Submit the Scheduled Process to Calculate Lead Times

The following section explains the procedure to submit the scheduled process to calculate lead times.

Perform these actions to submit the scheduled process that calculates the manufacturing lead times and rolls up the cumulative manufacturing and total lead times. Based on the manufacturing lead time calculation, the lead time percent will be calculated and updated at the operation level in the primary work definition. The lead time percent will also be used as an input to calculate the cumulative manufacturing and cumulative total lead times.

  1. In the Work Definition work area, in the Tasks pane, click the Calculate Lead Times and Roll Up Cumulative Lead Times link. This will direct you to the scheduled process page.

    You can also initiate the scheduled process from the Navigator> Tools> Scheduled Processes.

  2. On the Calculate Lead Times and Roll Up Cumulative Lead Times page, you must specify certain values.

    The following table lists the fields and the corresponding values you must specify in the Parameters tab to calculate lead times:




    You can specify whether you want to calculate only single-level manufacturing lead time, or only cumulative lead times, or both. The default value is Calculate Manufacturing Lead Time. Alternatively, you can choose Calculate Cumulative Lead Times or Calculate Manufacturing and Cumulative Lead Times.

    If you are running the scheduled process for the first time, or for new items, it is recommended that you first calculate the manufacturing lead times, followed by calculating the cumulative lead times. Alternatively, you can select the Calculate Manufacturing and Cumulative Lead Times option to run a combined scheduled process.


    Select the unique code of your manufacturing plant.

    Item Catalog

    Select the item catalog which may be striped by any of the functional areas in the application.

    From Item

    Enter the name of the item that defines the start of the range of items that you want to include.

    To Item

    Enter the name of the item that defines the end of the range of items that you want to include.

    Item Category

    Select the item category that includes the items you have specified.

    Calculation Date

    Enter the date on which the lead time is to be computed for the selected items. This date should have a valid work definition version existing prior to this date.


    Enter the planner responsible for the items. If specified, the lead time calculation is restricted to the items belonging to the specified planner.

    Include ATO Model

    Select whether or not items of the ATO model category should be included in the lead time calculation for discrete manufacturing. The default value is No.

    • If set to No: The calculation process excludes ATO model items from the manufacturing lead time calculation.

    • If set to Yes: The calculation process includes only the ATO model items in the manufacturing lead time calculation.

  3. Click Submit. A scheduled process request is submitted. Note the process request ID and click OK.

  4. Navigate to the Scheduled Processes work area.

  5. Review the progress of the submitted scheduled process. The Calculate Lead Times and Roll Up Cumulative Lead Times program will calculate the lead times based on the primary work definition and then trigger a child scheduled process called Item Import, which in turn may spawn off more child scheduled processes. Track the completion of all the scheduled processes till the status changes to Succeeded

  6. Click the Succeeded status link to view additional information. You can click the (1 more) link and open the text file which lists all details for the calculated lead times of the selected items.

After you have reviewed all calculation details, you can verify if the lead times have been correctly updated in the item. Follow these steps:

  1. In the Product Information Management work area, in the Tasks pane, select the Manage Items task.

  2. Search for the required item. Select the item corresponding to the organization you based your search on.

  3. Click the Specifications tab, and click the Planning link.

  4. In the Lead Times region, verify the values of the following lead times, depending on what was the scope of your lead time calculation when you submitted the scheduled process:

    • Processing Days

    • Fixed

    • Variable

    • Cumulative Manufacturing

    • Cumulative Total

    • Lead Time Lot Size (only for process manufactured items)

You can also search for the primary work definition and check if the lead time percent, as determined by the manufacturing lead time calculation, is updated at the operation level.