Guidelines for Working with Solution Alternatives

Working with solution alternatives requires you to define alternatives, analyze metrics, and select an optimum solution.

Define Alternatives

In a concept structure, you must mark a sub-concept, concept component, or an item as an Alternative before you can assign it to one or more solution alternatives.

Note: All components, which aren't alternatives, aren't assigned to any solution alternative, and are always visible.

You can assign alternatives to active and visible solution alternatives only. Use the Manage Solution Alternatives menu to control the visibility of solution alternatives.

The Solution Alternative Filter controls how a concept structure is displayed, depending on the solution alternative name you select. Only the alternatives assigned to the solution alternative activated by the filter are displayed.

Components which aren't alternatives are never filtered out, unless you apply a filter to a higher-level component. Filtering works top-down in concept structures.

Compare Solution Alternatives

Use solution alternatives to compare and analyze:

  • how a concept can evolve in different use-cases

  • what combination of components and items can best meet target costs, weight, and power metrics

  • which items, components or embedded concepts in the concept structure don't meet compliance standards, and must be replaced

  • the quality of PLM items in the concept, by viewing quality incidences associated with each item

  • how well a solution alternative fulfills assigned requirements, as applicable per solution alternative

Use the Metrics view to view scores and compliance metrics for solution alternatives in tabular form.

Use the Analysis button to compare solution alternatives in a graphical view (using spider charts).

Select an Optimum Solution Alternative

Select a solution alternative that fulfills your requirements and presents the best score.

To complete the design phase of a product, convert your selected solution alternative to an item assembly in PLM for product prototyping.