Manufacturing - Actual Production Real Time

The Manufacturing - Actual Production Real Time subject area provides real time information about work order completion transactions. In case of process manufacturing, the output items can be yielded from any operation. You can use product dimension to analyze discrete manufacturing and output dimension to analyze process manufacturing. You can also analyze product lot number and product serial number information along with a Unique Device Identifier (UDI) that was completed into inventory. The out of the box metrics that are exposed in this subject area are:

Metric Name


Expected Output Quantity

Represents the expected output quantity of the primary output item, co-product item or by-product item in a process manufacturing work order, or the expected product quantity in a discrete manufacturing work order.

Actual Output Quantity

Represents the actual quantities of output items yielded in a process manufacturing work order, or the actual production yielded in a discrete manufacturing work order.

Open Quantity

Represents the difference between expected output quantity and the actual output quantity.

Completion Quantity in Transaction UOM

Represents the completed quantity in transaction UOM for output items yielded in a process manufacturing work order or the completed quantity in transaction UOM for the product item of a discrete manufacturing work order.

Return Quantity in Transaction UOM

Represents the returned quantity in transaction UOM for output items yielded in a process manufacturing work order or the return quantity in transaction UOM for the product item of a discrete manufacturing work order.

Completion Quantity in Primary UOM

Represents the completed quantity in primary UOM for output items yielded in a process manufacturing work order or the completed quantity in primary UOM for the product item of a discrete manufacturing work order.

Return Quantity in Primary UOM

Represents the returned quantity in primary UOM for output items yielded in a process manufacturing work order or the return quantity in primary UOM for the product item of a discrete manufacturing work order.

Completion Quantity in Secondary UOM

Represents the completed quantity in secondary UOM for output items yielded in a process manufacturing work order or the completed quantity in secondary UOM for the product item of a discrete manufacturing work order.

Return Quantity in Secondary UOM

Represents the returned quantity in secondary UOM for output items yielded in a process manufacturing work order or the return quantity in secondary UOM for the product item of a discrete manufacturing work order.

On Hand Balance

Represents the plant level on-hand balance in primary UOM of the output items yielded in a process manufacturing work order. You can obtain on-hand balances of product item using Inventory subject areas.

On Hand Balance in Secondary UOM

Represents the plant level on-hand balance in secondary UOM of the output items yielded in a process manufacturing work order. You can obtain on-hand balances of product item using Inventory subject areas.

Some of the cross-subject area analysis that you can perform in this subject area are:

  • Analyze demand details using the Order management - Fulfillment Line Real Time subject area for back-to-back sales orders where work order is the supply

  • Analyze product and output item on-hand balances

  • Analyze manufacturing transactions for a project and task

The descriptive flexfields supported in this subject area are:

  • Work order header descriptive flexfields

  • Product serial descriptive flexfields

  • Product serial attributes descriptive flexfields

  • Product lot descriptive flexfields

  • Product lot attributes descriptive flexfields

For more information about the subject areas, see:

  • The Subject Areas chapter in the Creating and Administering Analytics and Reports for SCM guide.

  • The Manufacturing subject areas in the Subject Areas for Transactional Business Intelligence in SCM guide.