Monitor Jeopardy

There are different ways to monitor jeopardy.

  • Search for your order from the Overview page, then drill down.

  • Use one of the manage tasks, such as Manage Orders, Manage Fulfillment Lines, or Manage Orchestration Processes.

Here's the orchestration process you will examine in this example.

orchestration process you will examine in this example
  1. Go to the Order Management work area, then click Tasks > Manage Orchestration Processes.

  2. On the Manage Orchestration Processes page, click Add Fields, then add these fields.

    • Jeopardy Priority

    • Jeopardy Reason

    • Jeopardy Score

    Add these fields so you can search on any aspect of jeopardy.

  3. Assume you examine all orchestration processes that are in High jeopardy as part of your daily routine. So, enter these values, then click Search.



    Jeopardy Priority


    Orchestration Process Number

    Does Not Contain x

    Enter any alphabetic text. The Orchestration Process number is numeric, so using Does Not Contain x will return all Orchestration Processes where Jeopardy Priority is High.

  4. In the search results, in the Orchestration Process Number column, click a number, such as 100000016283267.

  5. On the Orchestration Process page, examine values in the jeopardy attributes in the header area.



    Jeopardy Score


    Jeopardy Reason

    Schedule: Required Completion Date 02/06/10 12:00 AM, Expected Completion Date 02/19/10 4:09 AM, Schedule

    Jeopardy Priority


  6. Examine the orchestration plan.

    • Notice that the schedule, reserve, and ship tasks are complete, and the invoice task is in low jeopardy.

    • But Jeopardy Priority and Jeopardy Score are high for the orchestration process.

    • The Jeopardy Reason describes why the orchestration process is in jeopardy. In this example, it looks like the Expected Completion Date happens 12 days after the Required Completion Date. That's not good if your customer really needs it on the required date.

      So, even though none of the tasks are in high jeopardy, the orchestration process is in jeopardy because of some other condition.

    • Jeopardy conditions for your orchestration process might be significantly different depending on how your order administrator sets up jeopardy.

Here's another example.

another example of jeopardy



Jeopardy Score


Jeopardy Reason

Invoice: Required Completion Date 04/25/18 8:08 PM, Expected Completion Date 02/23/19 7:39 AM, Create Invoice

Jeopardy Priority



  • The ship and the invoice tasks are in high jeopardy.

  • Its likely that the delay in the ship task is causing a delay in the invoice task.

Each jeopardy scenario is different. You might need to explore why a task is in jeopardy.