How You Edit Asset Hierarchy

You can perform these edits to the asset structure in the Hierarchy tab on the Edit Asset page:

  • Select an asset at any level in the hierarchy and click to + icon to search for and add an existing asset as a child component

  • Select an asset at any level in the hierarchy and click to + icon to create a new asset as a child component.

  • Select a child asset in the hierarchy and click to X icon to remove the child asset.

  • Select a child asset in the hierarchy and click to swap icon to search for and replace the existing child component with a newly selected asset. The newly selected asset can't be a child asset; however, it can be a parent asset that has child asset components.

  • Select a child asset in the hierarchy and click to parent update icon to search for and move the asset underneath a different parent asset within the same hierarchy. If the asset is a parent asset, its child asset components will also move

  • Edit key details of the asset direction in the hierarchy. This includes the asset number description, serial number, and lot number.

  • View details about assets in the hierarchy. Click the details link to open dialog box with key asset details.

Note: When you add or move an asset within an asset structure, the child asset component inherits the location of the top parent asset of the hierarchy. This includes inventory location details. Additionally, any changes in the location of the top parent will result in updates to all of its child assets.
Note: If you want to manage a hierarchy of assets across different locations, then consider creating a logical hierarchy. Additional details are covered in the section How You Manage an Asset Logical Hierarchy.
Note: When an asset hierarchy is created using the Use BOM for Initial Hierarchy option, all the child assets are created at the same level right below the parent asset. You must review each child asset and determine if additional actions are required to edit the hierarchy levels, which may include removing and adding the children at different levels of the hierarchy. Additionally, you can split multiple quantity assets and create individual assets with a quantity of one in order to properly track each as individual assets.

How You Cascade The Operating Organization of A Parent Asset to Its Child Assets During Transfers

If you change the operating organization of a parent asset, cascade the change to the child assets within a physical hierarchy to ensure that they are in sync. You do this using the Synchronize Item Control Attributes to Assets scheduled process. When you run the scheduled process, the application uses an internal database column, Validation Organization. It copies the changed organization into the Validation Organization column internally in the database. It's then cascaded down to all the child assets within the physical hierarchy after a successful run.