How You Import Production Transactions

You can import production transactions, such as material transactions, resource transactions, operation transactions, and output transactions by using the File-Based Data Import mechanism, or by using REST web services.

For more details on FBDI, refer to the File-Based Data Import for Oracle Supply Chain Management Cloud guide. For more details on REST web services, refer to the REST Web Services for Oracle Supply Chain Management Cloud guide.

For a limited use, you can also use the SOAP web services for importing operation and material transactions.

Import Work Order Material Transactions

You can import the component transactions and output transactions for work order execution and the product transactions in orderless execution. For the component transactions in work order execution, the component issues to the work order and the component returns to inventory can be imported. For the output transactions in a work order count point operation, output completions and returns can be imported. For the product transactions in orderless execution, the product completion, return, scrap, and return from scrap transactions can be imported with reference to a work definition that's used to backflush the components and charge the resources.

You can report component outputs for standard discrete manufacturing work order count point operations using the Work Order Material Transactions REST API.

You can add outputs for standard and non-standard discrete manufacturing work order operations using the Work Order REST API.

You can use the REST service material transactions to create output transactions through integration with external systems. Output items that are completed and reversed can also be reported.

Import Work Order Resource Transactions

You can import the resource transactions for work order execution. The resources charged to the work order and the resources reversed from the work order can be imported.

Caution: There's no SOAP web service to import resource transactions into Oracle Manufacturing.

Import Work Order Operation Transactions

You can import the operation transactions for work order execution. The operation or product completion or return, reject, return from reject, scrap and return from scrap transactions can be imported. There are separate FBDI templates to import operation transactions for discrete manufacturing and process manufacturing work orders. To import discrete manufacturing operation transactions, use the WorkOrderOperationTransactionTemplate.xlsm template. To import process manufacturing operation transactions, use the ProcessWorkOrderOperationTransactionTemplate.xlsm template.

You can create operation, material, and resource transactions using a REST API. However, you can't update, delete, or query the production transactions using a REST API.

You can create start and stop times for an operation using a REST API. You can also query for the start and stop operations using a REST API.

You can query for a dispatch list using a REST API.

Correct Production Transactions for Import

You can use the Correct Work Orders and Transactions for Import task in the Work Execution work area to view all the File-Based Data Import records and REST API records that resulted in errors, and you can also export them into ADFdi spreadsheets to correct the errors. After you have corrected the errors in ADFdi, you can upload the spreadsheet to resubmit the records that returned errors for processing.

Note: You can correct errors and resubmit the completed data from the user interface for both file-based data import and REST services for the following types of production transactions:

Follow these steps to correct the errors and resubmit the completed data for any production transaction import record:

  1. In the Work Execution work area, select the Correct Work Orders and Transactions for Import task from the Tasks panel.

  2. Use the filters to search for specific import transaction entries. You can use a combination of the following filters to search for the import transactions:

    • Select the import transaction type based on whether you're correcting data for operation transactions, material transactions, or resource transactions.

    • Search for the unique batch code identifier of your import batch.

    • Search for the transaction based on the batch status. If the batch completed but has some errors that you must redress, you can search with Completed with errors. If the batch is still in process due to server failure or any other application error, you can search with In process.

    • Search for the transaction record based on the request identifier of the corresponding import work orders scheduled process.

  3. The search results display a list of all the relevant import transaction records. Click Manage in Spreadsheet to initiate the correction process through ADFdi.

  4. Every ADFdi spreadsheet has separate worksheets for its various attributes. You can manually correct the errors and then set the batch status of the individual rows to Ready.

  5. After you have corrected all the errors and saved the statuses as ready, click Upload to resubmit the corrected records for processing. You have to upload each worksheet individually.

  6. You can refresh your search on the Correct Work Orders and Transactions for Import or search on the basis of the batch status as Ready to view if the corrected records were successfully updated.

  7. After updating, you must run the appropriate scheduled process to import production transactions.

Using the ADFdi spreadsheet, you make corrections to transactions imported through FBDI or REST service, quickly from a single user interface.

To query and correct REST API error records, you must enable the opt-in for the Correct REST API Transaction Errors Using the ADFdi Interface feature.

Here's few things that you must consider before enabling this feature:

  • You must not have hybrid mode of error handling. For example, when you decide to resubmit error REST calls, you must do so for all errors. You must not resubmit some error REST calls and ignore in some other cases.
  • When you get REST call errors and you decide to resubmit error REST calls from the calling program, you must not enable the opt-in, because it might create duplicate transactions.
  • When you get REST call errors and you decided not to resubmit error REST calls from the calling program, you must enable the opt-in and must resubmit the transactions.
  • If you flip between opt in and opt out when there are errored transactions in the application, errored transactions will be processed as per the opt in/opt out status at the time REST call errored out.
Note: For more information about File-Based Data Import to import or update legacy and other data into Supply Chain Management Cloud from external applications, refer to the File-Based Data Import for Oracle Supply Chain Management Cloud Development Guide.