How You Update a Product Record Using the Oracle ADF Desktop Integration Tool

Use the Oracle ADF Desktop Integration tool to update the metrics data of a product proposal. Make the changes in the spreadsheet and then import the data changes back into the application.

Here's how you do this from the Resources tab of a product proposal.

Export and Import Data Using the Oracle ADF Desktop Integration Tool

  1. Go to the Resources tab of a product proposal.

  2. Click Edit in Spreadsheet from the Actions menu.

  3. Enter your login credentials.

    If you already provided your login credentials to use the Oracle ADF Desktop Integration tool for another open Excel spreadsheet, then you don't have to provide them again.

  4. In the open Excel file, you can update data.

    Ensure that there are no empty rows in between, otherwise the data doesn't import back into the application.

  5. From the tab where the exported data is displayed in the Excel spreadsheet, click the Upload option.

  6. When the upload finishes importing the data back into the application successfully then the modified data displays its updated status in the Status column.

    After uploading changes from the Excel spreadsheet, open the object once again. Changes don't display even if the object is saved.