How You Create a Maintenance Work Order

You can create maintenance work orders using any of the modes such as the Asset Information Management user interface page, a maintenance program, a REST API, or a File-Based Data Import. When you manually create from the UI using the Maintenance Work Orders page, you can use a copy of an existing work order as a starting point or create an entirely new work order.

Create a New Maintenance Work Order

Create a maintenance work order in the Create Maintenance Work Order dialog box by providing the minimal information. Here's how:

  • Set the context of the work order as a single asset (default) or an item:
    • Asset: Select the asset number that will be maintained. The work order type and subtype are defaulted from the asset if they're defined.
    • Item: Select an asset-tracked item to maintain one or many assets.
    Note: Enable a feature opt-in to use item-based work orders. To execute these work orders, enable and use the My Maintenance Work page. You can’t execute them from the Maintenance Dispatch List page.
  • When you enter maintenance work definition, the work order description, work order type, work order subtype, operations, materials, and resources are derived from the work definition.
    Note: If the work definition has a work order type and subtype defined, then it will overwrite the default values from the asset definition. You can always manually update the values for the work order type and subtype.
  • If neither the asset nor the work definition has a default had the work order type and subtype defined, then you must manually select the values for each type.

  • If you don't use a maintenance work definition, then you can create a work order header only by providing only the asset, type, and subtype. You can then edit the work order to add operations, materials, and resources.

  • The status will be defaulted to Unreleased. If you define a work definition, then you can optionally set this value to Released or an equivalent user-defined status value. If you don't define a work definition, then you can leave at Unreleased or set to On-Hold. The status can be updated after creation and further editing of the work order details.

On Maintenance Work Orders page, click the Add icon to open the Create Maintenance Work Order dialog box.

The Maintenance Work Orders page has the following attributes:

Attributes Description
Asset or Item Set the context of the work order to an asset or a list of assets by a common item. By default, the asset is selected. If you change the context to item, the asset entry is changed to an item and quantity.
Work Order The work order number uniquely identifies the maintenance work order in an organization. You can manually enter the work order number. If not entered, the work order number is automatically generated based on the numbering scheme defined per the plant parameters (Work Order Prefix, Work Order Starting Number).

Once a work order is created, the work order number can't be updated.

Description The description of the maintenance work order. Defaulted from the work definition description, but you can edit it during work order creation and update prior to Release. If the work order is created by merging one or many work definitions through a maintenance program, then the description will be populated by the work requirement or maintenance program name.
Asset The asset associated with the maintenance work order. You can choose an asset operating in the contextual organization or its related organizations.
Note: To create a work order for an asset that's operating in another operating organization, the contextual organization must be enabled for the asset's source item in Product Information Management.
Asset Description The description of the asset associated with the maintenance work order.
Item You see this field when you change the context of the work order to item-based. Search and select an asset-tracked item that is common to each asset you will maintain.
Quantity You see this field when you change the context of the work order to item-based. Enter the number of assets to be repaired in this work order.
Status Represents the status of the maintenance work order during its life cycle. The valid values are: Unreleased, Released, On Hold, Completed, Closed and Canceled. Optionally, you can create user-defined statuses for each seeded status value. The Default status is Unreleased.
Things to remember:
  • For a work order without work definition, the status can be Unreleased or On Hold at the time of creation.
  • For a work order with work definition, the status can be Unreleased, Released or On Hold at the time of creation.
  • You can define work order statuses when you create work orders using maintenance programs. If you don't define any specific status, the work orders are created in the Unreleased status by default.
  • A work order can only be updated to a status of Released if a work definition is selected or at least one operation is manually defined.
  • User-defined statuses can be used in the UI and using the REST API only. The values are not supported using File-Based Data Import.
Start Date The start date and time of the maintenance work order. The work order start date is by default the current date and time, but you can update it. If the work order is created by specifying the start date, the application automatically performs a forward scheduling to calculate the rest of the dates.
Note: Either the Start or Completion date is required to create and Release a work order. Once released, the value will be the same for each date.
Completion Date The completion date and time of the maintenance work order. By default, it will be null. If you enter the completion date of the work order, the start date of the work order is erased. When the work order is saved, the application performs a backward scheduling from the completion date to calculate the rest of the dates.
Type The type of the maintenance work order. The valid values are Corrective and Preventive.

The subtype of the maintenance work order. The valid values are Condition based, Emergency, Planned, Reactive, Safety, and Under warranty.


The execution priority of the maintenance work order.

Allow completion to inventory Optional. You can define a work order to issue and return the repaired assets to a sub inventory location. If enabled, you can define a sub inventory location and locator. The subinventory and location values you define appear during the work order completion in the Completion page of the My Maintenance Work Orders.
Allow out of sequence completion Optional. You can define a work order to have its count point operations be completed out-of-sequence. If enabled, you can complete count point operations in any order in the Report Work page of the My Maintenance Work Orders
Work Definition Name Shows the name of the work definition, which is used to define the work order details. The work definition name can't be updated after the work order is released. The work definition is exploded to determine the operation, resource and material requirements in the work order.
Work Definition Date Work definition date represents the effective date used to derive the work definition version. By default, this value is null, therefore it's assumed that the latest version will be used.
Work Definition Version Represents the version of the work definition. The version is derived and displayed based on the work definition name and date specified.

Create Maintenance Work Orders by Copying an Existing Work Order

You can create a maintenance work order by copying an existing work order. On the Maintenance Work Orders page, search for and select the work order you want to copy and click the copy icon to create a new work order. The new work order opens in the Edit Work Order page where you can edit the unreleased work orders.

Create Maintenance Work Orders from the Asset Information Management Page

You can now create and manage maintenance work orders from the Asset Information Management page. Here’s how:
  1. Navigate to Supply Chain Execution > Asset Information Management.
  2. On the Asset Information Management page, Actions column, click More Actions (three dots) and select Create Maintenance Work Order.
  3. Enter these work order details:

    Fields You Fill to Create Maintenance Work Order

    Field Description
    Generate maintenance work order from a condition event If you select this check box, enter a condition event.
    Condition Event Enter a condition event from which a maintenance work order is generated. One or more work orders are created in the asset organization from this condition event. If no work definitions are associated with the condition event for the asset, a work order header is created. If the asset organization isn't a maintenance organization, the work order is created in the primary related maintenance.
    Organization Maintenance organization where the work order is created.
    Work Definition Work definition of the asset being maintained. The work definition can't be updated after the work order is released. The work definition is explored to determine the operation, resource and material requirements in the work order.
    Work Order Description The description of the maintenance work order. Defaulted from the work definition description, but you can edit it during work order creation and update prior to release.
    Type Shows the type of work order.
    Subtype Shows the subtype of work order.
    Priority Is the execution priority of the maintenance work order.
    Start Date Shows current date and time, by default. You can change it, if you prefer. When you create a work order on a specific start date, the application automatically calculates the rest of the dates.
  4. Click Save.

Create Maintenance Work Orders from Other Oracle Applications

Work orders can be created or associated from other Oracle applications such as the Engagement Cloud, SCM Cloud or functionality such as Service Logistics or Depot Repair. Typically, this is accomplished through services, such as the Maintenance Work Order and Install Base Asset REST APIs. For a work order, they can also use the Document References child resource to associate the source document type and number. For example, for a service request, they may associate the service request number to the work order using this resource. You can then use this information to link the source object to a work order across applications.