Link Requirements

On the Concepts Overview page, click the Tasks icon to open the list of available tasks. In the Requirements category, click Link Requirements to open the page.

In both panels, click the Search icon to search and select the requirements specifications that you want to have linked to each other. The entire structures of both are displayed in the respective panes.

With a requirement selected in one pane, select one or more requirement (or test cases) in the opposite pane. Then click the Link icon. The relationships from the two panes are established. Click Save to preserve your work.

You may want to exploit this feature with the requirements specification in one pane being populated with test cases for the requirements in the opposite pane. Whenever two requirements specifications are open in the panes, requirements in one pane display a relationship icon if they have any relationships with test cases in the opposite pane. Select one requirements specification, and the requirements that are related to it now display the same icon.

Also, hover over a relationship icon, and a list of related test cases appears. These functions makes it easy to isolate and select additional test cases to be linked as they're added to the test case requirements specification.