Concept Approvals

You can opt to approve a concept to confirm the completeness of a concept design, or to lock a concept from further updates. Approving a concept isn't required.

Note: While a concept and its corresponding proposal belong together, they don't have to share the same approval workflow, and each may be approved independent of the other.

Approvers and Observers

As a concept owner, you can request users within Innovation Management for concept approval. Select the reviewers, and assign them either Approver or Observer roles.

Approvers are required to explicitly approve or reject the concept for a change in concept status.

Observers can view and comment on the aspects of a submitted concept, but aren't required to approve or reject it during review.

Submit a Concept for Approval

You can't edit a submitted or approved concept.

The concept status changes from Submitted to Approved only when all assigned approvers have agreed on the concept. A rejected concept reverts to the Draft status, and can be edited again.