Overview of the Graphical Navigator

You can do the following in the graphical view of structured data, related to a particular context.

  • View and navigate through a large amount of data or related components.

  • View the number of children in a hierarchical structure.

  • Expand and collapse relationships.

  • Visually recognize different component types and different relationships between the components.

  • View detailed information related to a specific component within the structure.

  • Search for the required component.

    Note: If the focused component is part of the search results, it's highlighted in the search result area.If the component isn't a part of the current view or page, the application focuses on the first search result.

Structured data is displayed in the following different ways:

  • Dependency Map: The dependency map lets you map the data to visualization and configure possible interaction and visual properties.

    The dependency map has connector lines that depict the different type of connections between the components. Thick lines indicate a direct relationship between the two components, dotted lines indicate an indirect relationship.

  • Dependency Graph: The dependency graph displays the visual cards related to the data and the relationship between the data.

    In the dependency graph, when you hover over the visual card, the tooltip displays the name of the component, if the mouse is over the attribute of the component, then the tooltip displays the attribute.

    Note: Changes you make to the dependency map are reflected in the dependency graph, and vice-versa.
    Note: Arrow lines depict the parent-child relationship between the components. Child components are indicated by arrow lines from the parent component. Click the connector lines to bring into focus the components that are on either end of the connector. All the other components are grayed out.