and other instance level settings that affect promising behavior.

Planning Administration

Configures and manages planning set up, data collection and order promising server processes.

Manage Planning Advisor Alerts

Allows review of planning advisor alerts

Planning Administration

Configures and manages planning set up, data collection and order promising server processes.

Manage Planning Attributes

Allows edit of planning attributes

Planning Administration

Configures and manages planning set up, data collection and order promising server processes.

Manage Planning Instance

Allows management of planning source system definitions and related parameters.

Planning Administration

Configures and manages planning set up, data collection and order promising server processes.

Manage Planning Sourcing

Allows management of sourcing rules and bills of distribution.

Planning Administration

Configures and manages planning set up, data collection and order promising server processes.

Manage Planning Sourcing Assignment

Allows management of sourcing assignments.

Planning Administration

Configures and manages planning set up, data collection and order promising server processes.

Manage Projects

Allows edit of project groups and netting rules

Planning Administration

Configures and manages planning set up, data collection and order promising server processes.

Monitor Planning Data Collection Process

Allows monitoring of data collection processes.

Planning Administration

Configures and manages planning set up, data collection and order promising server processes.

Perform Order Orchestration and Planning Data Collection

Allows submission of data collection requests to collect data from Oracle Fusion source systems. Allows upload of third-party source system data to data collection Web services.

Planning Administration

Configures and manages planning set up, data collection and order promising server processes.

Perform Order Orchestration and Planning Data Load

Allows submission of data load requests to move data from the staging tables into the data repository.

Planning Administration

Configures and manages planning set up, data collection and order promising server processes.

Perform Order Promising Server Data Refresh

Allows the refresh of order promising server data loaded into memory. The data is refreshed from the data repository.

Planning Administration

Configures and manages planning set up, data collection and order promising server processes.

Provide Item Cost

Allows retrieval of item costs.

Planning Administration

Configures and manages planning set up, data collection and order promising server processes.

Schedule Publish Planning Data for Collaboration

Allows submission of Publish Planning Data for Collaboration.

Planning Administration

Configures and manages planning set up, data collection and order promising server processes.

Search Customer Account Site

Allows the search of customer account sites. If assigning, also assign the ability to view the customer account site.

Planning Administration

Configures and manages planning set up, data collection and order promising server processes.

Search Trading Community Organization

Allows the search of organizations. If assigning, also assign the ability to view the trading community organization.

Planning Administration

Configures and manages planning set up, data collection and order promising server processes.

Update Plant Resource Availability

Allow access to run update resource availability program.

Planning Administration

Configures and manages planning set up, data collection and order promising server processes.

View Planning Analytics Configuration

Not Available

Planning Administration

Configures and manages planning set up, data collection and order promising server processes.

View Customer Account

Allows the viewing of customer account information.

Planning Administration

Configures and manages planning set up, data collection and order promising server processes.

View Customer Account Information

Not Available

Planning Administration

Configures and manages planning set up, data collection and order promising server processes.

View Customer Account Site

Allows the viewing of the customer account site information.

Planning Administration

Configures and manages planning set up, data collection and order promising server processes.

View Customer Account Site Use

Allows the viewing of the customer account site use information.

Planning Administration

Configures and manages planning set up, data collection and order promising server processes.

View Forecasting Profiles

Not Available

Planning Administration

Configures and manages planning set up, data collection and order promising server processes.

View Planning Exception Sets

Not Available

Planning Administration

Configures and manages planning set up, data collection and order promising server processes.

View Planning Exceptions Configuration

Not Available

Planning Administration

Configures and manages planning set up, data collection and order promising server processes.

View Planning Level Profiles

Allows only viewing of planning level profiles

Planning Administration

Configures and manages planning set up, data collection and order promising server processes.

View Planning Profile Options

Not Available

Planning Administration

Configures and manages planning set up, data collection and order promising server processes.

View Planning Sourcing Assignment

Allows review of sourcing assignments.

Planning Collected Data Management

Manages data collection processes and verifies collected data.

Manage Order Promising Data Collection

Allows management of data collection parameters, processes, and requests.

Planning Collected Data Management

Manages data collection processes and verifies collected data.

Review Order Orchestration Reference Objects

Not Available

Planning Collected Data Management

Manages data collection processes and verifies collected data.

