Create a Requirements Specification

Requirements Specification is a document that specifies market requirements for a particular purpose. For instance, a market requirements document, a product requirements document, or a business requirements document.

  1. Navigate to the Innovation Management work area.

  2. Use the Tasks panel to create a requirements specification.

    Click the Create Requirements Specification link.

  3. Enter a name for the new specification.

    You can add an optional Description. You must select a Requirement Type.

    Click Save and Close.

  4. A requirements specification is often a collection of separate requirements. It's also known as a requirement line, because you can find separate lines beneath the parent requirements specification.

    Select Requirements from the list next to the Add icon.

  5. Enter a name for the requirement as it appears in this requirements specification.

    You may click OK, or continue to add requirements that appear in the list by clicking the Create Another button.

  6. To add requirements that exist but don't appear in the list, use Actions > Search and Copy to find the ones you want.

    When you're done, click OK.

  7. After adding a few requirements, use the Actions menu to organize them into a hierarchy.

    • Change the indent on a requirement, making it a child to the requirement to which it's indented.

      Just as requirements specifications may contain a few or many requirements, a requirement line may become the parent of a few or many requirements. In this way, a requirement becomes a requirements specification. For this reason, there aren't any restrictions to pulling a requirements specification in to a parent requirements specification.

  8. When you're done, click Save.