Overview of Requirement Structures

On a requirements specification, you can add or order one, several, or many requirements, as well as other requirements specifications, into a hierarchy.

This composes a requirements structure. A structure provides all the details of what's expected of the product being described or proposed by the top-level requirements specification. A requirements specification is supported and enriched by its structure which is composed of requirements.

Build a Structure

Create requirements by typing-in, or by searching requirements from another requirements specification. Create and add requirements to a structure. You can also search for and add requirements specifications to the structure.

A requirements specification and its structure of requirements is displayed and managed in the Requirements pane, of the named business object's Edit Requirements Specification page. Use the Move Up and Move Down commands on the Requirements pane Actions list to adjust the order of requirements.

Requirements can be organized as a flat-list or in a hierarchy. Use the Increase Indent and Decrease Indent commands to establish hierarchy, or parent and child sequences of requirements. These commands are also on both the Actions list. If a movement command or icon is grayed out, that movement can't be performed on the selected requirement. Move the selected requirement away from its parent, and you quickly learn the internal rules of movement in the structure.

You can also select and move a requirement anywhere in the structure. Be sure to save the modified requirements specification when you're ready to leave its page.

A requirement is sometimes called a requirement line because it fills another line of the structure of a requirements specification. Create multiple layouts for requirement lines within a specification by configuring each layout to become active when it meets certain criteria. Use groovy scripting in the Application Composer to define the criteria.