Manage Sales Orders That Have Inventory Transactions

You can use the Order Management work area to create a sales order that has an inventory transaction.

  1. Go to the Order Management work area, create a sales order and set the values on the order header.

  2. Click Shipment Details > Supply.

  3. Set the values on the order line.



    Allow Inventory Transaction


    This setting helps to reduce inventory when you don't pick or ship the item. Use it for standard items that are shippable. A standard item is any item that isn't a configured item or kit.



    You must set a value for each of these attributes.

    If you don't, and if you set Allow Inventory Transaction to Yes, then you will receive an error when you click Submit.

  4. If a revision, lot, or serial controls the item on the order line, or if a locator controls the subinventory, then do this.

    • On the order line, click the down arrow in the orange box.

    • Click Manage Lot and Serial Numbers.

    • Set the values in the dialog that displays.

      Set a value for the Quantity, Revision Number, Lot, From Serial Number, or Locator. The values that you set depends on what controls the item. For example, if a lot controls the item, then set a value in the Lot attribute.

      Order Management displays the dialog only if you set the Allow Inventory Transaction attribute to Yes.

  5. Click Submit.

  6. Go to a fulfillment view, then monitor the Sent to Inventory attribute on your sales order to determine whether Order Management sent the order line to inventory.