How You Track Purchasing Details of Procured Items in Maintenance

Review and track the items for which your organization has created requisitions on the Purchased Item Details page. You can select the Details icon beside any of the purchased item for a work order operation to further drill down into the details of purchase order lines and receipt lines.

In case there is a disparity in the requisitioned, ordered, and received quantities, you can view the Purchasing Details section to analyze the details and decide if you want to return the item to the supplier or return the item to receiving. You can take corrective actions to correct the quantity and amount if the data has been be wrongly entered.

The following table lists all the details that you can review in the Purchasing Details section:



Requisition Number

You can click on the specific requisition identification number to view the requisition document.

Requisition Line

The number of the requisition line for the purchased item.

Requisition Quantity or Amount

The quantity or amount of item that was specified in the requisition.

Requisition Requested Date

Date on which your organization requested for purchase of items, as specified in the requisition document.

Requisition Status

Status of a receipt line for a purchased item. The status can be approved or pending.

Purchase Order Number

You can click on the specific purchase order identification number to view the purchase order document.

Purchase Order Line

The number of the purchase order line for the purchased item.

Purchase Order Schedule

Number assigned by the application to track multiple schedules for the purchase order line

Purchase Order Quantity or Amount

Quantity or amount of item that was specified for the single line in the purchase order.

Purchase Order Requested Date

Date as specified on the purchase order on which the items were requested from the supplier.

Purchase Order Promised Date

Date as specified on the purchase order on which the items were promised by the supplier.

Purchase Order Status

Status of a purchase order line for the requisitioned item. The status can be closed, or open.

Received Quantity or Amount

Quantity of the purchased item that's finally delivered to you.


Name of the supplier as specified in the purchase order, who supplies the item that has been requisitioned.

Supplier Site

Name of the supplier site as specified in the purchase order, from where the requisitioned item is supplied.