Information Tiles on Product Development Overview Page

The information tiles organize information about the business objects in Oracle Product Development. They help you find additional data on favorite items, change orders, and notifications approaching deadlines.

To expand an information tile, click the down arrow icon in the tile. You can then select from, and drill into the information in that tile.

My Favorite Items Information Tile

This information tile organizes items and structures that you've marked as a favorite.

The categories in the tile - Released, Unreleased, and Obsolete - can be similar or parallel with lifecycle phases that are used by your company. The administrator associates these categories with a lifecycle phase type used in your company. For example, your administrator can configure the design and the prototype lifecycle phases as unreleased. When you click each category, you see the items that are currently in the lifecycle phase associated with that category.

My Worklist Information Tile

This information tile filters and collects your notifications about tasks that you must act on. Click each category to see your notifications in that category. Or click the down arrow icon (View My Worklist) to see your entire worklist.

You can filter the notifications to view either pending or all notifications, and also perform actions on notifications. For example, you may be notified to review a change order, and you can approve or reject the change order from here. Actions that aren't available on a selected notification are disabled.

The calculations for the Worklist are based on the Need-by Date attribute.

  • Overdue Deadline: The Need-by Date has already passed.

  • Approaching Deadline: The Need-by Date is less than 2 days away.

  • Waiting for Review: The Need-by Date is in 3 days or more, or not specified.

You can select the Pending option to see the changes that you must act on.
Note: The commercial change orders display the approve, and reject buttons. The approval type column isn't populated for new item requests, and it doesn’t have the approve or reject buttons.

My Changes Information Tile

This information tile compiles the number of change orders that you created.

  • Open link shows all change orders in Draft or Open status;

  • Pending Approval link shows all change orders in Interim Approval or Approval status, which means changes are yet to be approved or rejected;

  • Approved link shows all change orders that have been approved, and are therefore ready to be Scheduled or Completed.

To view change orders, click the View My Changes bar (or the down arrow icon). The My Changes page appears. You can use the My Changes page to perform the following:

  • Create, edit, or delete change orders and change requests.

  • Sort change orders based on date, number, and description.

  • Filter change orders based on type, status, cycle time, date when the change was created, and so on.