Review Planning Approved Supplier List

Allows review of approved supplier list data collected from source systems.

Planning Collected Data Management

Manages data collection processes and verifies collected data.

Review Planning Calendar

Allows review of calendar data collected from source systems.

Planning Collected Data Management

Manages data collection processes and verifies collected data.

Review Planning Calendar Assignment

Allows review of calendar assignment data collected from source systems.

Planning Collected Data Management

Manages data collection processes and verifies collected data.

Review Planning Demand

Allows review of demand data collected from source systems.

Planning Collected Data Management

Manages data collection processes and verifies collected data.

Review Planning Demand Class

Allows review of demand class data collected from source systems.

Planning Collected Data Management

Manages data collection processes and verifies collected data.

Review Planning Interlocation Shipping Network

Allows review of interlocation shipping network data collected from source systems.

Planning Collected Data Management

Manages data collection processes and verifies collected data.

Review Planning Inventory Reservation

Allows review of inventory reservation data collected from source systems.

Planning Collected Data Management

Manages data collection processes and verifies collected data.

Review Planning Item

Allows review of item data collected from source systems.

Planning Collected Data Management

Manages data collection processes and verifies collected data.

Review Planning Order Orchestration Reference Object

Allows review of order orchestration reference object data collected from source systems.

Planning Collected Data Management

Manages data collection processes and verifies collected data.

Review Planning Supply

Allows review of supply data collected from source systems.

Planning Collected Data Management

Manages data collection processes and verifies collected data.

Review Planning Trading Partner

Allows review of trading partner data collected from source systems.

Planning Collected Data Management

Manages data collection processes and verifies collected data.

Review Planning Trading Partner Site

Allows review of trading partner site data collected from source systems.

Planning Collected Data Management

Manages data collection processes and verifies collected data.

Review Planning Unit of Measure

Allows review of unit of measure data collected from source systems.

Planning Item Management

Manages items used in demand and supply plans

Edit Bills of Resources

Not Available

Planning Item Management

Manages items used in demand and supply plans

Edit Planning Items

Not Available

Planning Item Management

Manages items used in demand and supply plans

Edit Planning Product Structures

Not Available

Planning Item Management

Manages items used in demand and supply plans

Edit Planning Routings

Not Available

Planning Item Management

Manages items used in demand and supply plans

Edit Planning Supplier Capacity

Not Available

Planning Item Management

Manages items used in demand and supply plans

Edit Supplier Information

Not Available

Planning Item Management

Manages items used in demand and supply plans

Review Supply Chain Bill

Not Available

Planning Item Management

Manages items used in demand and supply plans

View Bills of Resources

Not Available

Planning Item Management

Manages items used in demand and supply plans

View Planning Items

Not Available

Planning Item Management

Manages items used in demand and supply plans

View Planning Product Structures

Not Available

Planning Item Management

Manages items used in demand and supply plans

View Planning Routings

Not Available

Planning Item Management

Manages items used in demand and supply plans

View Planning Supplier Capacity

Not Available

Planning Item Management

Manages items used in demand and supply plans

View Supplier Information

Not Available

Data Security Policies

This table lists data security policies and their enforcement across analytics application for the Demand Planner job role.

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

Application Objects

A Demand Planner can manage application objects for all value chain planning application objects

Role: Planning Administration

Privilege: Manage Application Objects (Data)

Resource: Application Objects

Planning Customer

A Demand Planner can edit plans where the users can view, edit and delete plan data related to customers

Role: Plan Processing

Privilege: Edit Plans

Resource: Planning Customer

Planning Item

A Demand Planner can edit plans where the users can view, edit and delete plan data related to items

Role: Plan Processing

Privilege: Edit Plans

Resource: Planning Item

Planning Note

A Demand Planner can edit planning notes where the users can view, edit and delete notes on planning entities

Role: Plan Processing

Privilege: Edit Planning Notes

Resource: Planning Note

Planning Organization Parameter

A Demand Planner can edit plans where the users can view, edit and delete plan data related to organizations

Role: Plan Processing

Privilege: Edit Plans

Resource: Planning Organization Parameter

Planning Supplier

A Demand Planner can edit plans where the users can view, edit and delete plan data related to suppliers

Role: Plan Processing

Privilege: Edit Plans

Resource: Planning Supplier