Add an Image to an Item

You can add an image to an item and view the image in an analysis using a column of a Product Management subject area.

If you add the image to the item, you can view the image later in an analysis using the Image column in the Images subfolder of the Item folder in these subject areas:
  • Product Management - Change Order Line Real Time
  • Product Management - Components Real Time
  • Product Management - Cross Reference Item Real Time
  • Product Management - Item Revisions Real Time
  • Product Management - Item Supplier Uploads Real Time
  • Product Management - New Item Request Line Real Time
  • Product Management - Related Item Real Time
  • Product Management - Source System Item Real Time
  • Product Management - Structures Real Time
  • Product Management - Trading Partner Item Real Time
  1. In the Product Information Management work area, on the Tasks panel tab, select Manage Items.
    The Manage Items page appears.
  2. Search for the item to which you want to add the image.
  3. Click the item.
    The tabs for editing the item appear.
  4. Under the placeholder for the image, click the Manage Attachments icon.
    The Attachments dialog box opens.
  5. In the Type column, click File.
  6. In the File Name or URL column, click Browse to open the File Upload dialog box, go to the image, select it, and click Open.
  7. Optionally, modify the information in the Title and Description columns.
  8. In the Shared column, select the check box.
  9. Click OK.
  10. Click Save.