How You Manage Maintenance Work Centers

The work centers are specific production units that consist of people or equipment with similar capabilities. Each work center is associated with a valid work area and can be used for capacity requirement planning and detailed scheduling.

The Manage Work Centers page serves as a starting point to create, edit, and delete work centers. To access the Manage Work Centers page, based on your security privilege, you can do either of the following:

  • In the Maintenance Management work area, in the Tasks pane, click the Manage Maintenance Work Centers link.

  • In the Setup and Maintenance work area, use the following:

    • Offering: Manufacturing and Supply Chain Materials Management

    • Functional Area: Maintenance Management

    • Task: Manage Maintenance Work Centers

Create, Edit, and Delete a Work Center

You create a work center by providing a unique name and code for the work center, and a valid work area to which the work center is associated.

A work center is deactivated or reactivated by updating the Inactive On field.

You can't delete a work center if:

  • The work center has any resource associated with it.

  • The work center is being referenced in a work definition operation.

  • The work center is being referenced in a work order operation.

Add Resources to a Work Center and Allocate Resources to a Shift

After creating a work center, you can add resources to it and then allocate shift hours to each resource.

You can add a resource to a work center by selecting from or entering values for the following fields:




The unique identifier of the resource.

Inactive On

The date on which the resource becomes inactive.

Default Units Available

Number of resource units available in a work center.

Available 24 Hours

Indicator whether a resource is available 24 hours a day. A resource that isn't available 24 hours is available only during the shifts assigned to it.

Check Capable To Promise

Indicator whether the Global Order Promising engine considers the capacity of this resource during order promising.


The percentage of the resource time available for the task.


The percentage of the time a resource takes to complete a task.

Utilization and Efficiency Percentages:

The utilization and efficiency percentages are by default set to 100%. When these percentages are set to less than 100%, they extend the scheduled duration of the resource during work order scheduling. For example, if 1 hour of work is required to be done using the resource R1 starting from 10 AM on a specific work order, and if its efficiency is 50%, and utilization is 50%, then the scheduler determines the end time for this resource as 2 PM, calculated as following:

1 / ( 0.5 * 0.5 ) = 4 hours

Resource Allocation:

A resource is available in shifts if the Available 24 Hours field isn't selected. When a shift-based resource is associated with a work center, default units of the resource are automatically assigned to all the shifts of the maintenance organization. You can update the availability of resource units across the shifts as required.

For example, consider that you have defined two 8-hour shifts for the work center WC1: Day shift and Night shift. You associate two units each of four resources R1, R2, R3, and R4 to the work center WC1. The following table shows the key scenarios and their implementations:




You want the resource R1 available for 24 hours a day.

You haven't associated the resource R1 to the work center WC1 yet.

Select the Available 24 Hours check box when associating the resource R1 to the work center WC1. Now, the two units of resource R1 are available 24 hours a day and you can't assign any shift for it.

You want two units of the resource R2 available for the Day shift only.

You have already associated the resource R2 to work center WC1 with Available 24 Hours check box deselected.

In Resource Availability region, in the Day shift column, enter 2 against the resource R2. Now, the two units of resource R2 are available for Day shift. For the Night shift, the resource R2 has zero or blank value.

You want one unit of the resource R3 available for Day shift and one unit of resource R3 available for Night shift.

You have already associated the resource R3 to work center WC1 with Available 24 Hours check box deselected.

In Resource Availability region, in the Day shift column, enter 1 against the resource R3 and in the Night shift column, enter 1 against the resource R3. Now, one unit of resource R3 is available for the Day shift and one unit of resource R3 is available for the Night shift.

You want all the units of resource R4 available for both the Day shift and Night shift.

You have already associated the resource R4 to work center WC1 with Available 24 Hours check box deselected.

In Resource Availability region, in the Day shift column, enter 2 against the resource R4 and in the Night shift column, enter 2 against the resource R4. Now, two units of resource R4 are available for both the Day shift and the Night shift.

View and Manage Resource Exceptions

You use the work center resource calendar to view and manage the exceptions related to the resources. In case of a conflict, the exceptions granted in the work center resource calendar override the exceptions granted in production calendar.