How You Import Warranty Coverages

Create and update supplier warranty coverages in bulk using the File-Based Data Import process.

You can use warranty coverage imports to:
  • Create new warranty coverage templates with details. Optionally, you can define covered items, meters, and repair transaction codes.
    Note: If you have created more than one warranty contract using a single template, you can't delete such a warranty contract entirely. When you try to delete, the application does nothing more than disabling the existing item, meter, and repair transactions.
  • Update existing warranty coverage templates with details. Optionally, you can update or delete the existing covered items, meters, and repair transaction codes.
    Note: Be watchful when updating existing templates after you create warranty contracts because the changes you make can fundamentally change how new contracts are created using a coverage.

To learn more about the FBDI imports see the File-Based Data Import (FBDI) for SCM and Scheduled Processes for SCM guides.

Purge the Batch Data from Maintenance Import Interfaces

Sometimes, the upload or import of data may result in a warning or error status due to issues with the data. When this happens, the data can't be further processed from the interface tables. Clear the data using the Purge Maintenance Records from Interface scheduled process. The process deletes the asset data from the interface tables from all or specific import processes. You can run the scheduled process on demand or set up on a schedule based on your business processes.