How You Review a Maintenance Dispatch List

The Maintenance Dispatch List page is accessed from the Maintenance Management landing page in the Work Execution section of the task pane.

The page displays the maintenance work order operations that are actionable, meaning they are in ready, complete, or in-process status, including both in-house and supplier operations. In general, supplier operations have the status as in-process till the operation is received by the supplier. The maintenance dispatch list is oriented by the work center, displaying work order operations by date and status in a tabular format.

On the Maintenance Dispatch List page, you can perform the following tasks:

  • Search for the work order operations by using the most commonly used search attributes such as asset, work order, status, start date, work area, work center, resource, and completion date. If your organization is project-tracked, you can use the project number and task number filters to search for project-specific work order operations. You can also create and use a personalized saved search. You can configure the search to run automatically every time the maintenance dispatch list is opened.

  • Review the results rows for each count point operation. You click the operation step link to further view the operation’s details.
  • Review any optional or required actions for the operation, as indicated by visual cues in the results row’s columns. An icon may be displayed in the material, resource, or quality inspection columns, indicating that additional review and possibly action is required prior to operation completion. You can only report certain transactions for materials and resources using these icons. Additional reporting may be required in the Complete with Details flow.
  • Complete the operation using the Quick Complete or Complete with Details actions. For a count point operation, you may need to report the operation material transactions by quantity or serial number using the Complete with Details.
  • Record meter readings for those asset meters that are setup for mandatory reporting at work order completion. The meter readings will be recorded on the Complete with Details action for the last operation in a work order.
  • Report the maintenance work order exceptions. From the Actions menu, select: Report Maintenance Exception. The Report Maintenance Exception dialog box opens where you can report the maintenance work order exceptions.

  • Generate and print the maintenance work order details report. From the Actions menu, select: Print Work Order Details. This generates the maintenance work order details report which you can save.

The maintenance dispatch list displays the following columns for the work order operation:



Work Order

Indicates the concatenation of maintenance work order number and operation sequence.


Indicates the dispatch status of the work order operations. The valid dispatch statuses are Ready, Completed, and In Process.

Note: For supplier operations, the status is always In Process, till the operation is received the supplier.


Indicates the asset associated with the maintenance work order.


Indicates the item associated with the asset.

Work Center

Indicates the work center in which the work order operation is being performed.

Resequence The resequence icon is conditionally displayed beside the work order operation for resequencing operations. The following information is presented to you in a separate dialog when you click the Resequence icon:
  • Select
  • Sequence
  • Operation Name
  • Work Center

Operations that are eligible for resequencing are displayed. You can select an operation that you want to execute next.

Execution Sequence

Represents the sequence of execution of the operation for work orders having resequenceable operations.

You can modify the execution sequence by performing the resequence action. For work orders that don’t have resequenceable operations, the execution sequence is not stamped.


The Exceptions icon is conditionally displayed beside the work order operation. The following information is presented to you in a separate tab when you click the Exceptions icon:

  • Exception Type

  • Exception Status

  • Exception Number

  • Severity

  • Operation Sequence

  • Description

  • Reported On

  • Reported By

You can close an exception by selecting a row. You can also click on a specific exception number to drill into that exception and edit the exception.

Completion Date

The scheduled completion date of the work order operation.

Report Material Transactions icon

Provides option to navigate to the Report Material Transactions page to manually report the materials used in the work order operation.

By default, the column will display a circle region without an icon, meaning no action is required. If action is required, then one or two icons will be displayed in the circle.

The behavior of this feature is further explained below in the How You Report a Material Transaction section.

Note: This page doesn't provide a complete list of all operation items. A complete list is found on the items tab of the work order details page for the operation.

Report Resource Transactions icon

Provides option to navigate to the Report Resource Transactions page to manually report the resources used in the work order operation.

By default, the column will display a circle region without an icon. Hovering over this circle will indicate Manual reporting not required. This means there are not any resources with a Charge Type of Manual, which requires manual reporting if they are to be charged by the operation. Clicking the circle will navigate to the Report Resource Transactions page, where you can optionally add one or more resources to be charged in the operation. You will not see in this page any resources which have a Charge Type of Automatic, as they can only be viewed in the Complete with Details flow.

If the circle contains an icon, then reporting is required. If hovering over the icon indicates Manual reporting required, then Manual resources have been defined. You can optionally report any consumed resources by clicking the icon and updating the applicable resource rows in the Report Resource Transactions page.

Additionally, if you are using a two-step issue and install or remove and return process, then the icon indicating items are pending installation.

Note: This page doesn't provide a complete list of all operation resources. A complete list is found on the items tab of the work order details page for the operation.


Indicates the supplier associated with the work order operation.

Supplier Site

Indicates the location of the supplier associated with the work order operation.

Review Supplier Operation Details icon

Provides option to navigate to the Review Supplier Operation Details page.

Project Number

The number of the project. This is applicable only for project-specific work orders.

Task Number

The number of the task. This is applicable only for project-specific work orders.

Default Subinventory for Material Review Board Shows the subinventory your administrator assigned in the Maintenance tab of the Manage Plan Parameters task for material returns. If your administrator didn't assign any subinventory there, this field shows the default subinventory that's defined in the Plant Details tab of the Manage Plan Parameters task.
Default Locator for Material Review Board Shows the locator your administrator assigned in the Maintenance tab of the Manage Plan Parameters task for material returns. If your administrator didn't assign any locator there, you see the default locator that's defined in the Plant Details tab of the Manage Plan Parameters task.