How You Edit Work Order Information

You can view and update the maintenance work order information about the General Information tab of the Edit Work Order page. The work order information can be updated depending on the work order status. If the work order is in Unreleased status, then all the information can be edited including the asset number. When the work order is Released, certain attributes (such as asset, work definition, and so on) can't be edited. When the work order is closed, none of the information can be edited.

The following are the attributes of the maintenance work order header:



Work Order Number

Unique identifier of a work order. During creation of the work order, a unique number is automatically assigned from the numbering scheme defined in the plant parameters (Work Order Prefix, Work Order Starting Number). You can also manually enter a work order number during creation. Once a work order is created, the work order number can't be updated


Represents the status of the maintenance work order during its life cycle. The valid values are: Unreleased, Released, On Hold, Completed, Closed, and Canceled. Optionally, you can define custom status values based on the seeded status values above.

Note: You can update a work order to the Released status only if a work definition is selected or at least one operation is manually defined.

Start Date

The start date and time of the maintenance work order. You can update this date to reschedule the work order prior to release.

Note: Either the Start or Completion date is required to Release a work order. Once released, the value will be the same for each date, but the times may be different after the work order is scheduled.

Completion Date

The completion date and time of the maintenance work order.


The description of the maintenance work order. The value may be defaulted from the work definition or a maintenance program, but you can edit it.


The execution priority of the maintenance work order.


The asset associated with the maintenance work order. You can edit an asset for an asset-based work order until the status is changed to Released.

Asset Description

The description of the asset associated with the maintenance work order.

Warranty Repair

Work Orders will be automatically indicated as a Warranty Repair or not during creation if there are one or more active warranty contracts for the asset or its related assets.

This indicates that the repair should be considered covered by warranty and evaluated for warranty claims and entitlements. Unchecking this box means the work order will be disregarded and not considered for warranty.

Match Transaction Codes

If the Warranty Repair checkbox is set to yes, then the Match Transaction Codes checkbox will also be set yes if there are active warranty contracts that have repair transaction codes defined in their base coverages.

This indicates that warranty claim entitlements should be created only if there is a matching warranty contract found for an operation transaction for items, resources, or equipment by repair transaction code. Unchecking this box means the code matching will be disregarded and the first expiring warranty contract will be considered for warranty claim entitlements.

Primary Reason for Repair Optionally used to define the reason for the repair of an asset.


The item associated with the asset being maintained. In case of an item-based work order, this field shows the common item for each asset. But you can't change the item after the work order creation.

Serial Number

The serial number of the item associated with the asset being maintained.

Item Description For an item-based work order, it shows the description of the associated item.
Quantity and Unit of Measure For an item-based work order, it shows the quantity and unit of measure of assets being maintained.

Work Definition Name

The name of the work definition that must be performed for the work order. It can't be updated after the work order is released. The work definition is exploded to determine the operation, resource, and material requirements in the work order.

Work Definition Date

The work definition date represents the effective date used to derive the work definition version. The date can be updated to a past date, allowing for previous versions of a work definition to be used in work order.

Work Definition Version

Represents the version of the work definition. The version is derived and displayed based on the work definition name and date specified.

Maintenance Program

The maintenance program name used as the basis for generating the work order. Contextual information about the program is marked with an orange triangle. Hover over the triangle and click on the icon that appears to view details about the maintenance program forecast used to create the work order. These details include the source work requirement, work definitions included, forecast method details, and work definition merge or suppress results

Suggested Start Date

Represents the maintenance program forecast due date.


The type of the maintenance work order. The valid values are Corrective and Preventive.


The subtype of the maintenance work order. The valid values are Condition based, Emergency, Planned, Reactive, Safety, and Under warranty.

Work Method

The work method is unique for maintenance work orders and isn't displayed.

Closed Date

The date when the work order is closed.

Default Supply Type

Controls how the materials are supplied to the work orders. The valid values are: Based on Work Definition, Push, Assembly Pull, Operation Pull, Bulk, and Supplier.

If the work order is created based on a work definition, the supply type is defaulted to Based on Work Definition parameter, which means the supply type for each item is derived from the operation item’s definition. All items manually added to an operation will be defaulted to the supply type from the item setup as defined in Product Information Management. If not defined in the item setup, the supply type is defaulted to Push.

It can then be manually updated to another value. The default supply type will then be used default the supply type for items manually added to an operation.

Released Date

The date on which the work order is released.

Scheduling Method

Used to determine the method of work order scheduling. The values are:

  • Default Scheduler (default): This uses an unconstrained scheduling engine in the background to schedule work orders during create and certain update actions. The engine compresses any of the corresponding work order dates through forward, mid-point, or backward scheduling.
  • User or external scheduling: This doesn't use the scheduling engine, allowing a user or external source to schedule work order, operation and resource start and stop dates, including support for gaps and overlaps between operations and resources.


Manually updated indicator that can be used for work order planning. When checked, you must not schedule the work order.

Contract manufacturing

Indicates a contract manufacturing work order. This attribute is read-only.


The attachments in the maintenance work order. It can be of file, text, or URL type.

Project Number

The number of the project. This is applicable only for project-specific work orders.

Task Number

The number of the task. This is applicable only for project-specific work orders.

Expenditure Item Date

The date of the expenditure item. This is applicable only for project-specific work orders.

Expenditure Type

A classification of cost that you assign to each expenditure item. Expenditure types are grouped into cost groups and revenue groups. This is applicable only for project-specific work orders.

Contract Number

The number of the contract/award used to fund the sponsored project. This is applicable only for project-specific work orders.

Funding Source

The number of the funding source associated to the combination of award and sponsored project. This is applicable only for project-specific work orders.

Additional Information You can manage the flexfields for the work order header in the Additional Information show/hide region.