Get Available Quantity on Order Lines

Get the quantity that's currently available for each of your order lines.

  1. Enter a value in the Quantity attribute of an order line.

  2. Press the TAB key on your keyboard.

  3. Examine the value in the On Hand column of the Order Lines tab.

    On Hand Value


    In Stock

    The available quantity is greater than the quantity you entered. Order Management can fulfill the order line.

    Low Inventory

    The available quantity is less than the quantity you entered, but is greater than zero. Order Management can fulfill only part of the order line.

    Out of Stock

    The available quantity is zero. Order Management can't fulfill the order line.

    There's no value or it displays No Data Was Retrieved

    Order Management can't communicate with the fulfillment system for some reason, probably because the Global Order Promising server isn't available, a communication problem exists in the network, or the order administrator hasn't set up availability rules or sourcing rules for the item.

    For details, ask your order administrator.

    Order Management examines the inventory that's available in each fulfillment system, then displays the on-hand value.