How You Use E-Signatures

You can use e-signatures to verify supply chain transactions in Manufacturing, Inventory Management, and Quality Inspection Management.

Inline E-Signature Approval Process

When you initiate an inline approval process from an application, the following two actions happen in parallel:

  • Business process management (BPM) notifications are sent to all approvers, including the initiators if they are also approvers. These notifications can be viewed under Pending Notifications on the Fusion Applications dashboard. The approvers view the Pending Notifications, click the notification to view the e-record approval page, read the e-record, and approve it.

  • The E-Signature page opens and displays e-record and status information. You can refresh the page to retrieve and view the latest status. You can also provide your own approval, if you initiated the approval process. An initiator uses the inline signature region to provide approval without navigating away to the BPM notifications.

If the process is approved, then on receipt of the approval status from E-Signatures and E-Records, the transaction status is updated and committed in the application that initiated the approval process.

Deferred E-Signature Approval Process

When you initiate a deferred approval process from an application, the following process is initiated:

  1. The transaction is set to Pending Approval status and BPM notifications are sent to all approvers. The notifications can be viewed under Pending Notifications on the Fusion Applications dashboard.

  2. The approvers view the Pending Notifications, click the notification to view the e-record approval page, read the e-record, and approve it.

  3. If the process is approved, then on receipt of the approval status from E-Signatures and E-Records, the transaction status is updated to Approved and committed in the application that initiated the approval process. If the process is rejected, the transaction status is updated to Draft.

E-Signature Page

The following table provides the information and actions available on the E-Signature page.

UI Element


User Action

E-Signature page title

The title includes transaction information.

Not applicable

Source Identifier

Identifies the source of the record with the abbreviation of the product that creates the record, the electronic record ID, the transaction type, and number.

Not applicable


Specifies the approval status: Awaiting approval, Approved, or Rejected.

Not applicable

Initiator Approval section

The section appears if the user initiating the transaction is also an approver for the transaction. If other users in the task flow must approve the transaction first, this section is displayed only when the user becomes eligible to approve the transaction in accordance with the task flow.

The section contains the following UI elements:

  • Signer: Name of the approver.

  • Signature Meaning: Select the purpose of the e-signature. Values include: Authorship, Approval, Review, and Responsibility. If no value is specified, the meaning is set as Authorship by default.

  • Comments: Enter comments if any.

  • User Name: Captures the user name of the approver.

  • Password: It is required to verify a transaction.

  • I have read the electronic record: Review the e-record of a transaction, and select the check box to enable the Approve and Reject buttons.

  • Approve and Reject buttons: Enabled after you confirm reading the e-record of a transaction. You can approve or reject the transaction.

If you are the initiator:

  • Enter the User Name and Password, select the check box to confirm that you read the e-record, and click Approve or Reject.

After a user approves or rejects an e-record, the information specified by the user is saved and not available for editing.

Approvers section

The section displays BPM information about the transaction tasks and subtasks. It also displays the signers and the e-signature status. When an approval process is initiated from an application, BPM notifications are sent to all signers. The list of signers who are required to provide e-signatures can be viewed in the BPM Approval History region in the inline signature UI.

  • Refresh button: Refreshes the BPM Approval History region with the approval status for each signer.

  • Back button: Cancels the e-signature approval process. No record of the canceled approval instance is saved. You must reinitiate the approval process afresh.

  • Click Refresh to retrieve the latest approval status.

  • Click Back to cancel the approval process.