Create Shift Notes at a Workstation for Operator Handoff

Add short notes at your workstation before handing off the shift for smooth transition of work to the next shift operator.

After checking in to your workstation, you can create notes either before starting the work order operation execution, or after finishing the work order operation execution. You can optionally use AI Assist to help with the text and format of the notes. You can verify, and optionally edit, the generated text before saving.

Shift notes facilitate smooth handoff of work to the next operator. When operators in subsequent shifts check in to the workstation, they can see the hand-off notes in the workstation's activity feed. For example, you may want to leave handy tips about an erratically functioning equipment for the next operator.

Shift notes also eliminate the need for handwritten notes and reduce the risk of miscommunication.

Access Requirements

Users who are assigned a configured job role that contains the following privileges can create shift notes at a workstation:

  • Execute Production at a Workstation (WIP_EXECUTE_WORKSTATION)