Product Proposal Versions

Versioning a product proposal stores and tracks all changes that occur during the review and approval process. It helps in capturing and retrieving the evolution of information for a product proposal.

Product Proposal Versioning

You can view previous versions of the product proposal, irrespective of the product proposal version you're currently on. You can only add the latest version of a product proposal to a scenario. If required, save an older version of a product proposal into the latest version. You can't edit a proposal that's submitted for approval.

Product Proposal and Product Concept

A product proposal and a product concept work in unison, but they can follow independent versioning. The newly created proposal is always in Draft status. The concept version displays the latest version of the concept.


When you search for a product proposal, the search results display the latest version of the product proposal.

Save As

When you do a Save As on a specific version of a product proposal, you can select any existing version of a product proposal.

Delete a Proposal

You can only delete the latest version of a proposal in the Draft status. If several versions of the proposal exist, the Delete option of the Actions menu appears only in the latest version of the proposal. While deleting version 1 of the proposal, the proposal and the associated concept are deleted only if the concept is in the draft status in version 1 as well. If not, an error message warns you that you can't delete the concept.